H olidays. It is agreed that no employee shall be re quired or permitted to work on Sundays or the follow ing holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Inde pendence /Day, L a b Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If any of the above holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the holiday. Regular full time employees shall receive eight
H olidays. (a) All stores will observe the folio-wing holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls cm a Sunday, the follow ing Monday will be observed.
(b) It ia further agreed by both parties to this agreement that the week during which the holiday is given by the Employer shall be considered a five (5 ) day week, consisting of forty (40; hours. Ail time over forty (40) hours during said holiday week as given by said Employer, shall be considered as overtime period.
(c) On the above listed holidays, the Employer’s stores inay remain open either by paying an additional day’s pay or by allowing said employees an additional day o ff within two (2 ) weeks of said holiday.
H olidays. A unit member shall be in a paid status on workdays immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday in order to be paid for the holiday. The Board shall set the date of each holiday annually. The following shall be district-paid holidays: Independence Day Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Day before Christmas Day Christmas Day New Year's Eve Day (in lieu of Admissions Day) New Year's Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx'x Birthday Lincoln's Birthday Washington's Birthday Monday or Friday of the week of spring recess Memorial Day
H olidays. The present holiday schedule includes the following eleven (11) days with pay. New Year’s Day Independence Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx. Day Labor Day (Third Monday of January) Veteran’s Day President’s Day Thanksgiving Day (Third Monday of February)
H olidays. 20. 1 Ful l xxx e Nu rses - All fu ll ti me Nu rses sha ll be g ranted the foll owi ng eig ht (8) holidays with pay: New Yea r's Day Either Good Friday or Easter Memorial Day Fou rth of July La bor Day Tha n ksg ivi ng Day Ch ristmas Day Nu rse's Birthday In add ition, a fu ll ti me Nu rse who has completed one (1) yea r of servi ce with the Hospita l shall be g ranted one (1) personal floati ng hol iday with pay each contract year to be ta xxx at a ti me mutua lly xx xxxx upon between the H ospital and the individ ual Nu rse. In order to receive holiday pay, a fu ll time Nu rse must have worked the reg ularly sched uled day befo re and after the holiday, except in cases of excused absence, paid sick leave, pa id bereavement leave or ju ry duty. If the holiday fa lls during a fu ll time Nu rse's vacation, the Nu rse shall receive an additional day of vacation with pay. Nu rses shall receive hol iday pay for the enti re regularly scheduled night shift.
(a) If a holiday fa lls on a Nu rse's day off, she/he wi ll be paid eight (8) hou rs of straight time pay fo r the holiday or will be given eight (8) hours of compensatory straight ti me off within a two (2) week period befo re or after said holiday, the Nu rse to choose the method of rei mbu rsement.
(b) For pu rposes of this Article, Ch ristmas Day sha ll be deemed to extend over a thirty two (32) hour period from the start of the reli ef shift beginning on December 24 through the end of the reli ef shift wh ich began on December 25; N ew Year's Day shall be deemed to extend over a thi rty two (32) hour period from the sta rt of the reli ef shift beginning on December 31 th rough the end of the rel ief shi ft which began on January 1. Hospitals cu rrently commenci ng the holiday at 7:00 a.m. may commence the thirty two (32) hour period at the start of the night shifts on December 24 and December 31 respectively. A full time Nurse shall be paid at the rate of time and one half (1 1/2) for all hours worked on Christmas Day and/or New Year's Day and shall be given eight (8) hours of compensatory straight time off for one (1) shift during the thirty two (32) hour period. The compensatory time off shall be granted within a two-(2) week period before or a two-(2) week period after said holiday. If a Nurse works more than eight (8) hours in one (1) shift during this thirty two (32) hour period, the Nurse shal l receive, in addition to the regular rate of pay, one (1) hour of holiday pay for each hour in excess of ...
H olidays. 1. Regular full-time Employees shall be entitled to the following holidays as observed by the Employer:
(a) New Year's Day
(b) Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx'x Birthday
(c) President's Day
(d) Memorial Day
(e) Independence Day
(f) Labor Day
(g) Veteran's Day*
(h) Thanksgiving Day
(i) Friday After Thanksgiving Day
(j) Last workday before Christmas Day
(k) Christmas Day
(l) Last workday before New Year’s Day In the event a scheduled holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday; in the event it falls on a Sunday, the holiday shall be observed on the following Monday.
2. In observance of the above holidays, if scheduling needs permit, Employees may be scheduled off and paid their regular rate of pay for the holiday for the hours normally scheduled to work that day.
3. If a holiday falls during an Employee's vacation, the holiday shall not be included in the calculation of vacation leave used.
4. An Employee, in order to receive holiday pay or time off as set forth above, must be in active pay status and, if scheduled, must work the day before and the day after the holiday unless absence from work is due to an approved leave, illness, or injury, in which event a doctor's certificate shall be required.
H olidays. Fire service requires scheduled staffing without regard to holidays. Accordingly, firefighters are compensated for holiday in lieu for days they would otherwise be eligible to take as time off:
A) The following shall be paid holidays for all employees covered by this MOU:
1. January 1, New Year's Day.
2. Third Monday in January, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxx.
3. Third Monday in February, Presidents Day.
4. Last Monday in May, Memorial Day.
5. July 4, Independence Day.
6. First Monday in September, Labor Day.
7. November 11, Veterans' Day.
8. The day designated as Thanksgiving Day.
9. The day after the day designated as Thanksgiving Day.
10. Twelve hours occurring on the working day before the day observed as Christmas Day for shift personnel. (1/2 day Holiday)
11. December 25, Christmas Day.
12. Twelve hours occurring on the working day before the day observed as New Year's Day for shift personnel. (1/2 day Holiday)
13. Such other days as the Board of Supervisors may determine by resolution.
B) If a recognized County holiday (as established by Section 7050 of the County Personnel Rules) falls during a period when an employee is on paid leave status (vacation, sick leave, jury duty or examination leave) such employee shall receive holiday pay in the same manner as an employee who is off shift, i.e., Holiday Pay will be received in addition to the regular rate of pay.
C) Holiday Pay for each of the holidays listed above shall consist of 24 hours of pay at the employee’s regular rate of pay at the time payment is made with the exception of half day holidays, which shall consist of 12 hours of pay. Regular rate of pay for holiday purposes includes special compensations as listed below and as applicable to each employee covered under this MOU, when figuring the hourly rate to multiply by the number of Holiday Pay hours each employee is entitled to. Special Compensations include the following: EMT-D Qualification Pay Instructor Pay Company Officer Certification Pay Chief Fire Officer Certification Pay Bilingual Pay
D) Nothing herein shall prevent the head of any department or institution, which by reason of the nature of the service must remain open on holidays, from requiring employees thereof to work upon any holiday.
E) Any employee who is required to work on a day which is a holiday shall be compensated for the holiday in the manner described above, which shall include all incentives/special compensations discussed herein, in addition to the employee’s regular comp...
H olidays. The following shall be holidays for purposes of this Contract: New Year's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Contractor may decide to observe any or all of the above-mentioned holidays by suspension of collection service on the holiday, but such decision in no manner relieves Contractor of his obligation to provide collection service at least once per week.
H olidays. District will provide Employee with eleven and a half (11.5) paid holidays annually in accordance with District policies. For the purpose of holiday pay, one “day” shall mean six (6) hours and one “half day” shall mean three (3) hours.
H olidays. The following holidays shall be observed and each regular em ployee shall be paid for the same except when without permission of the Employer the employee fails to report for work either the day before or the day after the holiday: New Year’s Day, Washington s Birthday, Me morial Day, Fourth of July. Labor Day, Admission Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. It is further agreed that whenever such holidays fall upon a Sunday they shall be observed upon the following Monday, and it is further agreed that said holidays shall be granted as days off to employees in addition to their regu lar days off. SEC TIO N XIII. BOND: Wherever the Employer requires the bonding of any employee or the carrying of any insurance for the indemnification of the Employer, the premiums for the same shall be paid for by the Employer.