Older employees. EMPLOYEES WITH IMPAIRED HEALTH SAFE and NSA agree to work both centrally and on the local level to arrange for a personnel policy that permits older employees and employees with impaired health to continue to work until they reach ordinary retirement age. It is presumed that the parties in the individual company discuss the work situation for older employees and employees with impaired health. One should particularly take into consideration that heavy lifting shifts, overtime and travels assignments and especially dirty work might cause particularly unfortunate burdens for these employees. For this reason, older employees and employees with impaired health should, to be extent possible based on a medical evaluation or their own wishes, be exempt from such work assignments. For older employees and employees with impaired health individual agreements can be made between the individual employee and the company about work assignments, facilitated training/update within their own scope of work functions, rest periods, work from home/telecommuting, part-time work/reduced working hours etc.
Older employees. For older employees and employees whose health is impaired, individual agreements may be made between the individual employee and the enterprise concerning job tasks, adapted training/updating in their own field of work rest breaks, reduced working hours, etc.
Older employees. The federations have prepared a joint technology industries ca- reer span scheme publication providing examples of practical measures for prolonging working careers. These measures may concern such aspects as management, career planning, exper- tise and skills, modification of duties, and various working time scheduling arrangements. The publication is available on the websites of the federations. Practical measures include discussions with older employees and the opportunity to agree on exchanges of seniority bonus for cor- responding time off. There are further details in subparagraph
Older employees. Where five (5) or more Journeymen are employed every fifth (5th) Journeyman shall be fifty (50) years of age or older, where available.
Older employees. The bank takes the importance of the know-how and experience of older employees into account in its HR planning. It offers older employees the opportunity to discuss suitable deployment options within the framework of development discussions. When the contracts of older or long-servicing employees are to be terminated, the bank takes special measures in line with its greater duty of care towards older employees: – Timely warning of the envisaged termination – Listening to the employee before termination is announced – Assessing opportunities for alternative deployment This does not apply in the event of termination on pressing grounds (Art. 337 Swiss Code of Obligations) or economic grounds, to special procedures in the event of mass redundancy (Art. 335d Swiss Code of Obligations) or the provisions of section D of this agreement (Procedures in cases of bank closures and layoffs of bank employees).
Older employees. An employee with five (5) years or more of seniority who, by reason of advancing years or temporary disablement, is no longer capable of performing the normal requirements of his/her regular work, may be given any available light work. The Hospital shall have the right to determine the rate of pay for this kind of work and the rates of pay set out in the wage schedule shall not be applicable to this work.
Older employees. An employee with five (5) years or more of seniority who, by reason of advancing years or temporary disablement, is no longer capable of performing the normal requirements of his/her regular work, may be given any available light work. The Hospital shall have the right to determine the rate of pay for this kind of work and the rates of pay set out in the wage schedule shall not be applicable to this work. Dated this day of , 2013 FOR THE HOSPITAL FOR THE UNION LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Between THE LADY XXXX HEALTH CENTRE AND NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE, TRANSPORTATION AND GENERAL WORKERS’ UNION OF CANADA (CAW – CANADA) LOCAL 1120 The parties agree to the following terms and conditions that will govern the scheduling of employees working extended tours:
Older employees. Employees who, through age or physical are, or become no longer capable of performing all of the normal functions of their work may, at the discretion of the Hos- pital, be retained in the employment of the Corporation, provided suitableworkisavailable. thewage provisions agreement may not apply thewage provisionsofthis agreement may not apply for such employees, and the Corpora- tion shall have the right toestablish what it considers an equitable rate of pay. An employee who believes he has not been in a fair manner under this provision, shall have the right to lodge a complaint in accordance with Article of this agreement.
Older employees. The United Federation and BNL have agreed to work, centrally and locally, to achieve a personnel policy in which older employees and employees whose health is impaired, can continue to work until they reach ordinary retirement age. It is a condition that the parties at the individual enterprise discuss the working situation for the older employees and those whose health is impaired. In particular it should be taken into consideration that lifting heavy weights, working on shifts and overtime, travel assignments and dirty work may result in undesirable strain for these employees. Therefore older employees and those whose health is impaired should, based on a doctor’s assessment or if they so desire, be excused work of this type. For older employees and employees whose health is impaired, individual agreements may be made between the individual employee and the enterprise concerning job tasks, rest breaks, part-time work etc. Pay shall be determined according to the provisions in § 2-5, 2.
Older employees. To promote the job satisfaction and career extension of older employees, the federations shall appoint a working group for the purpose of studying the use of time and working capacity of older employees, alternative formats for extending careers, and coverage of the associated costs. The working group shall also review the role of the occupational health service in supporting working capacity. The mission of the working group will be to promote and support trials at individual workplaces and gather experiences of various age-related programmes, and to produce materials describing good practices for use at workplaces. Promoting the working and operating capacity of older employees at workplaces Special attention will be paid to the working capacity and strain imposed on older employees. To reduce absences due to illness and conserve working capacity, workplaces should apply the lessons learned in occupational health service workplace studies and risk assessments. These materials will provide the basis for planning any necessary individual measures for maintaining working capacity. Workplaces may benefit from the joint materials drafted by the federations to this end. Signing minutes of the Collective Agreement