Layoff and Bumping Rights Sample Clauses

Layoff and Bumping Rights. When an employee's regular shifts have been reduced by a cumulative total of one (1) pay period of that employee's normal work hours or forty (40) hours, whichever is less, under any provision of Section 2, Subsection B, during any calendar quarter, then Xxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxx Procedure, and Section 4, Bumping, shall apply. However, an employee may elect not to utilize the filling of vacancies and/or bumping options specified in Section 3 and 4, and retain their present position.
Layoff and Bumping Rights. ‌ A. Layoff due to reduction in force shall be made in reverse order of seniority in each division. In rehiring, seniority shall apply. When calling back laid-off Employees, the Employer shall recall, through the Union, the Employees in the proper order of seniority recall rights.
Layoff and Bumping Rights. This provision supersedes the language set forth in Article 12 Seniority, Layoff & Recall, Section 5. (Layoffs) of the Office Clerical Operational Supplement. Should it become necessary for the Employer to reduce its work force, layoffs shall be effectuated pursuant to the following process: (1) Employees will be laid off in reverse seniority order. (2) Employees may exercise seniority to bump a more junior employee in their own classification, or in another equivalent or lesser classification represented by Local 851 and covered by either the CCOS or Clerical Local Rider agreement; provided, however, that the employee meets the qualifications and requirements of the position in the new classification. If the employee does not meet the qualifications and requirements of position into which he or she desires to bump, such bump shall not be effective and the employee shall be placed in layoff status within his or her original classification. (3) An employee bumping a more junior employee pursuant to Paragraph (2) shall retain his or her seniority. An employee exercising bumping rights under this Section is not entitled to any of the rights and benefits contained in Article 26, Section 5 (Inter-Bargaining Unit Transfer), and these Sections are not to be read in conjunction with one another. The provisions of this Section are not intended to apply to positions posted or vacated pursuant to Article 26 (Job Bidding and Filling of Vacancies), nor is it intended to apply to newly-created positions, which may be filled pursuant to the provisions contained in Article 26, Section 4 (Filling of New Vacancies). Further, to the extent that an employee exercises his or her seniority to bump a “red-circled” full-time Call Center employee or employee “red- circled” for purposes of lead assignment, it is understood and agreed that such “red- circled” employee shall lose his or her “red-circle” status (for either purpose) and that his or her name shall be removed from the applicable Appendix to this Local Rider.
Layoff and Bumping Rights. 15.01 A) In the event of layoff in excess of ten (10) working days the Company will give the employee and the Union advance notice as required by the Manitoba Employment Standards Code, or ten (10) working days whichever is greater. Conversely, an employee wishing to resign/quit shall give the Company ten (10) working days advance notice.
Layoff and Bumping Rights. A full time employee laid off in her classification has bumping rights to a lower classification ( either full time or part time )in her department, providing:
Layoff and Bumping Rights. 1. In the event of layoffs, an employee may bump another employee with less seniority in either of two ways: 1) an employee in one of the tracks could bump the least senior employee in that track based upon the employee’s seniority in the track (e.g., a maintenance or grounds employee with ten (10) years of maintenance or grounds seniority whose position is eliminated could bump the least senior maintenance or grounds employee in this track), or, 2) this same employee, if he is the least senior employee in the maintenance or grounds track, could bump the least senior employee in the custodian position. Custodians, whether day or night, would have bumping rights based on their district seniority. 2. Any bumping or recall must take into consideration the employee’s ability to perform the job. 3. Any employee whose position is eliminated or filled by another employee whose position has been eliminated and who refuses a position which he has a right to claim under above shall lose all seniority rights under Section B of this Article. A full-time employee may refuse to claim a part-time position and shall maintain seniority rights under this Article.
Layoff and Bumping Rights. Electronically Signed using eSignOnline™ [ Session ID : c8826d85-612e-4fc6-919d-4138e42692bb ] Any employee having completed his their probationary period, whose position is eliminated or modified from full-time to part-time, or who is laid off from his their position, or a full-time employee whose scheduled hours of work have been reduced may exercise his their bumping rights wherever his their seniority permits, provided he they possesses the skill, ability and qualifications required to perform the job. This same procedure will be followed until all employees so affected or bumped have exercised their seniority rights. Should the employee elect not to bump or be unable to exercise their his right to bump, they are he is then laid off. A full-time employee whose scheduled hours have been reduced may elect to retain his their position as modified rather than exercise his their right to bump.
Layoff and Bumping Rights. The Employer, without regard to seniority, shall determine the need for and the timing of any layoffs, the number of employees to be laid off and the programs and job classifications affected. Reduction in the number of employees within a job classification shall be accomplished on the basis of seniority, provided that, in the judgment of the Employer, the retained employees possess the necessary skill, ability, and experience to perform the required work. An employee whose position has been eliminated shall have the right to bump a less-senior employee in a classification in the same program, as long as the employee meets the job qualifications of the job. For purposes of bumping, the following programs are established: a. Teacher x. Xxxx c. GirlPower! Youth Worker d. Youth Advocate – SVYMP
Layoff and Bumping Rights. When an employee's regular shifts have been reduced by a cumulative total of one (1) pay period of that employee's normal work hours or forty
Layoff and Bumping Rights. 1. In the event of layoffs, an employee may bump another employee with less seniority. 2. Any employee whose position is eliminated or filled by another employee whose position has been eliminated and who refuses a position which he has a right to claim under the above shall lose all seniority rights under Section A of this Article. A full-time employee may refuse to claim a part-time position and shall maintain seniority rights under this Article.