Organic Materials Collection Sample Clauses
Organic Materials Collection. On or before the effective date of mandatory Organic Materials 315 recycling requirements as set forth under AB 1826, Contractor shall develop and implement 316 Organic Materials Collection programs for Commercial and Multi-Family Customers. Those 317 programs must comply with the requirements of AB 1826 to the satisfaction of the County 318 Contract Manager. Prior to implementation of the program, Contractor and County shall meet and 319 confer to establish Rates for the services. The Rate for service shall be sixty five percent (65%) of 320 the service portion of the Rate for the equivalent level of Solid Waste Collection service plus an 321 amount to compensate Contractor for the cost of Processing Organic Materials, which shall be 322 based on the tipping fee at the agreed-upon Processing Facility. Contractor shall Collect Organic 323 Materials in Contractor-provided Containers not less than one (1) time per week from Commercial 324 Customers and Transport all Organic Materials to an Organic Materials Processing Facility mutually 325 agreed-upon by the Contractor and County for Processing. 326 Containers: Carts, Bins, Compactors 327 Container Sizes: 96-gallon Carts; 3-- cubic yard Bins; and, 328 Drop Boxes or Compactors (as requested by Customer) 329 Service Frequency: Up to three (3) times per week but not less than one (1) time every 330 week, as requested by Xxxxxxxx 331 Service Location: Curbside or other Customer-selected service location at the Premises 332 Acceptable Materials: Greenwaste, Food Waste 333 Prohibited Materials: Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Excluded Waste 334 Additional Service: Upon Customer request and to accommodate periodic additional 335 service needs, Contractor shall provide Collection service at a greater 336 frequency than the Customer’s regularly scheduled service, up to the 337 maximum Service Frequency and Contractor may charge the 338 appropriate Rate for the higher Service Frequency. 339 Contractor shall provide a Bin exchange to any Commercial Customer 340 for cleaning and maintenance once (1) each year, upon Customer 341 request. 342 Other Requirements:Contractor shall, at Customer’s request and for an 343 additional charge, open and close gates, push and/or pull Containers, lock 344 and unlock Containers, or perform other services as reasonably necessary to 345 access and empty Containers. Section 4.3: Collection Service Operating 346 Requirements 347 A. Regular Hours of Service. The Contractor shall schedule...
Organic Materials Collection. 2951 Contractor shall Collect Organic Materials in Contractor‐provided Containers no less than one (1) time 2952 per week from (i) all Commercial Customers who are subject to the requirements of AB 1826 and do not 2953 refuse the service, and (ii) from all other Commercial Customers who subscribe for the service. Under 2954 both (i) and (ii), Contractor shall be entitled to charge for Organic Materials Collection service at the 2955 then-applicable Rates for the service. Contractor shall Transport all Organic Materials to the Approved 2956 Organic Materials Processing Facility for Processing. If a Commercial Customer subject to the 2957 requirements of AB 1826 refuses Organics Materials Collection Service, Contractor shall not be required 2958 to provide service to that Customer and shall notify the applicable RA Member within 30 days of the 2959 Xxxxxxxx’s refusal and in Contractor’s quarterly report. “Subject to the requirements of AB 1826” 2960 means that the Commercial Customer is subscribed for a volume of weekly Solid Waste service equal to 2961 or greater than the applicable volume threshold set forth in California Public Resources Code 2962 §42649.81(a)(2), (3) or (4). 2963 Containers: Carts, Bins, Compactors 2964 Container Sizes: 64‐, and 96‐gallon or comparable size Carts:1‐ and 2‐ cubic yard Bins; and, 2965 Compactors (as requested by Customer)
Organic Materials Collection. Contractor shall Collect Organic Materials one (1) time per week in 896 Contractor-provided Containers from Single-Family Customers and Transport all Organic Materials 897 to the Designated Organic Waste Processing Facility for Processing. 898 Containers: Carts 899 Container Sizes: 96-gallons (or similar size) 900 Service Frequency: One (1) time every week 901 Service Location: Curbside 902 Acceptable Materials: Organic Materials 903 Prohibited Materials: Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Excluded Waste 904 Additional Service: Contractor shall provide additional Organic Materials Carts to Customers, 905 upon request, and may charge the “Additional Organic Materials Cart” 906 Rate approved by the County. Payment for the additional cart will be 907 direct billed by the Contractor. Contractor shall provide modified services 908 for Disabled Customers, at no additional charge, in accordance with 909 Section 5.8.A.
Organic Materials Collection. Contractor shall Collect Organic Materials in Contractor−provided Containers one (1) time per week from Commercial Customers and Transport all Organic Materials to the Approved Organic Materials Processing Facility for Processing. 1− and 2− cubic yard Bins; and, 00−, 00−, 00−, and 40− cubic yard Drop Boxes or Compactors (as requested by Customer) Service Frequency: Up to five (5) times per week but not less than one (1) time per week, as requested by Customer Contractor shall open and close gates, push and/or pull Containers, lock and unlock Containers, or perform other services as reasonably necessary to access and empty Containers (additional charge may apply). If a Customer places Organic Materials Container(s) for Collection and the materials placed in such Container(s) include a sufficient volume or particular type of Prohibited Materials that could reasonably result in the Approved Organic Materials Processing Facility either rejecting the material from Processing or charging Contractor a greater amount for Processing, Contractor may classify that set−out as “Contaminated”. Contractor shall document any set− outs classified as Contaminated with photographic evidence of the presence of the Prohibited Material(s) and shall provide such evidence to the City Contract Manager or Customer upon request. In the event of a Contaminated set−out, Contractor shall provide Customer with a written warning of the Contamination and instruct the Customer about how to properly separate and place Organic Materials for Collection and Contractor may, at their sole discretion, refuse to Collect the Container until it is no longer Contaminated. In the event that Contractor classifies more than two (2) set−outs in a consecutive three (3) month period as Contaminated, whether Collected or not Contractor may assess the “Organics Contamination” Rate approved by the City under this Agreement if Collected. In the event that Contractor has assessed the Organics Contamination Rate more than two (2) times in a consecutive six (6) month period, Contractor may cancel the Customer’s subscription to the Organic Materials program and may prohibit such Customer from subscribing to the program until they demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Contractor or City Contract Manager that adequate measures have been implemented to prevent future contamination.
1. Source-Separated C&D Collection Containers: Drop Boxes Container Sizes: 10−, 20−, 30−, and 40− cubic yard Drop Boxes Service Location...
Organic Materials Collection. Contractor shall Collect Organic Materials in Contractor‐provided Carts one (1) time per week from Single‐Family Customers and Transport all Organic Materials to the Approved Organic Materials Processing Facility for Processing.
Organic Materials Collection. Contractor shall Collect Organic Materials in Contractor‐provided Carts one (1) time per week from Commercial Customers and Transport all Organic Materials to the Approved Organic Materials Processing Facility for Processing. 1‐, 2‐, 3‐, 4‐, and 6‐ cubic yard Bins; and, 10‐, 15‐, 20‐, 25‐, 30‐, 35‐, and 40‐ cubic yard Drop Boxes or Compactors (as requested by Customer)
Organic Materials Collection. 759 A. Single-Family Dwelling. Contractor shall Collect Source Separated Organic 760 Materials from SFD once per week. Collection of Organic Materials, Targeted 761 Recyclable Materials, and Solid Waste from the SFD shall occur on the same Day 762 each week. Contractor shall provide each Customer with one (1) Cart to be used for 763 storage and Collection of Organic Materials. Customers may request additional 764 Organic Materials Carts from Contractor for regular weekly Collection service, and 765 Contractor shall xxxx Customer at Agency-approved Charges specified in Attachment 766 Q. The Contractor shall provide Customers with a ninety-six (96) gallon Cart as 767 specified in Attachment D, unless the Customer requests an alternative Cart size, in 768 which case, the Contractor shall provide an alternative Cart as specified in 769 Attachment D. 770 For SFD Organic Materials Cart Collection, Contractor shall comply with the same 771 Collection provisions specified for Solid Waste Cart Collection pursuant to Sections 772 5.02.A.2, 5.02.A.3, and 5.02.A.4. 773 During the Term, Contractor shall provide, within five (5) Business Days of request 774 by Occupant, Kitchen Pails to new SFD Customers and to SFD Customers whose 775 Kitchen Pail is lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed (such replacement shall be limited 776 to one (1) per year per Customer at no additional cost). Residents will be discouraged 777 from placing Kitchen Pail Curbside for Collection and will be instructed to deposit the 778 contents of the Kitchen Pail into the Organic Materials Cart.
Organic Materials Collection. Contractor will provide Organic Materials Collection service at City Facilities at no additional charge. Contractor will provide carts, bins and roll-off boxes for collection of Organic Materials.
Organic Materials Collection. 521 A. Single-Family Dwelling. Contractor shall Collect Source Separated Organic Materials 522 from SFD once per week. Collection of Organic Materials, Recyclable Materials, and 523 Solid Waste from the SFD shall occur on the same day each week. Contractor shall 524 provide each Customer with one Cart to be used for storage and Collection of Organic 525 Materials. Customer will be provided the opportunity to subscribe to service levels of 526 additional Organics carts and shall be billed in accordance with Agency approved rates 527 for additional Organics cart service. The Contractor shall provide each Customer a 528 {insert default Cart size}-gallon Cart unless the Customer requests a smaller Cart size, 529 in which case, the Contractor shall provide a 30-, 60-, or 90-gallon (or similar size) Cart. 530 Contractor shall Collect Carts Curbside unless the Occupant is provided Special 531 Handling or Backyard Collection Service. In such case, Contractor shall Collect from 532 and return the Carts to the alternative service location (such as the side yard or back yard) 533 specified by the Customer. 534 Contractor shall provide each SFD Occupant with a Kitchen Pail that is suitable for 535 storage of Food Scraps at the inception of Collection Services. Contractor must submit 536 Kitchen Pail specifications (including material and design specifications, colors, and 537 identification marks) to Agency for Agency’s written approval prior to submitting the 538 order to the manufacturer. During the Term of the Agreement, Contractor shall provide, 539 within five (5) Business Days of request by Occupant, Kitchen Pails to new SFD 540 Customers and to SFD Customers whose Kitchen Pail is lost, stolen, damaged, or 541 destroyed (where such replacement shall be limited to one per year per Customer at no 542 additional cost). Residents will be discouraged from placing Kitchen Pails Curbside for 543 Collection and will be instructed to deposit the contents of the Kitchen Pail into the 544 Organics cart. 545 546 B. Multi-Family Premises. MFD Customers shall have the option of voluntarily 547 subscribing to Organic Materials Collection services and shall pay Contractor for such 548 service in accordance with Agency-approved Rates. Contractor shall Collect Source 549 Separated Organic Materials from MFD Complexes that have subscribed to Organic 550 Materials Collection service as frequently as scheduled by Customer, but not less than 551 once per week. Contractor shall provid...
Organic Materials Collection