Departmental Procedures Sample Clauses
Departmental Procedures. (a) By a method to be determined by the department (or equivalent), each department (or equivalent) shall establish by September 30 in each year a committee on promotion, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph B 1, Appendix A.
(i) Except in the case of cross-appointees, the committee shall consist of the chairperson of the department and at least four (4) other faculty employees and it shall be as representative as possible of the ranks and areas of interest in the department.
(ii) Where the appointment is more than 50% in one faculty (the ‘majority faculty’), the joint departmental committee shall have membership proportional to the weighting of the cross-appointment, and shall be chaired by a member of the majority department. The Committee shall make its recommendation to the Faculty Promotion Committee of the majority faculty, which shall make its recommendation to the University Promotions Committee.
(iii) In all cases of formal cross-appointment where the appointment is divided equally between the two faculties, the committee shall be representative of each of the pertinent departments (or equivalent) and shall be comprised of the chairperson of each of the appropriate committees as determined in accordance with Article 10.2(a) and Article 10.2(a)(i) above, and at least one (1) other representative from each of the departments (or equivalent) at the invitation of the appropriate xxxx(s). The appropriate xxxx(s) shall designate a chairperson who shall be responsible for forwarding a written recommendation together with supporting evidence to the next level of consideration.
(b) The xxxx shall inform the chairperson of all members of the department who should be automatically considered for promotion. It shall be the responsibility of the appropriate committee to assist the chairperson in the preparation of the list of all those in the department who should be automatically considered for promotion and in the obtaining and examination of all relevant information and in ensuring the curricula vitae are current, complete and correct.
(c) The chairperson will submit the list of candidates to the appropriate xxxx(s) together with a curriculum vitae for each candidate and an evaluation of:
(i) the candidate's effectiveness as a teacher, as judged by the departmental procedure and in accord with Senate policy on teaching evaluation as specified in Article 26;
(ii) the research and scholarly studies accomplished by the candidate; such work done since ...
Departmental Procedures. 1. Eligible candidates shall submit to the academic unit chair/director a letter of intent to apply for reappointment, tenure and/or promotion per the timelines above. Those applying for tenure and/or promotion shall also submit external review materials and a list of at least three
Departmental Procedures. (a) By a method to be determined by the department (or equivalent), each department (or equivalent) shall establish by September 30 in each year a committee on promotion, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph B 1, Appendix A.
(i) Except in the case of cross-appointees, the committee shall consist of the chairperson of the department and at least four (4) other faculty employees and it shall be as representative as possible of the ranks and areas of interest in the department.
Departmental Procedures. The departmental procedures that are used in the recruitment and interviewing of candidates shall be published in written form and made available to the members of the department. All such procedures shall conform with the Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity guidelines of the University and with other applicable policies and shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
Departmental Procedures. The District's appointing authorities may establish their own procedures to implement this policy, subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
Departmental Procedures. (i) A Department shall develop procedures for tenure within the following guidelines, and such procedures shall be published and reported to the Union.
(ii) The candidate for tenure shall be excused from the consultation at every stage, except for purposes of supplying or clarifying information.
(iii) The candidate shall assemble a dossier of appropriate information: Evidence of sustained satisfactory teaching may include: course work and all related activities; supervision of the work of graduate students and honours students at Xxxxx and other universities; participation in seminars and colloquia; innovative methods in teaching and other contributions to the teaching activities of the University. Student course evaluations for all courses with five (5) or more students, taught by the professor since appointment, must be included. Where student evaluations have not been conducted previously, this requirement and the information to be provided will be effective from July 1, 1998. Other evidence deemed useful in demonstrating satisfactory teaching may include written comments provided by colleagues regarding the candidate's reputation among peers and the basis for that reputation. The written opinions of students and/or colleagues shall normally be sought. Evidence of substantial scholarly activity may include: the publication of books, monographs, and contributions to edited books; papers in both refereed and non refereed journals; published case studies; papers delivered at professional meetings; participation in panels: unpublished research including current work in progress both funded and unfunded; editorial and refereeing duties; creative works and performances; the development of software, hardware or equipment; scholarly contributions to pedagogy; other evidence appropriate to the discipline; and scholarship as evidenced by the candidate's depth and breadth of knowledge and general contributions to the research life of the University. The quality and originality of both published and unpublished work shall be evaluated. The dossier shall be checked for accuracy and completeness by both the candidate and the Chair or designate, and made available to the Department.
(iv) The Department meeting in camera without the candidate, shall consider the application. Where a case appears problematic, the candidate shall be informed in writing of the specific concerns raised by members of the Department, and shall be afforded the opportunity to provide additiona...
Departmental Procedures. Advance Notice
Departmental Procedures. 1) Necessary forms and directions will be distributed by the chairperson of the faculty member applying for reappointment, tenure, or change in rank.
2) The chairperson will assign at least three tenured members to receive forms when completed and to respond in writing. If this is impossible, alternate evaluators will be approved by the Reappointment/Tenure and Promotions Committees. Tenured evaluators and alternate evaluators will be rotated each year. Completed forms will be available to all tenured members of the department.
3) Tenured members and any alternate evaluators will meet with the chairperson to review and discuss the information in the completed folder. Any additional documents referenced during the reappointment, tenure, and promotion meeting must be produced, validated and shared with the candidate in order to be considered by the Department. The tenured members may require additional information before taking action. This may include, but is not limited to, additional classroom visits, verification of credentials, interviews with professors, obtaining additional relevant information directly from the candidate, etc.
4) All tenured members, all approved evaluators, and the chairperson, even if untenured, will vote. Candidates will not vote.
5) If a candidate is applying for reappointment/tenure and/or change in rank, a separate vote for each recommended action will be required.
6) A statement of recommendation, if unanimous, will be written by a tenured member and signed by the chairperson and all tenured department members and evaluators.
7) In cases of disagreements, the chairperson will assign one member to write a minority report. The majority and minority reports shall include recommendations for action and may include recommendations for improvement. These statements should be written in consultation with concurring members. Tenured members may write individual reports, if desired. Each statement must be signed by concurring tenured faculty and alternate evaluators. The candidate is free to attach comments to any part of the evaluation, including the majority and minority reports. The majority and minority reports must address the same issues, but are not restricted to them.
8) All individuals who abstain from a vote for Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion must justify the reason for the abstention in writing.
9) The completed folders, including statements and vote, will be forwarded to the Reappointment/Tenure or Promotions Committe...
Departmental Procedures. The School District may establish its own procedures to implement this policy, consistent with the policy. Adopted by the Quaboag Regional School Committee on August 21, 1995 Revised by the Quaboag Regional School Committee on January 12, 2004.
Departmental Procedures. A Department shall develop procedures for promotions within the following guidelines and such procedures shall be published and reported to the Union: A faculty member may refuse nomination for promotion, or may withdraw name from consideration at any time in the process;