Monthly and Annual Reports Sample Clauses

Monthly and Annual Reports. The Contractor will submit to the City monthly reports and annual reports. At a minimum, the Contractor shall include the following information: • Gross amounts of materials collected, by recyclable material (in tons). • Net amounts of materials marketed, by recyclable material (in tons). • Amounts of "process residuals" disposed (in tons). • Recycling service fee (based upon contracted price per household). • Revenue share credits back to the City (if any). Monthly reports shall be due to the City by the 15th day of each month. Annual reports shall be due by January 31. The Contractor will be encouraged to include in its annual report recommendations for continuous improvement in the City's recycling program (e.g., public education, multi‐family recycling, etc.).
Monthly and Annual Reports. 6.4.1 Licensee shall provide the Judicial Council with a report reasonably acceptable to the Judicial Council of Licensee’s Gross Receipts for each month within thirty (30) days after the end of each month. The report shall reflect the amount payable to the Judicial Council from Licensee’s monthly Gross Receipts in the form of Exhibit “B” (“Monthly Gross Receipts Report”), attached hereto and incorporated herein, which form may be reasonably updated, modified, or revised from time-to-time by the Judicial Council. 6.4.2 Licensee shall submit each Monthly Gross Receipts Report to the Judicial Council via email at (or as otherwise directed by the Judicial Council). For each month that Licensee owes and pays a License Fee to the Judicial Council (i.e., any monthly License Fee greater than zero dollars), Licensee shall also include with each of its Monthly Gross Receipts Reports a copy of Licensee’s corresponding check to the Judicial Council for Licensee’s payment of that month’s License Fee. 6.4.3 Licensee shall provide the Judicial Council with an annual profit-and- loss statement and balance sheet for each year during the Term (“Annual Financial Report”). Licensee’s Annual Financial Reports shall be prepared by an authorized representative of Licensee on a form reasonably acceptable to the Judicial Council. Licensee shall submit each Annual Financial Report to the Judicial Council via email at (or as otherwise directed by the Judicial Council) within one hundred twenty (120) days of the close of each calendar year.
Monthly and Annual Reports. On or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month during the term of this Agreement, Manager shall prepare and forward to Owner monthly and annual profit and loss statements for the Project prepared as of the last day of the prior calendar month and reporting the prior month's and the prior twelve (12) months' results; a Project balance sheet, prepared as of the last day of the prior calendar month; a monthly Tenant sales summary, prepared as of the last day of the calendar month; a monthly litigation report prepared as of the last day of the calendar month; and a quarterly Owner's report summarizing all activity of the major areas of operation, prepared on a quarterly basis. All notices from any mortgagee claiming any default in any mortgage affecting the Property or from any mortgagee or any official entity not of a routine nature, shall be forthwith delivered to Owner if received by Manager. Annual financial statements shall be prepared by a nationally recognized firm of independent certified public accountants.
Monthly and Annual Reports. The Contractor shall deliver Project Status Reports on a monthly basis. The reports shall address the items below cross referenced to the WBS, SOW, IMS, and EVM: • Executive summary highlighting the progress, issues, and relevant activities in manufacturing, non-clinical, clinical, and regulatory; • Progress in meeting contract milestones, detailing the planned progress and actual progress during the reporting period, explaining any differences between the two and corrective steps; • Updated IMS; • Updated Risk Management Plan (Every 3 months); • Three month rolling forecast of planned activities; • Progress of regulatory submissions; • Estimated and actual expenses;
Monthly and Annual Reports. Along with each monthly invoice, Grantee shall submit a calendar monthly report to the Council for review and approval. Each quarterly report shall include a detailed summary of completed Grant Project activities and expenditures for such month including the following information: a. Budget status including a breakdown of expenses into categories as a backup for the monthly invoice. Total expenses must match the total invoice amount and then reflect an 80% billing to the Council. Expenses must be broken down into common areas. This information must be provided in Microsoft Excel or similar format and sent via email to the Council’s Grant Manager. b. A narrative describing activities not covered in the marketing logs including, for example, such things as research, committees, etc. This information must be provided in Microsoft Word or similar format and sent via email to the Council’s Grant Manager. c. Five of each collateral material piece developed by the Grantee that is paid for with grant funds. This includes reports, posters, flyers, studies, etc. that are paid for with grant funds. d. Numbers from the monthly activity spreadsheet that is provided to Grantee by the Council. This information must be provided in Microsoft Excel format and sent via email to the Council’s Grant Manager. e. Status against goals on work plan. This information must be provided in electronic format and sent via email to the Council’s Grant Manager. f. DBE Project/Progress Reports and narrative. g. Other information as deemed necessary for completion of required reports. Grantee shall submit a calendar year report to the Council for review and approval. The annual report shall be a compilation of the information provided in the monthly reports for that calendar year. The calendar year report is due by January 30 of the year following the end of the calendar year. The Council will prescribe the format of such reports and the information to be provided in the reports in order to meet federal reporting requirements.
Monthly and Annual Reports. The Contractor shall deliver Project Status Reports monthly, referencing the WBS, SOW, IMS, and EVM. PM designated. Monthly technical progress reports. Annual technical progress report. Biweekly meeting minutes.
Monthly and Annual Reports. Within five (5) Business Days after the end of each calendar month, MTF shall render to CONMED a written report setting forth (a) the Net Amount billed by MTF during that month and (b) monthly service fee information reflecting and supporting the Net Amount billed by MTF, including the number of units of each different type of SMT distributed by MTF during that month, the service fee billed for each different type of SMT, and any amounts allowed for credits, returns, or other similar allowances normal and customary in the trade. Within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar month, MTF shall pay to CONMED the full amount due CONMED for that month, by check or in accordance with other payment practices which are mutually agreed to by the Parties. Amounts not paid when due shall accrue interest at the prime rate prevailing on the due date as reported in The Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition).
Monthly and Annual Reports. The Contractor will submit to the City monthly and annual reports. At a minimum, the Contractor shall include the following information in these reports: • Total quantities of recyclable materials collected, by material type (in tons) for single family, multi-family, city facilities, parks, churches and small businesses. • Net quantities of recyclable materials marketed, by material type (in tons). • Quantities stored, by type of material, with any notes as to unusual conditions (in tons). • Quantity of process residual disposed of (in tons). • For single and multiple family homes, recycling service fee of one dollar and seventy five cents ($1.75) per unit per month or as outlined in Section 6. • For churches or small business, recycling service fee of one dollar and seventy five cents ($1.75) for up to two ninety five (95) gallon recycling carts, and one dollar and seventy five cents ($1.75) per cart thereafter or as outlined in Section 6. • Log of all resident and church or small business addresses where education tags were left because of non-targeted materials set out for recycling. • Log of all complaints, including the nature of the complaints, to include the following: names, addresses, and contact numbers of the complainants; the date and time received; the Contractor’s response; and the date and time of the response. • List of single family addresses that do not set out recycling bins at least once a month. • Recycling cart data including cart inventory, replacement, repair, warranty issues, etc. Monthly reports shall be due to the City by the fifteenth (15th) day of each month. Annual reports shall be due by January 31 of each year. The Contractor will be encouraged to include in its annual report recommendations for continuous improvement in the City’s recycling program (e.g., public education, multiple family recycling, etc.).
Monthly and Annual Reports. Objective: The Contractor shall meet the reporting deadlines based on the required information for each family served under this Contract as listed below: Primary Activities / Resources: 1. By the tenth of the following month, Contractor shall submit ODHH monthly Service Delivery Report for the respective month as follows: a. Number of hours of Family Mentoring services provided; b. Number of Families enrolled in the Family mentoring Program; c. ; d. ; e. ; f. ;
Monthly and Annual Reports. 1. MAC shall deliver to the City Council an annual report on or by the day of each year, of all membership fees and daily park fees collected by MAC. 2. MAC shall also submit to the City the following reports by the fifteenth (15th) business day of each month. Such reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 3. MAC must, within the first quarter of a new contract period (or as soon as such report is available), submit to the City Finance Department a copy of their annual audited financial report for the contract year having just ended during which this Agreement was in effect. If any of the required reports or records in this Agreement are not given to the City within thirty (30) days of the agreed upon time frame, the contractual amount paid by the City to MAC each month will be reduced by ten percent (10%) for each month such report or record is delayed.