Driver Compensation Sample Clauses

Driver Compensation. A driver on overnight trips shall be paid from requested show-up time until his / her services are completed for that day. If a run begins before 12:00 noon, the driver shall be paid for at least eight (8) hours driving time. The second day shall begin at the time the driver's services are again required until the trip is completed back to the sponsoring school. On overnight trips, bus drivers will be paid the District- allowed per diem for meals. The school will be billed for meals. Motel reservations for the driver's room will be made prior to departure by the sponsoring school and paid for by the school. Drivers will have their own room. The rate of pay for all special trips will be the same as Lane 5, Step 1 of the current salary schedule. Special trips are defined as all trips except to-and-from school runs. In addition, if an assigned activity trip begins before a regular school run or on a non-school day, drivers will be allowed thirty (30) minutes additional time to perform safety checks. Bus drivers will be paid from compound to compound when driving on field trips.
Driver Compensation. A. Base Wage Schedule: Effective July 1, 2009 1. Hired before July 1, 2009 REGULAR RUNS PER HOUR 2010-11 2010-11 2011- 2012- 2. New pay scale for drivers hired after 7/1/09. A 9 step base wage schedule was created for current subs and new hires. 2010-11 2010-11 2011- 2012- Starting Probation 11.65 11.80 11.90 12.00 First Year 12.00 12.15 12.25 12.35 Second Year 12.35 12.50 12.60 12.70 Third Year 12.70 12.85 12.95 13.05 Fourth Year 13.05 13.20 13.30 13.40 Fifth Year 13.40 13.55 13.65 13.75 Sixth Year 13.75 13.90 14.00 14.10 Seventh Year 14.10 14.25 14.35 14.45 Eight Year 14.45 14.60 14.70 14.80 New employees shall be hired in at the probationary rate of pay. All employees shall advance on the salary schedule on July 1 of each year unless: An employee is on probation as of July 1, or An employee has reached the maximum pay for his/her classification. Hired before 7/1/09 Hired after 7/1/09 Starting Probation $8.51 Starting Probation $8.16 First Year $9.04 First Year $8.40 Second Year $9.50 Second Year $8.65 Third Year $9.99 Third Year $8.89 Fourth Year $10.46 Fourth Year $9.14 Fifth Year $10.81 Fifth Year $9.38 Tenth Year $11.01 Sixth Year $9.63 Fifteen Year $11.21 Seventh Year $9.87 Twenty Years $11.41 Eighth Year $10.12 Twenty five Years $11.51
Driver Compensation. 1. Drivers who must chain up on snow days will receive one (1) hour additional pay for each day they chain up. 2. Each driver must complete a pre-trip inspection of each different bus they drive during the day prior to transporting students. On a per-bus basis, drivers will receive compensation of thirty (30) minutes for pre-trip bus check and fifteen (15) minutes for bus cleanup. The forty-five (45) minutes noted above for pre-trip and cleanup are built into each driver’s contracted route time. Van drivers will complete a pre-trip inspection each day prior to transporting students. On a per van basis, drivers will receive compensation of fifteen (15) minutes for pre-trip and cleanup and an additional fifteen (15) minutes for fueling. The total thirty (30) minutes noted above for pre-trip and fueling are built into each driver’s contracted route time. 3. When the Transportation Department is closed, drivers will be paid for fifteen (15) minutes to unlock and secure the facility. 4. Drivers on special trips, including but not limited to athletic events, field trips, and curricular trips who are required to remain on standby, will be paid at the applicable rate of pay for the standby period. 5. When a driver is on an overnight trip, the District will pay a minimum of eight (8) hours at the applicable rate during a school or non-school day (i.e., Saturday, Sunday or holiday). If a driver is assigned an overnight trip on a regularly scheduled workday, the driver’s accumulated hours (route hours and trip hours) for the day the trip commences will be a minimum of his or her base hours at the current rate. 6. Trip drivers may be taken off their regular route assignment to take a special trip. In such cases drivers will be paid for their trip time pursuant to the provision of the agreement and not their missed route time. This is applicable to the assignment missed after an eight (8) hour rest period.
Driver Compensation. Meals for trips/sports trips that exceed five (5) hours will be reimbursed as necessary, up to $12 per meal. Meals will be reimbursed only if a meal ticket is turned in to the Transportation office no later than five (5) workdays after the expense is incurred and meal ticket must include date, time and place.
Driver Compensation. When bus drivers are not driving a bus, their rate of pay for other duties associated with their bus driving assignment will be paid at $15.00 per hour.
Driver Compensation. A. Wa~e Schedule: B. New drivers will be considered off probation sixty (60) calendar days after the driver receives a regular route. ProbationalY employees do not have recourse to the protection of this contract. C. Extra trips will be paid from the Article XII (A) Wage Schedule. From the time of departure from the bus garage to return to the bus garage, the driver shall stay with the trip. D. Kindergal1en routes will be paid the AI1icle X\1 (A) Wage Schedule. Kindergal1en substitutes will he paid the Article XII (A) Wage Schedule and when going out Oil had days and on the three (3) days learning the route.‌ E. DIYruns (if required) to be paid at regular rate. F. There shall be a one and one-half (I V2) hour minimum pay for regular routes. A " Route" is the time from which a driver leaves the bus lot and completes route(s) (a.m.. p.m.. special education. kindergarten) to the time the driver retums to the bus lot. G. Longevity ru - Longevity payments will be made to all employees covered hy this Agreement according to the following schedule based on the years of service with the employer: Lonl!evity Pay I) With five (5) years but less than ten (10) years - 15 cents
Driver Compensation. When Bus/Relief Drivers are required to attend schools, drivers will be paid for attending such schooling at the rate of $12 per hour per schooling hour attended. Also, if the Employer does not provide a vehicle to transport drivers to such school, then mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS rate.

Related to Driver Compensation

  • Extra Compensation The Board shall pay no fees, other than described above, to the PA/E unless authorized by the Board as follows: A. If the scope of the Project or site is changed, the Board and the PA/E shall negotiate a reasonable fee based upon the probable estimated construction cost in changing the scope of the work and the approximate percentage of the estimated construction cost which was used to negotiate this Agreement if, and, as such may be applicable. B. If the DOE or Board requires the PA/E to make major or costly changes to the Schematic, Preliminary or Construction Document Phase submittals, which changes are not caused by architectural or engineering error or oversight, the PA/E shall be paid to redesign for additional expenses in an amount agreed to by the parties. Under no circumstances will the principals of the PA/E and the principals of his consultants be paid a fee in excess of $125 per hour.

  • Overtime Compensation 1. Except as provided in this section, Grantee will be responsible for any obligations of premium overtime pay due employees. Premium overtime pay is defined as any compensation paid to an individual in addition to the employee’s normal rate of pay for hours worked in excess of normal working hours. 2. Funds provided under this Contract may be used to pay the premium portion of overtime only under the following conditions: i. With the prior written approval of System Agency; ii. Temporarily, in the case of an emergency or an occasional operational bottleneck; iii. When employees are performing indirect functions, such as administration, maintenance, or accounting; iv. In performance of tests, laboratory procedures, or similar operations that are continuous in nature and cannot reasonably be interrupted or otherwise completed; or v. When lower overall cost to System Agency will result.

  • Intercarrier Compensation 5.5.1 Intercarrier compensation for seven (7) or ten (10) digit dialed calls originated by ITC^DeltaCom utilizing Local Switching shall apply as follows: 5.5.2 For calls terminating to a BellSouth End User or to an End User served by BellSouth resold services, BellSouth shall charge ITC^DeltaCom for End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A at the terminating end office. 5.5.3 For calls terminating to a CLEC where such CLEC is utilizing a BellSouth switch port or port/loop combination to provide service to its End User, BellSouth shall charge ITC^DeltaCom for End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A at the terminating end office. BellSouth will not charge the terminating CLEC for End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A at the terminating end office. For calls terminating to third party carriers, such as CLECs, wireless carriers and independent companies, utilizing their own switches to serve their End Users, ITC^DeltaCom is required to enter into interconnection or traffic exchange agreements with such third parties for the exchange of traffic through BellSouth’s network. If ITC^DeltaCom does not have such an agreement with a third party carrier and BellSouth is charged termination charges by a third party terminating a call originated by ITC^DeltaCom, or if such third party carrier bills BellSouth for terminating such calls, despite the existence of such an agreement, then BellSouth may, at its option: pay such charges as billed by the third party carrier and charge End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A to ITC^DeltaCom for each such call; or pay such charges as billed by the third party carrier and ITC^DeltaCom will reimburse the full amount of such charges within thirty (30) days of BellSouth’s request for reimbursement. Intercarrier compensation for seven (7) or ten (10) digit dialed calls terminating to ITC^DeltaCom utilizing Local Switching shall apply as follows: For calls originated by a BellSouth End User or by an End User served by resold BellSouth services, BellSouth shall not charge ITC^DeltaCom for End Office Switching at the terminating end office for use of the network component; therefore, ITC^DeltaCom shall not charge BellSouth intercarrier compensation or any other charges for termination of such calls. For calls originated by a CLEC where such CLEC is utilizing a BellSouth switch port or port/loop combination to provide service to its End User, BellSouth shall not charge ITC^DeltaCom for End Office Switching at the terminating end office for use of the network component; therefore, ITC^DeltaCom shall not charge the originating CLEC or BellSouth intercarrier compensation or any other charges for termination of such calls. For calls originated by third party carriers, such as CLECs, wireless carriers and independent companies,utilizing their own switches to serve their End Users, ITC^DeltaCom is required to enter into interconnection or traffic exchange agreements with such third parties for the exchange of traffic through BellSouth’s network. ITC^DeltaCom may xxxx the third parties according to such agreements and shall not xxxx BellSouth for the exchange of traffic through BellSouth’s network. Intercarrier compensation shall apply as follows for intralata 1+ dialed calls originated by ITC^DeltaCom utilizing Local Switching where ITC^DeltaCom uses BellSouth’s CIC for its End User’s LPIC: For calls terminating to a BellSouth End User or to an End User served by BellSouth resold services, BellSouth shall charge ITC^DeltaCom for End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A at the terminating end office. For calls terminating to a CLEC where such CLEC is utilizing a BellSouth switch port or port/loop combination to provide service to its End User, BellSouth shall charge ITC^DeltaCom for End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A at the terminating end office. BellSouth will not charge the terminating CLEC for End Office Switching at the terminating end office. In the event that BellSouth is charged termination charges by the CLEC, BellSouth may pay such charges and ITC^DeltaCom will reimburse BellSouth the full amount of such charges within thirty (30) days following BellSouth’s request for reimbursement. For calls terminating to third party carriers, such as CLECs, wireless carriers and independent companies, utilizing their own switches to serve their End Users, ITC^DeltaCom is required to enter into interconnection or traffic exchange agreements with such third parties for the exchange of traffic through BellSouth’s network. If ITC^DeltaCom does not have such an agreement with a third party carrier and BellSouth is charged termination charges by a third party terminating a call originated by ITC^DeltaCom, or if such third party carrier bills BellSouth for terminating such calls, despite the existence of such an agreement, then BellSouth may, at its option: pay such charges as billed by the third party carrier and charge End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A to ITC^DeltaCom for each such call; or pay such charges as billed by the third party carrier and ITC^DeltaCom will reimburse BellSouth the full amount of such charges within thirty (30) days following BellSouth’s request for reimbursement. Intercarrier compensation shall apply as follows for intralata 1+ dialed calls terminating to ITC^DeltaCom utilizing Local Switching where the originating carrier uses BellSouth’s CIC for its End User’s LPIC: For calls originated by a BellSouth End User or by an End User served by BellSouth resold service, BellSouth shall charge ITC^DeltaCom for End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A at the terminating end office for use of the End Office Switching network component in terminating such calls. ITC^DeltaCom may charge BellSouth for intercarrier compensation at the End Office Switching as set forth in Exhibit A for such calls. ITC^DeltaCom shall not charge originating or terminating switched access rates to BellSouth for termination of such calls. For calls originated by or terminating to interexchange carriers through a switched access arrangement, ITC^DeltaCom may xxxx the interexchange carrier in accordance with ITC^DeltaCom’s tariff and will not xxxx BellSouth any charges for such call. ITC^DeltaCom shall pay BellSouth applicable charges for the use of BellSouth’s network in accordance with the rates set forth in Exhibit A for originating and terminating such calls.

  • Employee Compensation The wages, salaries and other compensation paid to employees who will be employed for the benefit of the Project, and to others who perform special services for the benefit of the Project, to the extent not otherwise paid through a Cash Management System, shall be paid by Owner from a Project Account pursuant to this Section 9.2. (a) All wages, salaries and other compensation paid to employees of the Project, including, but not be limited to, unemployment insurance, social security, worker's compensation, employee benefit packages and other charges imposed by a governmental authority or provided for in a union agreement, shall (a) as to employees of Manager or any Subcontractor, be reimbursed by Owner to Manager (or directly to the applicable Subcontractor, if requested by Manager) without profit or mark-up, and (b) as to employees of Owner, be paid directly by Owner. Xxnager shall coordinate all disbursements and deposits for all compensation and other amounts payable with respect to persons employed in connection with the operation of the Project from an appropriate Project Account. Manager shall maintain complete payroll records for all employees. (b) In addition to the employment of employees set forth on Schedule 3, Manager may, in its discretion, from time to time employ personnel of its general operations to perform direct special services for the benefit of the Project; provided, however, that Manager shall obtain the prior approval of Owner for the employment of such special personnel, except in emergency situations or when timing requirements do not allow for such prior approval. Owner shall reimburse Manager for such direct services rendered by special personnel in an amount commensurate with normal and customary charges for such services by similarly qualified persons. Persons whose compensation may not be charged to Owner for services rendered to the Project includes the general asset management personnel of Manager who are not on-site of the Project.

  • Separation Compensation In exchange for your agreement to the general release and waiver of claims and covenant not to sue set forth below and your other promises herein, the Company agrees to provide you with the following:

  • Bonus Compensation During the term hereof, the Executive shall participate in the Company’s Senior Executive Annual Incentive Plan, as it may be amended from time to time pursuant to the terms thereof (the “Plan,” a current copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A) and shall be eligible for a bonus award thereunder (the “Bonus”). For purposes of the Plan, the Executive shall be eligible for a Bonus, and the Executive’s specified percentage (the “Specified Percentage”) for such Bonus shall initially be fifty percent (50%) of Base Salary and shall thereafter be established annually by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) or, if the Board delegates the Specified Percentage determination process to a Committee of the Board, by such Committee. In the event the Board or Committee does not approve the Executive’s Specified Percentage within 90 days of the beginning of a fiscal year, such Specified Percentage shall be the same as the immediately preceding year. Whenever any Bonus payable to the Executive is stated in this Agreement to be prorated for any period of service less than a full year, such Bonus shall be prorated by multiplying (x) the amount of the Bonus otherwise earned and payable for the applicable fiscal year in accordance with this Sub-Section 4.2 by (y) a fraction, the denominator of which shall be 365 and the numerator of which shall be the number of days during the applicable fiscal year for which the Executive was employed by the Company. Executive agrees and understands that any prorated Bonus payments will be made only after determination of the achievement of the applicable Performance Measures (as defined in the Plan) in accordance with the terms of the Plan. Any compensation paid to the Executive as Bonus shall be in addition to the Base Salary.

  • Basic Compensation (a) SALARY. Executive will be paid an annual base salary of $115,000.00, subject to adjustment as provided below (the "Salary"), which will be payable in equal periodic installments according to Employer's customary payroll practices, but no less frequently than monthly. The Salary will be reviewed by the Board of Directors not less frequently than annually, and shall be increased on each anniversary of the Effective Date during the term hereof by an amount equal to not less than ten percent (10%) of the prior year's base salary.

  • Severance Compensation In the event (i) Employee terminates this Agreement for Good Reason in accordance with Paragraph 11.3 hereof; (ii) Employee is terminated for any reason (except death or disability) upon, or within six months following, a "Change in Management or Control (as such term is defined in Paragraph 11.5 hereof);" or (iii) Employee is terminated without Cause, the Company shall be obligated to pay severance compensation to Employee in an amount equal to his salary compensation (at the rate payable at the time of such termination) for a period of six (6) months from the date of termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Employee is employed by a new employer, or as a consultant after the termination of this Agreement, the severance compensation payable to Employee hereunder shall be reduced by the amount of compensation that Employee actually receives from the new employer, or as a consultant. However, Employee shall have a duty to inform the Company that he has obtained such new employment, and the failure to do so is a material breach of this Agreement. In such event, the Company shall be entitled to (i) cease all payments to Employee under this Paragraph 11.4; and (ii) recover any unauthorized payments to Employee in an action for breach of contract. Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement to the contrary, solely in the event of a termination upon or following a Change in Management or Control, the amount of severance compensation paid to Employee hereunder shall not include any amount that the Company is prohibited from deducting for federal income tax purposes by virtue of Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor provision. In addition to the foregoing severance compensation, the Company shall pay Employee (i) all compensation for services rendered hereunder and not previously paid; (ii) accrued vacation pay; and (iii) any appropriate business expenses incurred by Employee in connection with his duties hereunder and approved pursuant to Section 4 hereof, all through the date of termination. Employee shall not be entitled to any bonus compensation, whether vested or unvested; or any other compensation, benefits or reimbursement of any kind.

  • Payment of Compensation Consultant shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, as appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 30 days of receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon.

  • Termination Compensation Termination Compensation equal to two (2) times the Executive's Base Period Income shall be paid to the Executive in a single sum payment in cash on the thirtieth (30th) business day after the later of (a) the Control Change Date and (b) the date of the Executive's employment termination; provided that if at the time of the Executive's termination of employment the Executive is a Specified Employee, then payment of the Termination Compensation to the Executive shall be made on the first day of the seventh (7th) month following the Executive's employment termination.