FEDERATION LEAVES. Section 5.14.a. During each school year, the District shall grant, upon written notice from the President of the Federation to the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, a total of thirty (30) days of paid leave for Faculty Members, who are Federation officers and/or Federation committee members, for attending Federation conventions, meetings, seminars, etc.
Section 5.14.b. Upon request of the Federation, at least sixty (60) days in advance of any semester, the District shall grant one and three quarters (1.75) F.T.E paid leave to Faculty Member(s) for a one (1) semester or two (2) semester leave for the Faculty Member(s) to pursue Federation business related to or arising out of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the concerns of the Federation and District. Such leave may be renewed.
FEDERATION LEAVES. 8:01 At the request of the Bargaining Unit, UTS shall excuse from teaching duties up to three (3) members designated as negotiators for the Bargaining Unit. UTS shall release these representatives for negotiating meetings as required up to a maximum of fifteen (15) days per school year on aggregate, without any loss of pay or benefits.
8:02 The Bargaining Unit may request, with five (5) days’ notice where possible, that UTS excuse from teaching duties, an additional member of the Bargaining Unit to carry out the administration of this Agreement, or for Bargaining Unit business. Such leaves may be granted by the Principal, provided they do not unduly interfere with the operations or programs of UTS. The Bargaining Unit shall reimburse UTS with respect to any replacement costs incurred.
8:03 The parties agree that effective September 1, 2013, a Teacher representative of OSSTF shall be entitled to a reduction in workload equivalent to 1 credit course(s) taught, or 2.5 periods per week in time release, in order to carry out Federation duties, at full salary, and with no loss of experience, benefits, or seniority, and at no cost to the Bargaining Unit.
FEDERATION LEAVES. Before applying for leave under Article 28.1 or Article 28.2, the member shall advise their Principal/Immediate Supervisor prior to submitting the leave request. Leave requests are to be made through the Board’s Electronic Leave of Absence form.
3.1 The total number of teachers available under
FEDERATION LEAVES. 3-10.1 An Employee who is called upon to serve in an official capacity with the Federation or one of its affiliates will, upon making proper application to the Board of School Directors, be granted a leave without pay not to exceed the term of office to which the Employee has been elected or appointed. Only one (1) such leave may be granted at any one (1) time. Employees granted such leaves shall, at no cost to the District, retain all insurance and other benefits and shall continue to accrue seniority for salary increments and all other purposes as though they were in regular service.
3-10.2 Federation representative(s) required by the Federation to participate in meetings outside the District for purposes specifically related to negotiating or strengthening the bargaining abilities and positions of the Federation, upon proper application, shall be granted professional leave without pay. All such applications shall be made as far in advance as possible, and if authorized by the President of the Federation, shall be granted by the Superintendent of Schools. Such leave shall not exceed fifteen (15) days total in a school year.
3-10.3 The Federation shall be granted up to twenty (20) days of paid leave each school year in order that its representatives may fulfill the obligation of attendance at local, state and national meetings. Said leave must be requested by the President of the Federation and be approved by the Superintendent of Schools.
37.1 General Shall Days
a) At the request of the Bargaining Unit, the Board shall grant a leave for the following purposes:
b) The combined total for such leaves for all these members shall not exceed 160 days per school year.
c) The scheduling of such leaves shall be subject to the Board’s operational needs. These leaves shall not conflict with the Board’s professional development days. The Superintendent of Education may, in expectional circumstances, waive this restriction.
d) These leaves shall be at the cost of an occasional teacher and shall be paid for by the Bargaining Unit.
e) Any individual member, who is not an executive member and has calss, school or system responsibilities, shall be entitled to a maximum of 10 days each per school year, pro-rated for part time teaching responsibilities.
f) Bargaining Unit Executive members with class, school or system responsibilities shall be entitled to a maximum of 15 days each per school year, pro-rated for part time teaching responsibilities.
g) The Vice-President shall not be limited to 15 days as per (f) above.
FEDERATION LEAVES. At the request of the Union, the Board shall grant full-time/part-time release time to the equivalent of one (1) full-time position. The person(s) named shall be forwarded to the Director of Education by June 30. The person(s) shall be treated for all purposes, including but not limited to the payment of salary, allowances and benefits, and the accumulation of seniority, sick leave, as if working at their normal assignment. The Union will reimburse the Board at a rate of minimum Category A2 plus employee and employer share portion of statutory benefits.
FEDERATION LEAVES. 8:01 At the request of the Bargaining Unit, UTS shall excuse from teaching duties up to three (3) members designated as negotiators for the District, on behalf of the Bargaining Unit. UTS shall release these representatives for negotiating meetings as required up to a maximum of fifteen (15) days per school year on aggregate, with pay and teaching experience.
8:02 The Bargaining Unit may request, with five (5) days notice where possible, that UTS excuse from teaching duties, an additional member of the Bargaining Unit to carry out the administration of this Agreement, or for Bargaining Unit business. Such leaves may be granted by the Principal, provided they do not unduly interfere with the operations or programs of UTS. The Bargaining Unit shall reimburse UTS with respect to any replacement costs incurred.
3.1 The total number of teachers available under D.1.1 shall be allocated to the secondary schools with the exception of 2.0 teachers, who shall be released from teaching duties. One teacher shall be the President of
FEDERATION LEAVES. The Board shall provide to teachers selected by the Federation a leave with pay to attend conferences, conventions and/or workshops conducted by the Federation, LFT, AFT, or Louisiana AFL-CIO. If such events are held on teacher employment days, leave shall be granted provided (1) the total number of days by all teachers shall not exceed seventeen (17) during any school year, (2) no individual teacher shall utilize more than three (3) of such days in any single school year unless there are extenuating circumstances and the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources approves the additional day or days,