Excess Leave. Where an employee has accrued recreation leave entitlements in excess of two years (or three years in the case of a compulsory transferee), the CEO may, on giving a minimum of two months notice, direct the employee to take recreation leave and the employee must take that leave within a three month period, or a period agreed between the parties, to reduce the accrued leave balance to the equivalent of two years (or three years in the case of a compulsory transferee) of entitlements.
Excess Leave. House Officers must complete program requirements as determined by the applicable dentistry Board. Leave in excess of PTO may require the House Officer to extend training beyond the twelve (12) calendar months of the typical program. Absences in excess of PTO may impact the House Officer's ability to sit for relevant specialty certification boards. For specific requirements, the House Officer should contact the specialty board through which the House Officer intends to seek certification.
Excess Leave. Time absent in excess of that served in an active armed forces status will be charged to vacation leave, or when vacation leave is exhausted, to leave without pay. The provisions of paragraph 33 (d) shall apply in the instance of failure to return to work on schedule from Armed Forces Leave.
Excess Leave. Where an Employee has available recreation leave in excess of sixty (60) days (or ninety (90) days in the case of a compulsory transferee), the CEO may, on giving a minimum of two months notice, direct the Employee to take up to one quarter of the total available recreation leave.
Excess Leave. 25.11.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 25.3 above, the Employer may direct an Employee to take a period of annual leave in accordance with this subclause. Where an Employee has accrued more than 8 weeks paid annual leave (10 weeks in the case of shift workers as defined in this clause), such Employee has accrued excess annual leave (“Excess Leave”). In the circumstances of Excess Leave, annual leave shall be given at a time fixed by the Employer after not less than eight weeks’ and not more than 12 months’ notice to the Employee, provided:
Excess Leave. 35.20 Employees who have two or more years annual leave credit on the 1st of August each year will, subject to the requirements of sub section 93(3) of the Fair Work Act 2009, be deemed to be on annual leave from 1 August until any excess credit has been eliminated.
Excess Leave. Absences that exceed the defined limitations or that do not fit into any category will result in a salary deduction of 1/187 per day missed.
Excess Leave. Where an Employee has accrued eight (8) or more weeks of annual leave (Excess Leave), the Employer may direct the Employee to take a period of annual leave subject to the following:
Excess Leave. (a) Where an employee has available recreation leave in excess of two years worth of recreation leave entitlements (or three years in the case of compulsory transferees), the MD may, on giving a minimum of two months notice, direct the employee to take up to one quarter of the available recreation leave.
Excess Leave. 200. Employees should not hold annual leave balances greater than 2 years accrual (40 days for full time employees and pro-rata for part-time employees). Where an employee has leave balances greater than 2 years, the employee and their manager – within 4 weeks – will take joint responsibility to develop an annual leave usage plan to reduce the leave. Purchased leave 201. The Chief Executive may approve the purchase of up to 8 weeks additional leave per year in return for a pro rata reduction in their annual salary (excluding allowances not in the nature of salary), before any adjustment for a salary packaging arrangement. Approval to purchase and use additional leave will be dependent upon the operational requirements of the workplace. 202. Eligibility to purchase additional leave is limited to ongoing and long term non-ongoing employees with at least a 12 month employment contract.