FISCAL Sample Clauses

FISCAL. CONTINGENCY All payments under this contract are contingent upon the availability to the City of Nashua of the necessary funds. This contract shall terminate and the City of Nashua's obligations under it shall be extinguished at the end of any fiscal year in which the City of Nashua fails to appropriate monies for the ensuing fiscal year sufficient for the performance of this contract. Nothing in this contract shall be construed to provide Independent Contractor with a right of payment over any other entity. Any funds obligated by the City of Nashua under this contract that are not paid to Independent Contractor shall automatically revert to the City of Nashua’s discretionary control upon the completion, termination, or cancellation of the agreement. The City of Nashua shall not have any obligation to re-award or to provide, in any manner, the unexpended funds to Independent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall have no claim of any sort to the unexpended funds.
FISCAL a. Collaboratively develop annual area budget and expenditure recommendations with input encouraged from all area faculty members.
FISCAL. The Local Lead Agency, with the advice and assistance of the LICC, shall: a. Purchase, contract for, and/or provide services and disburse funds in accordance with the local interagency Part C budget developed in collaboration with the LICC and approved by the DMHMRSAS. The Local Lead Agency shall: (1) Ensure adherence to its own requirements, as well as those of the DMHMRSAS, including Part C of the IDEA, as amended, for managing funds – including audits, hiring of personnel, and complying with the Virginia Public Procurement Act when contracting for services, other Part C functions, and/or purchasing supplies/equipment. (2) Provide accurate and detailed information to the LICC regarding its requirements, as well as those of DMHMRSAS, for procuring services and disbursing funds in order to facilitate interagency decisions and recommendations for use of funds within given parameters. (3) Include a requirement for compliance with all state and local Part C Policies and Procedures including provision of services in accordance with Individualized Part C Early Intervention Supports and Services in Everyday Routines, Activities and Places in all of its contracts with Part C service providers. (4) Monitor all of its contracts with Part C service providers for compliance with all state and local Part C Policies and Procedures, including provision of supports and services in accordance with Individualized Part C Early Intervention Supports and Services in Everyday Routines, Activities and Places. b. Prepare and submit all reports required by the DMHMRSAS. The Local Lead Agency, with the advice and assistance of the LICC, shall: (1) Prepare and submit Part C expenditure reports (Attachment B – Expenditure Report Forms) that reflect expenditures incurred during each six months of the fiscal year (7/1/07 – 6/30/08). Any Federal Part C funds unexpended at June 30, 2008 must be obligated and expended during the period of July 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008. Any unspent federal funds after September 30, 2008 will be returned to the DMHMRSAS. The expenditure reports are due 45 days following each six-month period. If an expenditure report is submitted later than 60 days following a reporting period, the DMHMRSAS shall suspend payments to the Local Lead Agency until the report is received in accordance with this contract. Funding will be brought up to date on the next payment once the report is received and approved/verified for accuracy and completeness. Report and su...
FISCAL. 1. In support of monthly xxxxxxxx, CONTRACTOR shall submit monthly Expenditure and Revenue Reports to ADMINISTRATOR. These reports shall be on a form provided or approved by ADMINISTRATOR and shall report actual costs and revenues for CONTRACTOR’s program(s) or cost center(s) described in the Services Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Agreement, the number of HIV infected individuals served, and the number of service units provided by CONTRACTOR with funds from this Agreement (Units of Service Report). The reports shall be due to ADMINISTRATOR no later than the twentieth (20th) calendar day following the end of the month being reported, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by ADMINISTRATOR. 2. CONTRACTOR shall submit quarterly Year-End Projection Reports to ADMINISTRATOR. These reports shall be on a form provided or approved by ADMINISTRATOR and shall report anticipated units of services to be provided, and projected year-end actual costs and revenues for CONTRACTOR’s program(s) or cost center(s) described in the Services Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Agreement. Such reports shall include the actual monthly costs and revenues as of the date submitted and anticipated monthly costs and revenues projected through year-end. Year-End Projection Reports shall be due on the third Monday of the following months each year: June
FISCAL a. The SCHOOL DISTRICT will provide the participating Students all required Course Materials (textbooks and electronic materials) and will be billed for applicable Instructional Materials charges embedded in courses requiring electronic materials in accordance with the College respective course agreement. b. The SCHOOL DISTRICT will act as the fiscal agent for purposes of this MOU, including student fees. Based on SCHOOL DISTRICT policies, the SCHOOL DISTRICT may recover fees incurred by students. c. Any transportation and applicable food services required for Students participating in the Summer Opportunity will be provided by the SCHOOL DISTRICT. d. All personal fines, late fees, parking tickets, etc. incurred by Students at the College are the student’s individual responsibility. e. The SCHOOL DISTRICT will pay $100 per student, per course to the Alamo Colleges District. The official student enrollment count will be taken on the course sectionscensus date. The Alamo Colleges District Business Office will communicate with the SCHOOL DISTRICT Business Office to provide an invoice for courses and Instructional Materials charges by the third week of June for Summer Session 1 and the third week of July for Summer Session 2. Each of these invoices are to be paid net 45 days from the date of the invoice. f. SCHOOL DISTRICT’s failure to meet its financial responsibilities as the fiscal agent during the Summer Opportunity will result in a College’s refusal of enrollment of its Students for the Spring semester of the next Academic Year after determination of payment default and may be subject to outside collection agency action. g. Tuition promotions, incentives or discounts, including this Summer Opportunity, vary during each academic year. All current promotions are published on the Alamo Colleges District web site at:, and are available in printed or electronic formats. Applicability of said for students enrolled in Dual Credit programs, Early College High School or Alamo Academies must be verified at the time of enrollment. h. This section replaces the fiscal section of the 2021-2022 Dual Credit MOU in its entirety.
FISCAL. 5.1 The Department shall reimburse the limited agent 80% of the annual license fee for each facility inspected or reinspection fee, except that vending machine inspections shall be reimbursed as specified in DHS 192.09. 5.2 Reimbursement fir inspections will be performed automatically utilizing the CARS (Community Aids Reporting System). 5.3 Reimbursement for inspections will be authorized only for the routine inspection of a facility. 5.4 Reimbursements for reinspections will use the form provided in Exhibit III.
FISCAL. 2.1 The Heart of Hampshire commits to creating and investing in a Single Investment Fund which will be used by the combined authority to invest in economic growth, ensuring housing delivery and job creation. 2.2 The Government will work with the Heart of Hampshire to agree specific funding flexibilities which will be pooled into the Single Investment Fund. This will comprise a flexible, multi-year settlement to the combined authority annually in advance. 2.3 The Government agrees to allocate an additional £30 million per annum, which will form part of the Heart of Hampshire Single Investment Fund. 2.4 The fund will be subject to gateway assessments every five years to confirm that it has contributed to national growth. The agreement of this deal shall not in any way limit or prevent the proposed Heart of Hampshire from bidding for future allocations of national funding. 2.5 In addition to the Single Investment Fund for the Heart of Hampshire, additional work sponsored by Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and managed by Basingstoke and Xxxxx Borough Council, Hampshire County Council and Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership is likely to be undertaken to identify specific business cases for future public/private sector investment to enhance the core infrastructure in the Basingstoke area. 2.6 This would support the development of around 10,000 new homes based ongarden city’ principles over two local plan periods (a proportion of these housing figures are included in the housing delivery numbers for the period to 2026 in paragraph 5.3 of this document). 2.7 It is acknowledged by DCLG and other Government departments that there may be some elements of the future enhancements to core infrastructure in and around Basingstoke which might have additional wider sub-regional benefits for the North Hampshire area (for example, strategic highways, rail and further education). 2.8 The Heart of Hampshire will look to build on this successful model of joint working with Government for future major projects on a similar scale.
FISCAL. 3.2.1 DEH will pay Grantee up to the amount set out for each task or milestone in the Pricing Schedule in Exhibit C, for the work specified in Exhibit A, not to exceed verified costs to complete that task or milestone. Cost verifications shall include hours expended by person and shall be based on that person’s customary and ordinary billing rates for government-funded work at the time work is performed, unless a lower rate is set out in the grantee’s proposal. Grantee may seek a grant amendment to move funds not used to complete a task or milestone to another task or milestone, if another task or milestone has a funding shortfall.
FISCAL. Language that the Subcontractor must implement a plan to remedy noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the Subcontract, found during a monitoring process.
FISCAL. Liverpool City Region will create a Single Investment Fund (SIF) that draws together city region and agreed national funding streams to deliver an ambitious investment programme across the city region to unlock the economic potential of the River Mersey and Superport as well as maximise the opportunities from HS2. Liverpool City Region commits to capitalising the SIF and prioritising investment based on economic impact. To support this investment approach, the government agrees to allocate an additional £30m per annum of funding for 30 years (75% capital and 25% revenue), which will form part of and capitalise the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority single pot. The fund will be subject to 5-yearly gateway assessments.