Preliminary Design Report Sample Clauses

Preliminary Design Report. (PDR). Prepare a preliminary design report which includes all design assumptions, materials and evaluation of alternatives for the project in a cost-effective manner. During the PDR development, the consultant shall keep City informed of the basic design decisions as they are made and shall seek the City's input. The consultant shall document all decisions in the report.
Preliminary Design Report. 10 Develop and Discuss alternatives with City 11 Cost estimates, calculations 12 DRAFT PDR SUBMITTAL 13 CITY REVIEW/COMMENT PERIOD 14 FINAL PDR SUBMITTAL 15 PRELIMINARY PERMITTING 16 Caltrans permit (For investigations) 17 FINAL INVESTIGATIONS 18 Geotechnical investigation 19 Potholing 20 Final Surveying 21 30% DESIGN 22 Plans/Specs/Estimate 23 Technical studies 24 Easement documents 25 CDPH submittal 26 30% submittal 27 CITY REVIEW/COMMENT PERIOD 28 Design Review meeting 29 60% DESIGN 30 Plans/Specs/Estimate 31 DSD/PUD submittal 32 60% submittal 33 CITY REVIEW/COMMENT PERIOD 34 Design Review meeting 35 100% DESIGN 36 Plans/Specs/Estimate 37 CALTRANS PROCESS 38 HELIX WD PROCESS 39 100% submittal 40 CITY REVIEW/COMMENT PERIOD 41 Design Review meeting 42 FINAL DESIGN (Begin after Caltrans process complete) 43 Plans/Specs/Estimate 44 Final submittal 45 BID PHASE
Preliminary Design Report. A Preliminary Engineering Report will be prepared for preliminary design, and the purpose of the report is to document the goals stated above. The report should also include as applicable: a narrative, applicable plans, survey, drainage report, a geotechnical report, preliminary cost estimate, and an environmental report. Three copies of the report will be submitted for review. Prior to completion of the PER, we will schedule an alignment meeting with Fort Bend County. We will provide a roll plot exhibit to the meeting for County review and discussion. At completion of the PER, a PER review meeting will be conducted by the design engineer and program manager. Copies of the PER will be distributed at the meeting.
Preliminary Design Report. Prepare a Preliminary Design Report: The consultant shall establish and indicate project specific design criteria and standards within the Preliminary Design Report. The consultant shall submit all design assumptions for pipe sections, and storm sewer locations, pavement sections, etc. The Consultant shall include design life, design criteria, and reference of design resources. The Consultant shall use the City Infrastructure Design Criteria Manual to establish design criteria and standards. The Preliminary Design Report shall include evaluations and recommendations based on items outlined under the heading “Project Design and Evaluation Components” above. The project’s geotechnical report shall be included within the Preliminary Project Design Report and include soil classifications, N values, water levels, proctors, CBR’s, pavement design, and testing recommendations. The Consultant shall elaborate on other project components as necessary. A probable opinion of construction costs for the project shall be included. The costs shall be itemized based on the City’s standard bid items in three separate schedules, one for each individual project. The cost will also include appropriate contingency item allowance. The consultant shall establish and indicate project specific design criteria and standards within the Preliminary Design Report. The City’s Infrastructure Design Criteria Manual shall be used to establish design criteria and standards. The Preliminary Design Report shall provide review of compliance with City’s Standard Specifications for construction of the project(s). Identify the existing right-of-way (ROW) location and any ROW or easements necessary for the Project. Include size and extent of such ROW and easements and contact information of property owners. Submit one (1) copy and a PDF version of the Preliminary Design Report and preliminary plans and specifications to City of Rapid City’s project manager for review and comment.
Preliminary Design Report. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx will take overall responsibility for the preparation of the PDR, but the work incorporated into the PDR will be divided amongst the project team as described below. a. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx will provide the preliminary design of the lift station including a detailed evaluation of flow data and hydraulic calculations for selection of pumps, major equipment sizing and selection, and recommended sizing of the wet well, pump room, and control room. A few alternative site layouts are anticipated to be prepared and reviewed with the city. Xxx Xxxxx will work with Xxxxx to prepare preliminary building/structure and mechanical layouts for the wet well, pump room, and control room. Xxxxx Xxxxx will assist with preparation of conceptual grading, landscaping, and utility plans for the lift station. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx will also be responsible for evaluating the overall construction sequencing of the project and the need for temporary bypass pumping. Xxxxx will identify a few alternative approaches for sequencing and bypasses that can be reviewed with the city. The PDR will have a section that addresses all items required by Section 4-B of the RFP. b. Preliminary electrical engineering for the lift station will be provided by Xxxxx Xxxxx, Inc. at the direction of Xxxxx Xxxxxxx. The preliminary electrical design will include a summary of anticipated electrical loads that can be used for SCE coordination, emergency generator sizing and selection, development of instrumentation concepts, preparation of an input/output (I/O) list, and all other items required by Section 4-B of the RFP. c. Initial configuration of the wet well, pump room, and control room will be prepared by KWC under the direction of Xxxxx Xxxxxxx. The initial layout will be shared with the project structural engineer for input on stair layouts, HVAC components, architectural styles, code compliance review, and recommendations for fire protection features. d. Preliminary design of sewer lines will be prepared by Xxxxxx Xxxx and his design team. Utility design will include preliminary layouts for the Green River Lift Station force main extension, approximately 590 feet of microtunneled 12” gravity main from MH 1061 to the lift station, approximately 400 feet of 12” gravity main from MH 1067 to the lift station, and approximately 532 feet of 12” force main from the lift station to the existing force main. The preliminary plans will also identify the section of existing sewer lines to be abandoned and method...
Preliminary Design Report. Preliminary Design Report, Lompoc Regional Wastewater Reclamation Plant Upgrade Project. Prepared by Xxxxx and Xxxxxxxx, dated February 2005.
Preliminary Design Report. Xxxxx (40%), Xxxxx (20%), Xxxx (20%), Xxxxx (10%), Xxxx (10%) At this stage, Sunrise will contact resource agencies and stakeholders regarding potential environmental, cultural and threatened and endangered species concerns related to the pipeline routes and construction along those routes. Responses to this inquiry may or may not have influence on decisions as to the preferred route. The responses will be compiled into an Environmental Assesssment. Our findings, conclusions, and recommendations will be compiled in a preliminary Design Report. The Design Report will be updated and refined throughout the design process and is intended to be submitted to DEQ when complete. Design Report will contain conceptual P&P sheets, preliminary Geotechnical report, preliminary potholing plan (see phase II), etc. Sunrise will schedule and prepare agendas for meetings as needed and in accordance with the City’s wishes. We have budgeted for project meetings every four weeks. The final meeting in Phase I– the 30% design review - will present and discuss the design report, recording feedback and concerns. Meeting minutes will be distributed following the meeting.
Preliminary Design Report. Review of as built documentation relating to the normal and emergency power systems for the Public Works, Town Hall, and Police Station facility. • Visit each site to observe and document the conditions of existing equipment. • Provide recommendations and preliminary cost estimates to upgrade the existing emergency power system. • Identify critical electrical reliability items requiring near term replacement (i.e. less than 5 years). • Initialize conversations with FPL to clarify facility improvement recommendations. • Access to the site • Available record drawings and dataDraft Preliminary Design Report for review by the TOWN. • Five originals and one electronic file of the final Preliminary Design Report.
Preliminary Design Report. The Preliminary Design Report (PDR) is a narrative description of the design criteria and installation solutions along with final recommendations used in the subsequent design document development, within following phases, to meet the COP’s project requirements and objectives. The PDR will include the following: • Identification of technical assumptions made, site requirements, and technical design criteria for use in Final Design. • Permitting matrix to identify necessary permits to be completed during Final Design. • Preliminary plan and profile drawings. • Expected drawing sheet index and construction specifications table of contents. • Opinion of probable construction cost (OPCC) o A Class IV (-30% to +50%) Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) will be compiled based on the preliminary design completion level. The OPCC will include a suitable level of contingencies. Site Visits Two (2) site visits are included during this phase. One (1) site visit to coordinate with survey subcontractor and one (1) to coordinate with utility test holing subcontractor to surveyor. Workshop The Engineer will organize and attend one (1) Workshop Review Meeting with COP personnel as part of the Preliminary Design Report draft deliverable. The workshop is for the following: • Draft PDR submittal - A workshop will be held following the draft PDR submittal and sufficient review period (10 business days) by the COP. The purpose of the meeting is to review and resolve comments related to the PDR. This meeting is expected to last up to 2 hours and be held virtually in a Teams Meeting. Attendees include the civil design lead, project manager, and project engineer.
Preliminary Design Report. Title - The Design Report shall be named the “EAFB Meter Facility Reconstruction Design Report”. The cover shall include the City project number and CIP number. Two design report submittals are anticipated: Preliminary and Final and shall be indicated on the cover. All comments shall be addressed and incorporated as needed into subsequent submittals. The Design Report shall include the following sections: