Lead Pay Sample Clauses

Lead PayEmployees assigned by the Employer to a lead position shall receive an additional one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour over the regular rate of pay. The lead position shall be an assignment, not a separate classification.
Lead Pay. A. Non-supervisory employees (employees whose classification or pay grade description does not include supervisory duties) who are designated and assigned by Management to act as lead workers over other employees, either on a regularly assigned or on a daily basis, shall receive compensation at two (2) premium levels (approximately 5.5%) pensionable when regularly assigned; non-pensionable bonus when assigned on a daily basis. B. The designation, re-designation or removal of a lead assignment shall be a Management prerogative and may occur any time Management deems it appropriate. Such Management decisions shall be final and conclusive and shall not be subject to the grievance procedure herein. Nothing in this Section, however, is intended to deny the premium payment specified herein to an employee who has been assigned, has qualified and has performed the lead assignment in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
Lead Pay. Effective the first pay period following ratification, an employee temporarily assigned by the Employer to fill in for a lead employee or supervisor shall receive one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour over the regular rate of pay for all hours worked in the lead position. A lead primarily performs the same work as others in the classification; in addition, he or she is directly accountable for monitoring and reviewing work assignments of other employees, checking work for accuracy, assisting in and independently making daily work assignments, assisting with and independently developing work schedules, or giving advice and work instructions to other employees.
Lead PayLead persons shall receive one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) above the employee's base rate of pay. Lead pay includes any preceptor duties that may be assigned.
Lead Pay. If the Employer establishes a permanent lead person for any of the classifications listed in this Agreement, the rate of pay for such lead person classification shall be seventy-five ($.75) per hour above the rate of pay for the applicable classification. The decision as to whether a lead person classification will be utilized shall be made in the sole discretion of the Employer. Any lead position shall be posted and filled in accordance with Article 8(E). Qualifications and clearly defined duties for the job shall be posted by the Employer.
Lead PayThe Employer may temporarily assign an employee lead responsibilities. Such employee shall be compensated the lead premium rate of one dollar ($1.00) per hour in addition to their regular rate of pay for all hours worked as “Lead Person”. Lead assignment shall be based upon the complexity of the job responsibility. When assigning a lead rate of pay, the Employer will notify the Union of the assignment.
Lead Pay. Lead pay of $1.00 per hour will be paid to employees who, in addition to their routine daily assignments, are assigned lead responsibilities for their work unit. Lead pay is not payable for conducting orientation; provided, however, that lead pay for designated lead persons shall not be affected while conducting orientation. Assignment of lead responsibilities will be determined by the department manager.
Lead Pay. When the Medical Center assigns an employee to serve as a lead, the employee will be paid five percent (5%) of his or her base hourly rate as a differential.
Lead Pay. Leads shall receive one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour in addition to regular pay.
Lead PayEmployees assigned lead responsibilities by the Employer shall receive $1.75 per hour in addition to the regular rate of pay for the hours assigned.