Hardship Cases. The Employer shall not be obligated to make dues deductions from any employee who, during any dues months involved, shall have failed to receive sufficient wages to make all legally required deductions in addition to the deduction of Union dues. The Union may waive its rights to dues deductions in hardship cases if written notification is first served upon the City Finance Department.
Hardship Cases.
(a) Should extenuating circumstances develop, a full-time Operator may submit a Miscellaneous request, to transfer to another Division giving full particulars and reasons for request, to the Transportation Systems and Division Support Manager, with a copy to the General Chairman. Operators (including Part Time Operators) will be limited to one hardship transfer in any six month period except for meritorious cases agreed to by the Sector General Manager and the UTU Local Chairman. An Operator moving from one Division to another under this Section and who has bid a vacation period or bonus holidays will not take that vacation period or holidays with him/her. The Authority will, in its letter advising the Operator of his/her transfer, advise him/her of this loss of bid vacation period and holidays and to contact the Location Manager and Local Chairman for picking of a new vacation period and bonus holidays. In addition to those requests for transfer as outlined above, employees already in the employ of the Authority will be given consideration for transfer prior to the hire of new employees to fill the need at a specific location. Hardships will be honored by Operators who have been equalized before Operators with less seniority can be considered.
(b) Operators and/or employees covered by this Contract who become physically incapacitated and who have been restricted from operating motor coaches or any other revenue equipment will be placed in other employment in the following manner:
(1) Should any restricted Operator fail to pass a physical examination to return to work as motor coach Operator, and the physical ailment involves a heart or vascular condition, he/she shall be allowed to take the physical examination by a licensed medical examiner selected by the parties.
(2) Should the restricted Operator not be recommended for motor coach or any other revenue equipment and/or any other type of employment covered by the Labor Contract between the parties, he/she shall be given consideration, subject to qualification and the seniority provisions of the other labor agreements in existence at the Authority, for any open positions of a sedentary nature. These restricted Operators will be considered before someone is employed from outside the Authority. The restricted employee must have on file in the Human Resources Department a request for such work in order to receive consideration. Qualifications for other types of employment will be determined by the Authori...
Hardship Cases. Wherever owing to extraordinary circumstances, including but not limited to a loss of assets in Germany outside the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin (West), affecting the financial position of a debtor, it becomes impossible or impracticable for him to make an offer for a new contract on the terms specified in this Agreement, agreements between the debtor and his creditors making such adjustments as may be deemed necessary in the light of the particular circumstances shall not be precluded.
Hardship Cases. Unpaid sick and emergency leave may exceed the total annual and accumulated sick and emergency leave days in unusual "hardship" cases when specifically approved by the Employer.
Hardship Cases. Administration reserves the right to extend sick absence benefits or waive requirements in special hardship cases. Such consideration shall be governed by length of service.
Hardship Cases. 4 (a) Should extenuating circumstances develop, a full-time Operator may submit a 5 Miscellaneous request, to transfer to another Division giving full particulars and 6 reasons for request, to the Transportation Systems and Division Support Manager, 7 with a copy to the General Chairman. No transfer will be allowed except by 8 agreement between the Transportation Systems and Division Support Manager and 9 the General Chairman. Operators (including Part Time Operators) will be limited to 10 one hardship transfer in any six month period except for meritorious cases agreed 11 to by the Sector General Manager and the UTU Local Chairman. 13 An Operator moving from one Division to another under this Section and who has 14 bid a vacation period or bonus holidays will not take that vacation period or holidays 15 with him/her. The Authority will, in its letter advising the Operator of his/her transfer, 16 advise him/her of this loss of bid vacation period and holidays and to contact the 17 Location Manager and Local Chairman for picking of a new vacation period and 18 bonus holidays. 20 In addition to those requests for transfer as outlined above, employees already in 21 the employ of the Authority will be given consideration for transfer prior to the hire of 22 new employees to fill the need at a specific location. 24 Hardships will be honored by Operators who have been equalized before Operators 25 with less seniority can be considered. 27 (b) Operators and/or employees covered by this Contract who become physically 28 incapacitated and who have been restricted from operating motor coaches or any 29 other revenue equipment will be placed in other employment in the following 30 manner: 32 (1) Should any restricted Operator fail to pass a physical examination to 33 return to work as motor coach Operator, and the physical ailment involves
Hardship Cases. In addition to the grace period exception, motusbank may exercise its discretion to permit early redemption of a Non-Redeemable Term Deposit in the case of severe financial hardship of an owner. This discretion is unfettered and the exercise of such discretion is not subject to review by a court, or otherwise.
Hardship Cases. Workout Programs - special fixed payment arrangements may be made if warranted under the following conditions:
a. Special fixed payments cannot result in negative amortization.
b. Each account with a special fixed payment arrangement must be reviewed every twelve months. Extensions of the special fixed payment plan must be approved by the collection department manager or his/her designate (Supervisor level).
Hardship Cases. In the event of any demonstrable particular hardship cases, a request for additional support may be submitted within one year of the (former) employee’s departure. Additional funds may be granted in such cases at the discretion of a special committee consisting of two delegates from the staff associations and two representatives of SWISS, and chaired by SWISS.
Hardship Cases. Any unique hardships, caused by circumstances not covered above, may be reviewed by the superintendent upon the request of the employee.