Professional Leave Without Pay Sample Clauses
Professional Leave Without Pay. Professional leave without pay may be granted when the faculty member and the Administration agree that the leave will enhance the faculty member’s value to the University and when the Administration can make temporary arrangements to cover the assignments ordinarily performed by the individual. Leave without pay may extend from a minimum of one (1) academic semester to a full academic year. Leave without pay may be renewed for an additional year(s), provided the total period of absence from campus does not exceed three (3) years. In situations where the nature of proposed leave activities necessitates a period of absence longer than one (1) year, the faculty member may request a leave without pay of two (2) or three (3) complete academic years; the leave request must address, however, the necessity of the period for which leave without pay is requested. The faculty member granted leave without pay shall receive the pay increments specified in Article 4 (Salaries) as if they were at YSU. Included in the three (3) year limitation shall be any other leaves that the faculty member takes immediately preceding or succeeding a leave without pay. Applications for leave without pay shall be made no later than March 1 before the academic year of proposed leave. Short-term or emergency leaves without pay are exempted from this
Professional Leave Without Pay. Professional Leave for employees may be approved to pursue professional growth activities that will be beneficial to the Broward County Public Schools. Such leave shall be provided one (1) time only for full-time bargaining unit personnel who are in an active pay status (not on leave) with an acceptable performance evaluation for the preceding school year and a minimum of seven (7) years of full-time Broward County Public Schools experience including three (3) years of experience in a professional or technical position. Professional leave recipients shall continue to receive Board paid insurance benefits for one (1) year. Employees returning from Professional Leave will be assigned to a position as determined by the Superintendent/designee or placed on a recall list if no position is available.
Professional Leave Without Pay. Professional Leave for employees may be approved to pursue professional growth activities that will be beneficial to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Such leave shall be provided one time only for full-time bargaining unit personnel who are in an active pay status (not on leave) with an acceptable performance evaluation for the preceding school year and a minimum of seven years of full-time M-DCPS experience including three years of experience in a professional or technical position. Professional Leave recipients shall continue to receive School Board-paid insurance benefits for one year. Employees returning from Professional Leave will be assigned to a position as determined by the Superintendent.
Professional Leave Without Pay. Any teacher may be granted a leave of absence to continue his/her education, provided a proper substitute can be found. This leave may be used no more than one (1) year in every ten. Professional leave may follow a year of sabbatical leave. This leave, if for a full year, shall not serve for advancement on the salary schedule. Upon return after a leave of absence, the salary index step shall be the same as that which the teacher was receiving at the time of leave, if the leave occurs during the first semester of the school year. If the leave is granted during the second semester or at the end of a school year, the salary index step shall be that at which he/she would have been placed had he/she remained. A written application for a full year or first semester must be submitted not later than April 15, unless extraordinary circumstances are approved by the Superintendent. Written application for second semester must be submitted not later than October 15. Such leave of absence is to be granted only at the beginning of the school year or semester and may not be extended beyond that one (1) school year in which such leave is granted.
Professional Leave Without Pay. Professional reasons such as study, research, teaching, travel, work experience, or professional organization work.
Professional Leave Without Pay. 1. Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the Board of Education to members for the following reasons:
a. approved study
b. approved travel
c. exchange with administrators in another school system d. service in the NJ State College Demonstration School
Professional Leave Without Pay. Professional Leave without pay may be granted when the faculty member and the Administration agree that the leave will enhance the faculty member’s value to the University and when the Administration can make temporary arrangements to cover the assignments ordinarily performed by the individual. Leave without pay may extend from a few days to a full academic year. Leave without pay may be renewed for an additional year(s), provided the total period of absence from campus does not exceed three (3) years. In situations where the nature of proposed leave activities necessitates a period of absence longer than one (1) year, the faculty member may request a leave without pay of two (2) or three (3) complete academic years; the leave request must address, however, the
Professional Leave Without Pay. 1. Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the Board to teachers for the following reasons:
a) Approved study.
b) Approved travel.
c) Exchange with teacher in another school system.
d) Service in a N.J. State College Demonstration School.
e) Participation in a Fellowship of a National Science foundation or related organization.
f) Service in the Peace Corps.
2. Leaves of absence without pay shall pertain only to those teachers in the school district who have attained tenure status and whose proficiency and efficiency ratings entitle said teacher to such consideration.
3. Request for LEAVE WITHOUT PAY shall be made to the Superintendent of Schools in writing stating full particulars of the request, no later than March 1st of the school year previous to the school year for which the leave is requested, excepting where emergency conditions prevail, and in such instances the Superintendent of Schools shall exercise their discretion in granting approval.
4. Such LEAVE WITHOUT PAY, when granted, shall not exceed a maximum period of one (1) school year.
5. All requests for LEAVE WITHOUT PAY when properly submitted and when judged to meet the requirements as set forth in this policy section may be approved by the Superintendent of Schools and recommended to the Personnel Committee of the Board for action.
6. A teacher returning from leave for any of the above reasons shall be placed on the step of the salary schedule they would have attained had they remained in the school district.
7. Such leave when granted shall not constitute a lapse of tenure service, providing that the policy as set forth in the above rules is fully complied with.
Professional Leave Without Pay. Any Teacher may be granted a leave to continue his/her education. This leave may be used no more than one (1) year in every ten. This leave, if for a full year, shall not serve for advancement on the salary schedule. Upon return after this leave, the salary index step shall be the same as that which the Teacher was receiving at the time of leave, if the leave occurs during the first semester of the school year. If the leave is granted during the second semester or at the end of a school year, the salary index step shall be that at which the Teacher would have been placed had he/she remained. A written application for a full year or first semester must be submitted not later than April 15, unless extraordinary circumstances are approved by the Superintendent. Written application for second semester must be submitted not later than October 15. Such leave of absence is to be granted only at the beginning of the school year or semester and may not be extended beyond the one (1) school year in which such leave is granted.
Professional Leave Without Pay. Professional Leave for employees may be approved to pursue professional grow th activities that w ill be beneficial to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Such leave shall be provided one t ime only for full-time bargaining unit personnel w ho are in an active pay st atus (not on leave) w ith an acceptable performance evaluation for the preceding school year and a minimum of seven years of full-time M-DCPS experience including three years of experience in a professional or technical posit ion. Professional Leave recipients shall continue to receive School Board-paid insurance benefits for one year. Employees returning f rom Professional Leave w ill be assigned to a posit ion as determined by the Superintendent.