EMPLOYEE TYPES. Employees covered by this Agreement fall into the following types:
EMPLOYEE TYPES a) Full-time Employee
01 a) Standard Hours of Work – Full-time Employees.
b) Other Than Full-time – Part-time (OTFT – Part- time)
01 a) Standard Hours of Work – Full-time Employees.
c) Other Than Full-time – Casual/Relief (OTFT – Casual/Relief)
01 a) Standard Hours of Work – Full-time Employees.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. A. Year Round Employees normally scheduled to work forty-eight (48) weeks or more, full time.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. (a) Regular employee"
(i) Full-time regular employee" means a person who works thirty-five (35) hours per week on a continuing basis.
(ii) Part-time regular employee" means a person who works regular hours of fourteen (14) hours or more per week, but less than thirty-five (35) hours per week, on a continuing basis.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. 5.1. Full-time employee means an employee who is engaged by the week for at least thirty eight hours a week, which may at the employer’s discretion be averaged out over a twelve month (or any other period of time) as agreed with any employee as necessary.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. The types of employees are:
a. Introductory Employee: An employee on a trial status during the initial period of employment. All newly hired City employees are on an introductory status which, unless provided otherwise, extends for six months from the date of hire.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. All FT Employees Non-HCE Only HCE Only Both (HCE and Non-HCE) *Please be advised that there are certain state laws (e.g. Hawaii) which mandate the waiting period allowable for employer-sponsored health coverage eligibility. Please refer to the Provisions & Disclosures section of this CBE for further details. 30 1st of the month concurrent with or following completion of 30 days of regular full or part-time employment (30 hour minimum). 60 1st of the month concurrent with or following completion of 60 days of regular full or part-time employment (30 hour minimum). Section 2 : Health Benefit Options and Contributions Client chooses one carrier (and set of plans) to be offered in all benefit coverage areas. If there is a single benefit coverage area client still chooses only one carrier. Costs and and plan offerings are based on client demographics and carrier network availability*.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. Affiliate appointment, 6 Full-time, quarterly appointment, 6 Full-time, temporary annual appointment, 6 Part-time, assurance of employment, 6 Part-time, quarterly appointment, 6 Permanent status appointment, 6 Probationary appointment, 6 Tenured appointment, 5 Evaluations. See Performance Appraisal.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. Full-time Employee shall mean an Employee who works the standard full-time hours of work as stated in Article a) Standard Hours of Work Full-time Employees. Other Than Full-time Part-time Part-time) shall mean an Other Than Full-time Employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than the standard full-time hours of work as stated in Article a) Standard Hours of Work Full-time Employees. Other Than Full-time shall mean an Other Than Full-time Employee who work on a call-in basis and works less than the standard full-time hours of work as stated in Article a) Standard Hours of Work Full-time Employees. Other Than Full-time Home Care Home Care) shall mean an Other Than Full-time Employee who does not have guaranteed hours, works less than the standard full-time hours of work as stated in Article a) Standard Hours of Work Full-time Employees and whose workload is not solely assigned on a call-in basis. The Other Than Full-time Home Care definition may be amended or deleted as agreed to by the parties.
EMPLOYEE TYPES. A. Regular Employees. Regular employees are those who have completed their introductory period of employment. Such employees may be either full-time or part-time. The distinction between full-time and part-time depends upon the number of hours that an employee works. Eligibility for health insurance will be pursuant to the minimum requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act.