Preferred Seniority Sample Clauses

Preferred Seniority. Stewards elected pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall head the seniority list for their job classifications for the purposes of recall and layoff only during their terms as Xxxxxxx and shall not be laid off while any work is available in which they have the ability to perform. Stewards shall be returned to their regular standing on the seniority lists upon termination of service as such Xxxxxxx.
Preferred Seniority. Union representatives elected pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall head the seniority list for their job classifications for the purposes of recall and layoff only during their terms as Union representative and shall not be laid off while any work is available in their job classification which they have the ability to perform. Union representatives shall be returned to their regular standing on the seniority lists upon termination of service as a Union representative.
Preferred Seniority. It is agreed that members of bargaining committee of the union will be accorded a preferred seniority status on their shifts, insofar as permanent layoffs are concerned, subject to provision hereinafter stated. The right to designate the persons who will have such preferred seniority status will be vested in the Union, provided that the list at all times will include only employees in office. Whenever the union desires to substitute another person having preferred seniority, it will notify the company in writing, and thereafter the person whose preferred seniority status has ceased will resume his/her regular seniority. In no case will the company be under obligation to assign work because of preferred seniority status to a person who is not capable of doing the work available.
Preferred Seniority. 289 For the purpose of this Article, officials of the Union shall have seniority preference over all of the employees they represent conditioned upon ability to do the work available. Where more than one level of representation is in effect for an employee in a classification in a department, the preference shall be in this order:  First, the President; next, the Chief Xxxxxxx; next, other executive board members. 290 In addition, Stewards shall have preferred seniority only to the extent necessary to retain their shift assignment during any shift selection period.
Preferred Seniority. The five (5) members of the Union Executive Committee and Worker Representative son of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall, subject to the procedural provisions of Clause and of the Collective Agree- ment, have preferred seniority status for layoff, provided that they have acquired at least one (1) year of seniority. The Company recognizes the importance of having a Worker Representative present at any Health and Safety investigation. Therefore, it is agreed that if the Company is made aware that the Worker Representative is going to be absent from work and the other Union member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee is laid off, that member will be recalled to work. In any event, if the Union Health and Safety Committee member is unavailable, the Company will have a xxxxxxx or Union Executive Committee member present for any complaint or investigation. When there is an afternoon and/or midnight shift in effect, the terms of the first paragraph of this Clause, except as noted below, will apply for one (1) xxxxxxx and one (1) safety representative, only, from the classifications on the shift. When the afternoon and/ or midnight shift is not in effect, preferred seniority will not apply for these positions. In addition, preferred seniority will not apply for these positions during periods of Physical Inventory taking. In order for this Clause to apply, the Union must advise the Company in writing as to their appointees. Employees who act as alternates for these positions will not have preferred seniority status for any layoff. Employees who hold office as a worker representative on the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall not be a member of the Grievance Committee. Management representatives who administer the second (2nd) and third (3rd) steps of the grievance procedure shall not hold office as a management representative on the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. Worker representatives on the afternoon and midnight shifts will not be required to attend the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings unless invited to do so by mutual agreement of the Worker Representative Co-chairperson and the Company Co-chairperson. If any member of the grievance committee is laid off, they will be paid for any time spent attending grievance meetings with the Company or preparing for such meetings. This preparation must be done on plant premises and must conform to Article Not- withstanding the above, they wi...
Preferred Seniority. (a) The Company agrees to accord a preferred seniority status to the Unit Chairperson, Unit Griever, Stewards of the Local not to exceed a total of Five (5) in all, for the sole purpose in the event of a reduction of force of insuring that the Union shall have proper representation as long as there are employees to be represented. The right to designate the persons who shall have such preferred seniority shall be vested in the Union, provided that the list at all times shall include only those employees in office. Whenever the Union desires to substitute another person for one then having preferred seniority it shall notify the Company in writing, and thereafter the person whose preferred seniority has ceased shall resume his regular seniority, In no case shall the Company be under obligation to assign work because of preferred seniority status to a person who is not capable of doing the work available. (b) In the event of a reduction of force for a short term situation involving temporary assignment, or temporary layoff, The Unit Chairperson, Unit Griever or Xxxxxxx shall continue on his regular work as long as it continues to function. If his regular work ceases to function he shall be dealt with in accordance with his regular seniority under the provisions of 11.11. He shall also be returned to any occupation he is capable of performing as soon as it begins to function again. In the application of this section the order of preferred seniority shall be the Unit President with top seniority then the Unit Griever then Stewards.
Preferred Seniority. 16.01 The Union committee chairperson and the two shop committee persons only, shall have preferred plant-wide seniority during their term of office subject to the following: (a) When it becomes necessary to layoff members of the Union committee, the following procedure will apply, subject to the remaining committee employees’ qualification, experience and ability to perform the required work: First, the committee person who only participates during contract negotiations with the Company. Second, the committee person. Third, the Union committee chairperson.
Preferred Seniority. The Unit Chair of the Union shall head the seniority list in the plant during their term in office but is only eligible to bump the lowest paying job. Upon termination of their term of office, the Unit Chair shall be returned to their regular standing on the seniority list. It is understood and agreed that in the application of the preferred seniority, the employee must have the ability to perform the work available. Also, such preferred seniority is to be applied only in case of layoff.
Preferred Seniority. It is agreed that members of the plant of the Union will be accorded a preferred seniority status on their shifts, insofar as permanent layoffs are concerned, subject to provision hereinafter stated. The right to designate the persons who will have such preferred seniority status will vested in the Union, provided that list at all times will include only employees in office. Whenever the Union desires to substitute another person having preferred seniority, it will notify the Company in writing, and thereafter the person whose preferred has ceased will resume his regular seniority. In no case will the Company be under obligation to assign work because of preferred seniority status to a person who is not capable of doing the work available.
Preferred Seniority. It is agreed that the President of the Union, together with the Unit Chairperson, Vice-President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer shall be accorded a preferred retention seniority status in the order as listed above. Grievance Committee Chairperson and Joint Health and Safety Committee Chairperson of the Union shall be accorded preferred retention seniority of three (3) years in addition to their actual seniority. Other members of the Grievance Committee, Joint Health and Safety Committee and Stewards shall be accorded preferred retention seniority of two (2) years in addition to their actual seniority. The preferred seniority is applicable only to avoid lay-off from the plant and is not applicable to a department transfer. At no time shall the number of stewards exceed the number allowed in Article 7.02 , The stewards affected shall be laid off on order of seniority. Stewards are to be laid off and recalled with their two year preferred seniority.