Decommissioning Plan Sample Clauses

Decommissioning Plan. The Authorized User may require Bidders to provide information regarding the proposed approach to system decommissioning. This decommissioning plan should include a description of Bidder’s approach to provide financial assurance that funding will be available to decommission the system at the end of the contract term.
Decommissioning Plan. (a) No later than six (6) months before the commencement of the Decommissioning Payment Period, or if this Agreement is earlier terminated under Section 3.3 (excluding Section 3.3.7 and Section 3.3.12) or Section 15.3, no later than sixty (60) days after such termination, Owner shall deliver to the Management Committee a statement that sets forth in reasonable detail (i) Owner’s estimation of (A) the Decommissioning Costs and Salvage Proceeds and, unless this Agreement is terminated early under Section 3.3 or Section 15.3, the Levelized Monthly Decommissioning Payment derived therefrom, and (B) any activities associated with either thereof and (ii) the scope and frequency of informational progress reports with respect to the Decommissioning of the Northern Pass Transmission Line, including the process for the recovery by Owner of its actual Net Decommissioning Costs following the exhaustion of the Decommissioning Fund prior to the completion of Decommissioning (collectively, the "Decommissioning Plan"). At the request of Purchaser’s Manager, Owner shall provide the Management Committee with access to, and copies of, all reasonably requested documentation concerning such Decommissioning Plan. (b) The Management Committee shall attempt to agree upon the Decommissioning Plan within sixty (60) days following its receipt thereof, and the Management Committee may approve the proposed Decommissioning Plan in whole or in part. If an Impasse occurs with respect to the proposed Decommissioning Plan (or any part thereof), then the matter shall be resolved pursuant to the arbitration provisions set forth in Section 18.3. (c) Owner shall use commercially reasonable efforts not to exceed the estimated amounts set forth in the Decommissioning Plan approved by the Management Committee (or determined pursuant to the dispute resolution provisions herein in the event of an Impasse with respect thereto); provided, however, that all Net Decommissioning Costs actually incurred by Owner, whether or not set forth in such Decommissioning Plan, shall be recoverable under this Agreement in accordance with this Section 9.3, subject to (i) reallocation upon a Subsequent Use, if any, as described in Section 9.3.4, and (ii) challenge on prudence grounds, if applicable, as described in Section 9.3.6.
Decommissioning Plan. The Parties participating in the development will before submission of a development plan to the Danish Energy Agency agree on a Decommissioning Plan, which will be drafted in accordance with any applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and governmental decisions. The Decommissioning Plan must accompany the application for a development plan and shall be subject to the approval of the Danish Energy Agency. Subsequent updates of the Decommissioning Plan shall similarly be subject to the approval of the Danish Energy Agency. The Decommissioning Plan shall be updated on an annual basis and shall be made available to the Danish Energy Agency and possible previous owners of the License in accordance with any applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and governmental decisions. If a party fails to provide and maintain the agreed security, such failure shall also constitute a default under this Agreement and the provisions of Article 12 shall apply to such default.
Decommissioning Plan. XXXX shall decommission the Project and remove Project Facilities in compliance with the Development Agreement within twelve (12) months from the date of Project Abandonment and restore the Premises to as close to pre-construction conditions as reasonably practical. XXXX shall decommission the Project Facilities as follows: (a) All surface and subsurface drainage structures displaced or damaged during decommissioning shall be repaired. (b) All Wind Turbines, Transmission Lines, meteorological towers, above ground junction boxes, and above ground pad-mount transformers, if applicable, shall be removed. (c) Wind Turbine foundation pedestals shall be removed to a depth of four (4) feet below ground level. (d) If requested by the Participating Landowner, access roads shall be removed and the ground restored to a reasonably similar state as the remainder adjacent land. (e) Underground collector lines, wires, and cables shall be removed to a depth of four (4) feet below grade unless otherwise requested by the Participating Landowner. Underground collector lines, wires, and cables may be abandoned in place if they are at least a depth of four (4) feet below grade.
Decommissioning Plan. The Parties participating in the development will before submission of a development plan to the Danish Energy Agency agree on a Decommissioning Plan, which will be drafted in accord- ance with any applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and governmental decisions. The De- commissioning Plan must be accompanied an application of a development plan and shall be subject to the approval of the Danish Energy Agency. Subsequent updates of the Decommis- sioning Plan shall similarly be subject to the approval of the Danish Energy Agency. The Decommissioning Plan shall include information regardingdecommissioning costs, • the terms for provision of security including but not limited to the economic assump- tions for calculating the timing for provision of security. • The provision of security in connection with assignment Such information shall be updated on an annual basis and shall be made available to the Xxx- ish Energy Agency and possible previous owners of the license in accordance with any applica- ble laws, regulations, guidelines and governmental decisions. If a party fails to provide and maintain the agreed security, such failure shall also constitute a default under this Agreement and the provisions of section 11.3.1 shall apply to such default.
Decommissioning Plan. 34.1 No later than …….. months prior to the termination of production if in the reasonable expectation of the Participants, such one or more structure, installation or facility will cease to be used permanently under this PSC, the Operator shall submit to the management committee, unless determined otherwise by applicable Malagasy law a proposal for a plan to undertake the orderly Decommissioning of a structure, installation or facility The obligation to prepare a plan for Decommissioning applies mutatis mutandis when the PSC expires, is revoked or surrendered. The Government may exempt or modify the obligation to prepare and submit a plan for Decommissioning to the management committee when agreed among the Parties and warranted by law. 34.2 When a proposal for a plan for Decommissioning has been agreed between the Parties it shall be submitted to OMNIS, for approval, at the earliest …… and not later than 34.3 The Decommissioning Plan shall be prepared in accordance with applicable law and shall include but not be limited to: (a) particulars of measures to be taken, to effect decommissioning including but not limited to: (i) decommissioning of equipment and installations for each Contract Area; (ii) timely removal of facilities and equipment not required for ongoing Petroleum Operations in any area outside the Contract Area; and (iii) any other steps that may reasonably be required in order to prevent hazard to human life, to the property of others or to the environment. (b) estimates of the time required to complete operations under the Decommissioning plan including a progress plan with milestones; (c) a budget for operations under the Decommissionning plan, including particulars of the costs of decommissioning facilities and equipment; (d) a schedule of breakdowns from the fund established for meeting Decommissioning costs in order to meet the costs of implementing the proposed plan; and (e) such environmental, engineering and feasibility studies as may be necessary to support the proposed plan. 34.4 The plan for Decommissioning shall be prepared in compliance with applicable law, the provisions of this Article and shall ensure that decommissioning is conducted in a manner which will give effect to standards generally recognized as applicable in the international petroleum industry and when applicable the Participant’s standards for decommissioning. 34.5 In the event that the Participants do not submit a plan for Decommissioning to OMNIS within the tim...
Decommissioning Plan. Prior to construction of the Project, Applicant shall provide to the County, a Project decommissioning and site restoration plan (the "Plan"), prepared in sufficient detail to identify, evaluate, and resolve all major environmental, and public health and safety issues reasonably anticipated by the Applicant on the date hereof. The Plan shall describe the process used to evaluate the options and select the measures that will be taken to restore or preserve the Project site or otherwise protect the public against risks or danger resulting from the Project. The Plan shall be prepared in detail commensurate with the time until site restoration is to begin. The scope of proposed monitoring shall be addressed in the Plan.
Decommissioning Plan. Prior to commencement of construction or operation of the Project, Developer will provide the Town with a detailed decommissioning plan, which shall include, within two (2) years after the beginning of commercial operation of the Project, an obligation for Developer to provide a commercially reasonable financial assurance, which may be in the form of a surety bond (issued by an insurance company), letter of credit (issued by a financial institution), escrow fund, parent guaranty, or other reasonable means of security reasonably acceptable to Developer and the Town, in an amount to be determined by an independent engineer, to the extent the reasonably estimated costs to complete the decommissioning exceed the reasonably estimated salvage value of the Project improvements. Costs of this determination are to be paid by Developer. Developer and the Town shall agree on the choice of an independent engineer to perform this analysis. The independent engineer shall be retained by and professionally obligated to serve both the Developer and the Town. The Town shall not unreasonably withhold acceptance of an engineer suggested by the Developer. The need for and amount of the financial assurance shall be reviewed by the independent engineer, and if applicable, updated approximately every 5 years. With respect to the Town’s ability to realize salvage value of the Project improvements, Developer shall provide evidence of casualty insurance covering the full replacement value thereof after completion of construction. Upon the occurrence of a casualty event materially damaging or destroying the Project improvements, Developer shall, at Developer’s sole election, either (i) apply casualty insurance proceeds received by Developer to repair or replace the damaged or destroyed Project 667471.9 improvements, or (ii) increase the amount of decommissioning financial assurance to cover the decreased salvage value attributable to damage or destruction to Project improvements caused by such casualty event. The decommissioning plan shall require at least the following to be completed within 12 months after permanent cessation of operation of the Project (for purposes of this Agreement, “permanent cessation of operation” shall mean that the entire Project has ceased operations for a consecutive period of twelve (12) months for reasons other than a force majeure event, and the Project shall be deemed to be operating for purposes of this Section 3 if the Project is under active constr...
Decommissioning Plan. 31.1 A decommissioning plan as mentioned in Article 30 shall be submitted to the management committee and the Parties. 31.2 Any Party may prepare an alternative decommissioning plan or make suggestions for alterations and shall, in such case, attach an account of the Party's diverging conclusions. Upon request, the Operator shall assist the Party in its work to the extent this does not involve costs or inconvenience to the joint venture. 31.3 The management committee may adopt a decommissioning plan no earlier than three months after it received the plan. If a Party within this period has notified that it will prepare proposals for substantial alterations in the decommissioning plan or an alternative decommissioning plan, the management committee shall set a period of at least three months for the submittal of such proposal. 31.4 If the management committee adopts a decommissioning plan prepared pursuant to Articles 30.2, 31.2 or 31.3, or makes substantial use of such decommissioning plan, the Party who has prepared the plan may require that the cost relating to its preparation be reimbursed. 31.5 An approved decommissioning plan with appurtenant documentation shall be submitted to the Parties and the NEA. 31.6 In case one or more Parties intend(s) to oppose a decision by the management committee to submit a decommissioning plan and instead continue the production, this or those Party(ies) may submit a proposal to this effect to the management committee, including a draft agreement for continued production. If no agreement is obtained about such agreement for continued production, the agreed decommissioning plan shall be submitted in accordance with Article 31.5 together with the proposal for continued production.
Decommissioning Plan. On March 20, 2019, each Party approved the decommissioning plan prepared by SRP, dated December 4, 2018 (as it may have been amended), that substantially provides the scope and schedule of, and cost estimate for, the NGS Activities (the “Decommissioning Plan”). From and after the Retirement Date, the Decommissioning Plan is subject to change by Agent, subject to compliance with Applicable Law, however the D&M Committee’s prior approval will be required for any modification of the Decommissioning Plan that would: (a) materially delay the anticipated completion date of all Decommissioning Activities or all Monitoring Activities; (b) result in a change in the Annual Decommissioning Budget or Monitoring Budget requiring the D&M Committee’s approval under Section 7.5; or (c) materially increase any burden or risk imposed on a Party by this Agreement. Agent will promptly notify the Parties of any changes to the Decommissioning Plan made by Agent, for which the D&M Committee’s approval was not required.