Overtime Rights Sample Clauses

Overtime Rights. The parties to this Agreement recognize that College operations may require the performance of overtime work and that employees will co-operate in the performance of such work. The College will advise employees of required overtime as far in advance as practicable and, in any event, will give notice of scheduled overtime required prior to the conclusion of the preceding work day except in circumstances beyond its reasonable control. The Colleges agree to attempt to distribute available overtime work as equitably as practicable amongst qualified employees in the work groups in which overtime work is required. Whether or not advance notice of required overtime has been given, the College shall take into consideration the legitimate requests of employees to be excused where the performance of overtime by such employees would cause undue hardship or serious inconvenience. Employees who have been excused on this basis shall be deemed to have worked such overtime for the purposes of considering equitable distribution. Where an employee claims improper distribution of overtime under these provisions and such claim is either agreed to or determined to be valid, the College's obligation shall be limited to offering such employee the next opportunities to perform scheduled overtime work in his/her work group that he/she is qualified and willing to perform until such time as the inequity has been addressed.
Overtime Rights. (i) A staff employee shall refuse to work overtime, except in emergency circumstances, unless the hours are approved and recorded in the department and with Human Resources. (ii) A staff employee shall not be required to take time off during regular hours to compensate for overtime worked. By mutual agreement of the employee and his or her immediate supervisor, authorized overtime may be taken as time off in lieu of paid overtime. Where time off is taken in lieu of overtime, such time off will be taken at the equivalent time of the rate earned when the overtime was worked, and shall be taken at a mutually acceptable time which is convenient to the needs of the department, but no later than the completion of the employee's next scheduled regular vacation period, or March 31st following the vacation. (iii) A meal break of one-half (½) hour paid at the applicable overtime rate shall be given to an employee if the overtime worked extends more than two (2) hours beyond the completion of the employee's scheduled shift.
Overtime Rights. The patties to this Agreement recognize that College operations may require the performance of overtime work and that employees will co-operate in the perfor- xxxxx of such work. The College will advise employ- ees of required overtime as far in advance as practica- ble and, in any event, will give notice of scheduled overtime required prior to the conclusion of the preced- ing work day except in circumstances beyond its rea- sonable control. The Colleges agree to attempt to dis- tribute available overtime work as equitably as practi- cable amongst qualified employees in the work groups in which overtime work is required. Whether or not advance notice of required overtime has been given, the College shall take into consideration the legitimate requests of employees to be excused where the per- formance of overtime by such employees would cause undue hardship or serious inconvenience. Employees who have been excused on this basis shall be deemed to have worked such overtime for the purposes of con- sidering equitable distribution. Where an employee claims improper distribution of overtime under these provisions and such claim is either agreed to or deter- mined to be valid, the College’s obligation shall be lim- ited to offering such employee the next opportunity to perform scheduled overtime work in his/her work group that he/she is qualified and willing to per-form. Shift Schedules Split Shifts There shall be no split shifts during the term of this Agreement. Where employees are required to rotate amongst shifts, the College shall endeavour to schedule shifts so that there will be a minimum of fifteen hours, or less if the Local Union and the College agree and the affected employee approves, between the end of the employee’s regularly scheduled shift and the com- mencement of his/her new shift. Where there is one or two days off between the change of shift, the College shall endeavour to provide for thirty-nine (39) hours and sixty (60) hours, respectively, between the end of the employee’s regularly scheduled shift and the commencement of his/her new shift.
Overtime Rights. Shift Schedules
Overtime Rights. The employee(s) in the department job classification or the Labour Pool employee scheduled at the beginning of the week, on the shift, on the equipment or equipment grouping.
Overtime Rights. A staff employee shall refuse to work overtime, except in emergency circumstances, unless the hours are approved and recorded in the department and with Employee Services. A staff employee shall not be required to take time off during regular hours to compensate for overtime worked. By mutual agreement of the employee and his or her immediate supervisor, authorized overtime may be taken as time off in lieu of paid overtime. Where time off is taken in lieu of overtime, such time off will be taken at the equivalent time of the rate earned when the overtime was worked, and shall be taken at a mutually acceptable time which is convenient to the needs of the department, but no later than the completion of the employee's next scheduled regular vacation period, or March following the vacation. A meal break of one-half hour paid at the applicable overtime rate shall be given to an employee if the overtime worked extends more than two (2) hours beyond the completion of the employee's scheduled shift. For the purpose of calculating the hourly rate, an employee's monthly rate shall be divided by one hundred and fifty-two (152). Should the hourly rate arrived at result in a fraction of one cent cent), it shall be taken to the next highest full cent.

Related to Overtime Rights

  • Overtime Pay ‌ Overtime pay shall be paid to the employee on the next paycheque after the expiration of the pay period in which the overtime was earned except as provided in Article 16.6 (Compensating Time Off) below.

  • Overtime Overtime will begin to accrue after sixty (60) hours in a two (2) week period averaged over the scheduling period determined by the local parties. Overtime will apply if the employee works in excess of the normal daily hours. Payment for overtime is as in Article 16.01.

  • Overtime Work A. Overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of one and one- half (1½) times the basic hourly straight-time rate. B. Overtime shall be paid to employees for work performed only after eight (8) hours on duty in any one (1) service day or forty (40) hours in any one (1) service week. Nothing in this Section shall be construed by the parties or any reviewing authority to deny the payment of overtime to employees for time worked outside of their regularly scheduled work week at the request of the Employer. C. Penalty overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of two

  • Overtime Payments Full-time and Part-time Employees

  • Overtime Meals When employees are required to work more than two (2) hours beyond their regular work days, the Employer will provide hot meals at no cost to the employees, up to a maximum of sixteen dollars ($16.00) (receipts to be submitted) plus paid meal periods of one-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate and thereafter at four (4) hour intervals. Any early morning start before regular starting time is entitled to a paid meal. The breakfast limit is thirteen dollars ($13.00) (receipts to be submitted). Employees called out on overtime shall be paid for meals as above, after four (4) hours work.

  • Overtime Payment Full-time employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's straight time hourly rate for all time worked outside of their normal work hours and/or work days up to sixteen (16) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period. For hours worked in excess of sixteen (16) in a twenty-four (24) hour period, employees shall be paid double time. Employees who receive an unpaid lunch period and are not required to work at their work assignments during such period shall not have such time treated as hours worked for the purpose of computing overtime.

  • Overtime Provisions (a) Time worked as an extension to the regular scheduled shift or time worked in a bi- weekly pay period that is in excess of seventy-five (75) hours shall be compensated at a rate of one and one-half times (1½ x) the Nurse’s regular hourly rate for the overtime worked. A Nurse who works in excess of four (4) hours overtime in any one day shall be compensated at a rate of two times (2 x) the Nurse’s regular hourly rate for the overtime worked. (b) Overtime shall not be claimed for less than fifteen (15) minutes at the end of a shift, but if overtime amounts to fifteen (15) minutes or more, the overtime rates shall apply to the total period in excess of the shift. (c) In computing overtime a period of thirty (30) minutes or less shall be counted as one-half (½) hour and a period of more than thirty (30) minutes but less than sixty (60) minutes shall be counted as one (1) hour.

  • Mandatory Overtime a. Mandatory Overtime is overtime that an employee is assigned and required to work involuntarily, and will only be required in operational emergencies when sufficient voluntary overtime cannot be secured to maintain the Company’s operation. Mandatory overtime will be limited to the number of employees and hours required to cover the emergency as determined by local management. b. Mandatory overtime will not exceed 4 hours past an employee’s scheduled shift in any 24 hour period. Employees will not be required to work mandatory overtime until the opportunity to work the additional hours has been offered to all qualified employees who are currently at work, and if there are an insufficient number of volunteers, then to otherwise eligible employees whose names remain on the overtime call sign up list. c. Mandatory overtime will be assigned in reverse bid seniority order according to shift time, except that employees already working overtime will be assigned last. d. Every attempt will be made to notify employees on duty of mandatory overtime at least 1 hour in advance. If 1 hour’s advance notice is not provided, the employee will receive 1 ½ hours’ pay as a penalty in addition to the pay earned for any mandatory overtime hours actually worked. e. Employees will not be assigned mandatory overtime during their vacation periods. For this purpose, the vacation period is defined as the period beginning 24 hours after the commencement of the employee’s last regularly scheduled shift before the vacation commenced. An employee may be assigned to mandatory overtime on the last regularly assigned shift prior to a vacation or DAT day, but will be placed at the bottom of the mandatory overtime list. f. If any mandatory overtime causes a rest period violation to occur, every attempt will be made to adjust the employee’s shift to provide the minimum 8 hours rest. g. All mandatory overtime hours will be paid at the applicable rate of pay but not less than the time and one half (1.5X) rate of pay regardless of work status or hours worked. If an employee is required to work mandatory overtime on two or more consecutive days, the minimum payment for all mandatory overtime hours worked will be at the double-time (2X) rate of pay.

  • Right to Refuse Overtime All employees shall have the right to refuse to work overtime, except when required to do so in emergency situations, without being subject to disciplinary action for so refusing.

  • Payment of Overtime For the purposes of calculating overtime payments, each day or shift will stand-alone.