EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. The Union acknowledges that the management and directing of employees in the bargaining unit is retained by the Employer, except as this Agreement otherwise specifies.
(a) The management of the Employer's business, and the direction of the workforce, including the hiring, firing, promotion and demotion of employees, is vested exclusively in the Employer except as may be otherwise specifically provided in this agreement.
(b) The Union agrees that all employees shall be governed by all rules as adopted by the Employer and published to employees on bulletin or notice boards, or by general distribution, provided such rules are not in conflict with this agreement.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. The right to manage operations and to direct employees is retained by the Employer except as this Agreement otherwise specifies.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. The Union agrees that the management, operation, and direction of its working forces, including the scheduling of employees, is vested solely with the Employer unless the agreement otherwise specifies. All rights and functions of the Employer shall be retained unless modified by the collective agreement. The Employer may conduct its business in all respects in accordance with its commitments and responsibilities, including the right to maintain and improve order, discipline, and efficiency. The Employer may make, alter from time to time, and enforce reasonable rules of conduct and procedure to be observed by the employees, except that such rules of conduct may not be in breach of this agreement.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. The Union recognizes that it is the Employer's right and duty to exercise the functions of management, to organize the work of the Centre and to direct the employees including the right to hire, suspend, discharge, promote, layoff, transfer, assign, demote or otherwise discipline its employees, except where and to the extent the terms of the Agreement limit, or affect that right.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. 24.1 Nothing in this Collective Agreement is intended nor shall it be construed as denying or in any manner limiting the right of the Employer to control and supervise all operations and direct all working forces, including the right to determine the employee's ability, skill, competence, and qualifications for the job, and to hire, discharge, lay-off, suspend, discipline, demote, and to control and regulate the use of all equipment and property and promote efficiency in all operations, provided, however, that in the exercise of the foregoing Employer's rights the Employer shall not contravene the provisions of this Collective Agreement.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. (a) The Union acknowledges that the management and direction of the employees in the bargaining unit is retained by the Employer except as this Agreement otherwise specifically provides. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Employer reserves the right to decide the number of employees required for work at the University , the hours, size and locations of its operations, and the right to discipline employees for just and reasonable cause. These rights shall not be exercised in a discriminatory manner.
(b) Where this Agreement allows, permits or grants to the Union the exclusive use of space, or the right to call upon the Employer to enforce any provision of this Agreement to the possible detriment of any employee, the Union agrees to hold the Employer harmless from any claims, demands or judgments resulting from any action initiated by the Employer at the request or demand of the Union, except for any claim or liability arising out of an error committed by the Employer.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. The Union acknowledges that the management and directing of the employees in the bargaining unit is retained by the Employer except as this Agreement otherwise specifies. It is understood that the exercise of the rights of the District under this section does not relieve the District of its obligation arising out of any other provision of this Agreement, or limit the rights of the employees arising out of any other provisions of this Agreement.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. 4.01 Except to the extent provided herein, this agreement in no way restricts the authority of the employer.
EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. Except to the extent expressly abridged by a specific provision of this Agreement, the Employer shall have, in addition to all powers, duties, and rights established by constitutional provision, statute, resolution of the Board, charter, or special act, the exclusive power, duty and right, including, but not limited to: plan, direct, and control the work of its employees in positions within the bargaining unit; discipline, suspend or discharge employees; develop and enforce rules for employee discipline; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; establish new jobs; abolish or change existing jobs and operations; schedule working hours, including overtime work; determine employees qualifications; schedule vacations; relieve employees from duties because of lack of work, or for other legitimate reasons; determine what work or services shall be purchased or performed by the unit's employees; change or eliminate existing methods, means, assignments and personnel by which the Employer's operations are to be conducted; take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the mission of the Employer; exercise all other powers and duties of the Employer had prior to the signing of this Agreement.