GRANT ELIGIBILITY. 2.1 To be eligible for the Grant, the works on the subject lands shall conform to and fulfill: a) the objectives and requirements of the Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Program; and b) any other requirements as specified by the City. 2.2 The Owner acknowledges that it has received and read a copy of the Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Application Kit (the “Kit”), and the Owner covenants with the City that the Heritage Attributes of the subject lands shall be conserved and the Grant provided for in this Agreement shall be applied in accordance with the City's requirements for the Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Program. 2.3 The City shall review all cost estimates submitted in support of the Grant Application in evaluating the estimated conservation costs eligible for the Grant, which costs, when designated by the City shall constitute the maximum amount of the total Grant to be paid. In the event the City is not satisfied with said cost estimates, the City may substitute its opinion of such amounts for purposes of calculating the eligible conservation costs for the Grant. If the City is not in receipt of sufficient information satisfactory to the City to determine conservation costs and the amount of the Grant, the Grant Application will not be processed and the Grant Application file will be closed. The decision of the City regarding the total amount of conservation costs, the calculation of the total estimated maximum Grant and the calculation of the actual Grant payments is final, absolute and within the City’s sole discretion. 2.4 The Grant will not be rewarded by the City until: a) the Owner contacts the City of Brampton Heritage staff to confirm the works are completed and to request that the City of Brampton Heritage staff attend the Designated Heritage Property to inspect the completed works; b) the Owner provides proof of payment in accordance with the eligible conservation Works identified in the Grant Application; c) a statutory declaration (refer Schedule B) by or on behalf of the Owner that the Owner has paid all accounts that are payable in connection with the installation and maintenance of works and that there are no outstanding claims relating to the works; and, d) Designated Heritage Property has been inspected by City of Brampton Heritage staff or designate and the eligible conservation works are confirmed to be completed. 2.5 Notwithstanding the above, if the final costs come in less than the estim...
GRANT ELIGIBILITY. In order to be eligible for a Grant as part of the FIP, the Property Owner’s proposed Project and property must meet all of the following criteria, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion: • The Project must be located in the program target area; • Only properties with primary (front or side) facades facing the right-of-way on the streets in the grant target area are eligible for grants; • The application must be completed and submitted by the Property Owner; • The Project must be feasible, as determined by Mainspring of Ephrata in its sole discretion; • The Project must enhance the façade visible from the public right-of-way; • The total cost for the Project must be at least $2,000.00; • The Property Owner must submit an Application to Mainspring of Ephrata and complete the application and approval process prior to beginning the Project as described in the Award and Disbursement of Grants section below. Any Project begun before the application and approval process is completed will not be eligible for a Grant; • If the Property does not have functioning exterior lighting, dusk-to-xxxx xxxxx or wall lights will be added to the project; • If unused satellite dishes remained fixed to the facades of the property at the time of the project’s commencement, these must be removed; • Projects must fully comply with the Borough of Ephrata’s building and zoning codes and all other applicable regulations; • The proposed Project must seek to improve the physical appearance of the structure(s). The specific design elements described in the Representative Major Project Elements section below provide examples of the types of improvements that may be eligible for funding under the FIP. • Before and after photos must be submitted during the course of the project. • Design Guidelines must be adhered to. • The Non-Discrimination Policy must be signed and submitted with application. • Projects that cost more than $25,000 must comply with the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act. Please ensure that the submitted application includes all relevant contractor/work estimates. The following list provides examples of the types of projects that may be eligible for a Grant: • Restoration of original architectural details and removal of elements covering any such architectural or historic details; • Cleaning and/or repainting of building exteriors; • Repointing of brick; • Repairing of cornices; • Installation of appropriate lighting for the purpose of illuminating the exteri...
GRANT ELIGIBILITY. In order to be eligible for a Grant as part of the FIP the Property Owner’s proposed Project and property must meet all of the following criteria, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion: • The Project must be located in the Elm Street target area. (See attached map) • The Property Owner must be the person applying for a Grant; • A Project must be feasible, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion; • A Project must enhance the façade visible from the public way; • The total cost for the Project must be at least $500.00; • The property at issue, whether residential or mixed use residential/commercial, may not have any outstanding municipal debt, including but not limited to city taxes, utilities, or other municipal liens; • The Property Owner must submit a completed Application to the Committee and complete the approval process prior to beginning the Project as described in the Award and Disbursement of Grants section below. Any Project begun before the application and approval process is completed will not be eligible for a Grant; • The proposed Project must seek to improve the physical appearance of the structure(s) in accordance with the Historic Deutschtown design guidelines established by the City of Pittsburgh (though the designated historic district is limited to a small area of the neighborhood). The specific design elements described in the Representative Major Project Elements section below provide examples of the types of improvements that may be eligible for funding under the FIP.
GRANT ELIGIBILITY. A. Dakota County municipalities are eligible for the Program, excluding Dakota County townships and the cities of Xxxxxx, Empire, Hampton, Miesville, New Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxxx. B. Municipalities with fewer than 1,000 households are eligible for limited funding in specific categories. C. To be eligible for Municipal Facilities Verification and Education funding, municipality must have at least one municipal facility to verify or at least one employee to educate, other than the municipal Liaison. D. To be eligible for Multifamily Recycling funding, municipality must have multifamily housing.
GRANT ELIGIBILITY. All completed applications will be reviewed for eligibility. Grant awards are limited to one per owner. Each application will be reviewed for eligibility based on the criteria below: • Hospitality Industry businesses to include; Restaurant & Catering; Lodging; Travel and Transportation; and Entertainment and Recreation. A list of eligible NACIS Codes will be provided • Xxxxx applicant must be authorized representative of business; • Defined as small business based on SBA guidelines; • Annual gross business revenue of less than $8 million; • Business must be located within Program Boundaries (Exhibit B) and must commit to remaining within boundary for at least 6 months from the date of grant award (see attached map for boundary information); • Demonstrate a loss of at least 25% of revenue for the period beginning March 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic (increased operational costs such as purchases of protective equipment eligible in calculation); • Business must be in operation and not filed for bankruptcy; • Business must be established prior to February 1, 2020; and
GRANT ELIGIBILITY. 2.1 To be eligible for the Grant, the proposed works (the “Works”) as approved by the Town and as may be identified on Schedule “A” on the Lands shall conform to and fulfill: a) The objectives of the Town of Pelham Community Improvement Plan (the “CIP”) and the program requirements of the Commercial Building Facade Improvement Grant Program ; and, b) Any other requirements as specified by the Town. 2.2 The Applicant acknowledges that they have received and read a copy of the Town's CIP and the Commercial Building Facade Improvement Grant Program Guide (the “Program Guide”) and the Applicant covenants with the Town that the Lands shall be restored/improved and the Grant provided for in this Agreement shall be applied in accordance with the objectives, program requirements, and eligibility criteria as set out in the CIP and the Program Guide.


  • Dependent Eligibility For all programs covered in this article, eligible dependents are an employee’s lawful spouse or domestic partner (as defined by Section 297 of the California Family Code), and unmarried children (natural, step, adopted, legal guardianship, and/or xxxxxx) of the employee or domestic partner, who are qualified IRS dependents of the employee or domestic partner, up to twenty-three (23) years of age. Disabled dependents may be able to continue coverage beyond the limiting age if the disability occurred while the dependent was covered under a County-sponsored medical plan or prior to the dependent’s 19th birthday, and is certified by a licensed physician.

  • Benefit Eligibility For purposes of the Benefit Plan entitlement, common-law and same sex relationships will apply as defined.

  • Student Eligibility The LEA and POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION shall qualify and advise candidates for dual credit from the pool of eligible high school students. A candidate for dual credit is eligible for consideration for fall, spring, and summer semesters if he or she: a. is enrolled during the fall and spring in a LEA in one-half or more of the minimum course requirements approved by PED for public school students under its jurisdiction or by being in physical attendance at a bureau of Indian education-funded high school at least three documented contact hours per day pursuant to 25 CFR 39.211(c); b. obtains permission from the LEA representative (in consultation with the student’s individualized education program team, as needed), the student’s parent or guardian if the student is under 18 years old, and POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION representative prior to enrolling in a dual credit course; and c. meets POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION requirements to enroll as a dual credit student.

  • Determination of Eligibility The Plan Administrator shall determine the eligibility of each Employee for participation in the Plan based upon information provided by the Employer. Such determination shall be conclusive and binding on all individuals except as otherwise provided herein or by operation of law.

  • Program Eligibility The COUNTY shall provide eligibility determination for those persons applying for home repair under this Agreement by using the following factors: 1. The applicant is a resident of the CITY; and 2. The total income for all members of the applicant’s household does not exceed 80% of the median income of the Kansas City metropolitan area, as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; and 3. The applicant is the homeowner and must have occupied the property as a primary residence for at least six (6) months; 4. The property to be repaired is within the corporate limits of the CITY; and 5. When required, medical need will be substantiated and documented.

  • S-3 Eligibility (i) At the time of filing the Registration Statement and (ii) at the time of the most recent amendment thereto for the purposes of complying with Section 10(a)(3) of the Securities Act (whether such amendment was by post-effective amendment, incorporated report filed pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act or form of prospectus), the Company met the then applicable requirements for use of Form S-3 under the Securities Act, including compliance with General Instruction I.B.1 of Form S-3.

  • Verification of Employment Eligibility By executing this Agreement, Consultant verifies that it fully complies with all requirements and restrictions of state and federal law respecting the employment of undocumented aliens, including, but not limited to, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as may be amended from time to time, and shall require all subconsultants and sub-subconsultants to comply with the same.

  • Compensatory Time Eligibility The Employer may grant compensatory time in lieu of cash payment for overtime to an overtime-eligible employee, upon agreement between the Employer and the employee. Compensatory time must be granted at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours of compensatory time for each hour of overtime worked.

  • Nasdaq Eligibility As of the Effective Date, the Public Securities have been approved for listing on the Nasdaq Capital Markets (“NASDAQ”), subject to official notice of issuance and evidence of satisfactory distribution. There is and has been no failure on the part of the Company or any of the Company's directors or officers, in their capacities as such, to comply with (as and when applicable), and immediately following the effectiveness of the Registration Statement the Company will be in compliance with, the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules, as amended.

  • Vacation Eligibility Subject to the provisions of Sections 3., 4., 8., and 9. hereof, vacations with pay shall be granted during the vacation year to each employee, except upon dismissal for misconduct, who shall have completed a period of six (6)-months’ employment since date of engagement or reengagement, whichever is later, and who has performed work for the Company within the vacation year, as follows: a. One (1) week’s vacation to any such employee who has completed six (6) months or more but less than twelve