Lieu Time Sample Clauses
Lieu Time. Instead of a cash payment for overtime, an employee may choose to receive time off in lieu of the appropriate overtime rate. An employee may accumulate up to a maximum of 2.5 working days, which may be taken off during Christmas, March Break or during the month of July and the first two weeks of August.
Lieu Time. 36.01 When a teacher is requested to work outside of the school year, lieu time during the school year equal to the number of days worked outside of the school year shall be granted at the teacher’s request. If coverage is required, an occasional teacher will be employed. The teacher’s consent must be obtained before working during a vacation period.
Lieu Time. (a) An employee’s work schedule is developed to meet program demands and an employee may request to accommodate those demands by any one of the following means;
i) adjusting their work day to accommodate the work, or;
ii) adjusting their schedule within the pay period or;
(b) When an employee believes their work responsibilities do not allow them to alter their day, week or pay period they will consult with their manager to explore alternatives. Following consultation with the employee, where the manager agrees that there is a need for additional hours to address work responsibilities, a request to work additional hours at straight time up to forty (40) hours per week will not be arbitrarily denied. This time will be accumulated in their lieu time bank.
(c) An employee may accumulate up to forty-two (42) hours in the lieu bank. At no time shall an employee have more than forty-two (42) hours in their lieu bank.
(d) When an employee reaches this maximum accumulation of forty-two
Lieu Time. (1) An employee may request that overtime hours be taken as time off.
(2) Overtime rates to be applied to Lieu Time.
(3) Such Lieu Time may be used as holiday extension, sickness, emergency, or otherwise upon request of the employee, provided that such request is approved by the Department Head.
(4) An employee may, after three (3) months, request payment for Lieu Time accumulated. Subject to Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, an employee may request payment under this Article be made directly to an employee‐designated RRSP.
(5) All Lieu Time accumulated must be taken or compensating wages received, not later than the end of the following calendar year.
(6) Effective 2014 June 16, all lieu time will be banked in dollars at the employee’s earned rate at the time it was banked.
Lieu Time. (i) Subject to (ii). (iii), and (iv) below, overtime taken as lieu time shall be accumulated at the rate of
Lieu Time. Lieu time for accumulated overtime will be granted on a mutually agreeable day within forty-five (45) days after the accrual. Upon written request of the employee lieu time may accrue beyond the forty-five (45) day limit. When accumulation of thirty-seven and a half (37.5) hours is reached, the employee is required to make arrangements to take some or all of the accumulated time, unless mutually agreed otherwise. All lieu time will be paid within the fiscal year during which it has been accumulated. It is understood that scheduling of vacation time or paid holidays take precedence over lieu time for accumulated overtime.
Lieu Time. At the employee’s request and in agreement with the employer, Sunday hours and public holiday hours may be taken as lieu time equivalent to the number of hours worked, on the basis that, under all circumstances, the additional pay must be paid.
Lieu Time. In accordance with Article 14.09 of the Central Collective Agreement, where an employee chooses equivalent time off, such time off must be taken within ninety
Lieu Time. Subject to (ii), (iii), and (iv) below, overtime taken as lieu time shall be accumulated at the rate of 1.5 hours of lieu time for each hour of overtime worked;
Lieu Time. O-1 In accordance with Article 14.09, where a full-time or a regular part-time nurse chooses time off equivalent to the applicable premium rate, such time must be taken at a mutually agreeable time. For all departments other than OR, banked overtime remaining to the nurse’s credit in excess of thirty-seven and one half (37.5) hours shall be paid out to the nurse at the last pay period of each quarter (June, September, December, March). For the OR department, banked overtime remaining to the nurse’s credit, in excess of fifty (50) hours shall be paid out to the nurse at the last pay period of each quarter (June, September, December, March).