Sunday Hours Sample Clauses
Sunday Hours. A. All authorized work performed on Sundays shall be compensated at the employee's basic rate of pay.
B. No employee, as defined in Article 2, Section 2 of this Agreement, shall be required to work Sunday hours. Employees must possess the required skills and ability to do the work as determined by the Employer.
Sunday Hours. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the parties agree to the following provisions for staffing the Main Library and the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx on certain Sunday afternoons. The provisions relating to the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx shall be effective July 1, 2020 until ratification of a successor agreement.
1. Sunday staffing at the Main Library will be only for Sundays between the Sunday after Labor Day and the last Sunday in June, except that Easter, Christmas (if it falls on either Saturday or Sunday), and the Sunday prior to Memorial Day will be staffed on a purely voluntary basis, that is, only if enough employees volunteer to provide coverage deemed necessary by the library administration. Sunday staffing at the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx will be only for Sundays between the first Sunday in July and the Sunday prior to Labor Day, except that if July 4th falls on a Sunday, the Library will be closed, and the Sunday prior to Labor Day will be staffed purely on a voluntary basis, that is, only if enough employees volunteer to provide coverage deemed necessary by the library administration.
2. Staff employed on or before April 15, 2014 shall not be required to work Sundays.
3. All full-time unit members, regardless of date of hire, shall continue to have the option of cash payment at 1½ or compensatory time at double time for Sunday work.
4. The current system of staffing Sunday hours at the Main Library on a voluntary basis shall be maintained and will also apply to the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx. Accordingly, employees hired after April 15, 2014 shall not be scheduled to work Sundays as part of their regular workweek. Under the current system, which shall be continued, volunteers for Sunday work shall be solicited periodically among all staff without regard to date of hire in a bargaining unit position.
5. In the event that an insufficient number of employees volunteer to staff the library on any Sunday covered by this provision, then employees hired into the unit after the ratification of this Agreement may be required to do so, under the following limitations:
a. Employees working in positions whose regular workweek is less than thirty (30) hours shall first be required to work Sunday, provided they have the necessary skills and qualifications for the staffing needs on any particular Sunday. If necessary, such employees working in positions whose regular workweek is thirty (30) hours or more may then be required to work in order to complete the complement necessary to staff t...
Sunday Hours. (a) If the Central Library, any Branch or any Contract Library is open on Sunday or any other library department is participating in an offsite program on Sunday, all hours worked on that day shall be in addition to the required forty
Sunday Hours. When Sunday hours are available at a branch library, such hours shall be assigned to qualified employees in the following order:
(a) On a voluntary basis, to those who are assigned to that branch as a community library employee or an employee with cluster status within the same cluster.
(b) On a voluntary basis, to those community library employees within the same cluster whose library does not have Sunday hours.
(c) On a voluntary basis, to other employees within the cluster.
(d) By assignment in order of inverse seniority, to employees with cluster status within the same cluster.
(e) By assignment in order of inverse seniority, to community library staff at the same library.
Sunday Hours. At the discretion of the Town, the Library may also provide library services on Sunday. No employee shall be forced to work on Sunday.
A. Bargaining unit employees shall have preference for all Sunday work opportunities.
B. Any work on Sunday shall be compensated at a rate equal to time and one-half (1½) the employee's normal hourly rate.
C. At least four (4) weeks advanced notice shall be given to the bargaining unit prior to initiating Sunday hours.
D. An employee scheduled to work nineteen (19) hours or less per week may choose to work a Sunday shift. The Sunday hours count towards the nineteen (19) hours for the week. An employee must, with the Director’s approval, reduce their hours later in the week to ensure they do not go over 19 hours.
Sunday Hours. Should the Board of Trustees determine Sunday hours are an operational requirement of any library facility’s open hours, aA. All authorized work performed on Sundays shall be compensated at the employee's basic rate of pay. If an employee works full-time FTE and is scheduled on Sunday, they shall be scheduled to work a full day even if the building is closed.
Sunday Hours. Sunday hours are an operational requirement of Timberland Regional Library. All authorized work performed on Sundays shall be compensated at the employee's basic rate of pay.
Sunday Hours. A. All notices will state that "a position may require a six day work week and may include Sunday as a regular work day at any agency." The Library ordinarily will not require employees to reduce their hours, or otherwise adjust their schedule, during any work week in which the employee is also scheduled to work on Sunday.
B. Bargaining unit employees will earn time and one-half for all hours worked on Sunday, but Sunday hours shall not be subject to the overtime scheduling provisions of Section 5, above. Subject to the provisions of Article XIII, an employee may elect to take one and one-half hours of compensatory time off for each hour worked on a Sunday.
C. Notwithstanding the Library’s contractual and statutory right to schedule employees and to establish and change hours of work, including Sunday hours, the parties have agreed to adhere to the following terms and conditions regarding Sunday scheduling:
1. There shall be two Sunday seasons: September through December and January through May. Not later than May 31 and September 30 of each year during the term of this Agreement, any bargaining unit employee who is regularly assigned to work in an agency that is not open on Sundays may notify Human Resources of his/her desire to be assigned to Sunday work during the ensuing Sunday season. Provided the Library determines such employee is qualified for Sunday work and the employee makes himself/herself available for orientation at any Library facility at which he/she will be assigned on Sundays, the Library will make a good faith effort to schedule such employee on Sundays along with those employees who are regularly assigned to work in the agencies that are open on Sunday.
2. Not later than May 31 of each year, managers in departments and branches open on Sunday will meet and confer with agency staff members to evaluate the adequacy and method of Sunday staffing. In planning for Sunday staffing, such managers will allow each agency staff member to indicate whether he/she prefers to receive Sunday assignments as well as whether he/she prefers Sundays to be included in the regular work week or to be in addition to the regular work week. In making Sunday staffing assignments, managers will make a good faith effort to maximize Sunday assignments to those agency staff members who desire them and to minimize Sunday assignments to those who prefer not to work on Sundays. Managers will likewise make a good faith effort to fairly and equitably distribute Sunday ass...
Sunday Hours. 1. Sunday hours are over and above the regularly scheduled workweek. There shall be three (3) Sunday seasons: January through April (the ―Srping Season‖); May through August (the ―Smu mer Season‖); and September through December (the ―Fall Season‖).
(a) There shall be no required make-up time for Sunday work that is missed.
(b) Employees shall not be entitled to any form of paid leave for hours not worked on Sunday.
(a) All bargaining unit employees will be paid time and one half for all Sunday hours worked.
(b) An employee from ADM will be paid time and one half the minimum rate of the position for which the Sunday hours are assigned or time and one half the rate of his/her regular position, whichever is greater. However, if the rate of pay for the employee’s regular position is greater than the maximum rate of the position for which Sunday hours are assigned, then he/she will be paid at time and one half the maximum rate of the pay grade for the Sunday position.
(c) An employee who has attained additional educational qualifications, and who volunteers to work in a higher rated position, will be paid time and one half the minimum rate of the position for which the Sunday hours are assigned, or time and one-half the rate of his/her regular position, whichever is greater. However, if the rate of pay for the employee’s regular position is greater than the maximum rate of the position for which Sunday hours are assigned, then he/she will be paid at time and one half the maximum rate of the pay grade for the Sunday position.
3. Sunday work assignments are subject to the requirement that Sunday staffing must ensure a proper complement for Library staffing and building responsibilities as determined by the Library, consistent with Side Letter # 17 on Sunday Staffing Complement. The Library may schedule one (1) non- bargaining unit Public Services Supervisor to work in a branch for every eight (8) open branches on a Sunday, in addition to any assignments they may receive pursuant to sub-section 5.f of this Section C.
4. The sign up process will be subject to the following provisions:
(a) Volunteer sign up cards will be distributed for each Sunday season to any bargaining unit employee who seeks branch public service Sunday assignments. The sign up period for each Sunday seasons shall be started within ten (10) days following the posting of the approved vacation calendar for each period. Employees may volunteer to serve in either or both regions at the time of sig...
Sunday Hours. Weekly
a) An Employee who has worked on more than five (5) days in a week, shall be paid time and one-half (1.5x) for all hours that are in excess of thirty- five (35) hours and which are worked on subsequent days.
b) An Employee who has worked on more than five (5) days in a week, shall be paid double time (2x) for all hours that are in excess of forty (40) hours and which are worked on subsequent days.