Plant Shutdown Sample Clauses

Plant Shutdown. The Company firmly believes that a complete plant shutdown will not occur in the foreseeable future. However, in the event of a permanent cessation of all production activities at the Facility, the Company agrees, without prejudice, to discuss termination pay with the Union.
Plant Shutdown. Upon mutual agreement between the Company and the Union, the Plant(s) may be shut down for a period not to exceed one (1) week each. Employees will be advised not later than three (3) months prior to the shutdown date. Employees without sufficient vacation entitlement and/or vacation pay accrual will be required to take time off without pay during the Plant shutdown. In the event that a skeletal crew is required to work during the Plant shutdown, consideration will be based on: • Required skills. • Requirement to take time off without pay. • Seniority.
Plant Shutdown. Section 1. In the event of a temporary or permanent plant shutdown, the Company would continue to provide all benefits but not wages for a period not to exceed four weeks to employees actively employed by the Company immediately prior to the shutdown. Section 2. The Company will notify the Union, sixty (60) days prior to any temporary plant shutdown, unless an emergency arises which makes such notice impossible. Section 3. Those employees with vacation remaining are permitted to change such vacation to correspond with the plant shutdown dates. Section 4. During a temporary plant shutdown, any production work performed will be offered to the most senior qualified employees within the department. If additional employees are needed from outside the department, they will be canvassed from the master seniority list.
Plant Shutdown. The Company may designate two (2) weeks plant shutdown between June and September as the vacation period. In such event, the Company will notify the employees no later than two (2) months prior to the date of such vacation shutdown. When the plant is not scheduled for a shutdown, employees will be notified of their vacation period not later than May of the vacation year.
Plant Shutdown. The EMPLOYER shall have the option of declaring a vacation shutdown for up to 10 working days during any calendar year of this Agreement. If the EMPLOYER elects this option it will notify the Local Union President by January 15th of the year so elected. One of the two weeks elected for shutdown shall occur during the time period of June 1 - August 31. If the EMPLOYER elects to exercise the right to shut down the PLANT, up to 10 working days of an Employee’s regular vacation may be assigned to these shutdown periods. Vacation shutdown weeks may include observed Holidays covered by this Agreement. In such cases the EMPLOYER may assign vacation only to those days not covered by Holidays for a combined total of five (5) days during the shutdown week.
Plant Shutdown. During periods of plant shutdown, employees will be paid their current rate of pay until such time as their job is discontinued.
Plant Shutdown. The Company firmly believes that a complete plant shutdown will not occur in the foreseeable future. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite is visualized, with the forecast expansion in future demand for products for power reactors. However, in the event of a permanent cessation of all production activities at the Facility, the Company agrees, without prejudice, to discuss termi- nation pay with the Union.
Plant Shutdown. The Company will designate up to two (2) weeks plant shutdown for the purpose of vacation between July 1st and August 31st of each year for all employees eligible for vacations (except Skilled Trades employees). Management will post notice of summer vacation shutdown at least forty- five (45) days prior to the vacation shutdown but no later than April 1st. The Company will schedule the vacation shutdown so that each eligible employee may have two (2) consecutive weeks of vacation (less if he/she is entitled to less than two (2) weeks) between July 1st and August 31st. These employees who are eligible for additional vacation entitlement shall be allowed the additional vacation time in accordance with seniority at such times as mutually agreed between the employee and the Departmental Manager. Employee’s vacation requests (other than the summer vacation shutdown), will be collected by the Departmental Manager or designate, between April 1st and April 30th. The Departmental Manager or designate will subsequently schedule vacation by seniority. If at the time of the Department Manager’s approach, the employee’s request dates are not available, the employee has 24 hours to provide their new vacation dates. Vacation requests submitted after April 30th will be on a first requested basis. Seniority shall prevail on requests submitted the same day. Requests and responses shall be in writing on the prescribed forms. Requests will be granted provided they are submitted at least one (1) week in advance. Requests received with less notice may be granted, provided operational requirements permit.
Plant Shutdown. The Company firmly believes that a complete plant shut- down will not occur in the foreseeable future. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite is visualized, with the forecast expansion in future demand for productsfor power reactors. However, in the event of a permanent cessation of all pro- duction activities at the Facility, the Company agrees, with- out prejudice, to discuss termination pay with the Union. Staff Working It is not the Company’s intention to use Staff personnel to do work normally allocated to hourly rated employees. However, it is recognized and agreed by the Union that the following occasions constitute cases where it is acceptable for staff personnel to perform work normally done by hourly rated employees: For the purpose of training new employees. In an emergency situation where a staff employee’s failure to act could result in an injury to an employee, a loss of Company pro- duction or damage to Company property. During the development of new operating methods or in the course of a research project.
Plant Shutdown. 1. The Company shall have the right to have a plant shutdown of up to two (2) weeks, not necessarily consecutive, during the calendar year. Employees with two or more weeks of vacation must reserve at least one (1) week of their vacation entitlement for the shutdown period(s). 2. By May 1, the Company will notify the employees as to the weeks that are under consideration for the shutdown. If the Company determines that a shutdown will not occur, the Company will notify employees of the need to work no later than November 1. Employees will be afforded the opportunity to work, if they so desire. Employees who volunteer to work will be selected based upon the department and classification where work is available, in seniority order.