COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. The Corporation recognizes the appointment of one (1) xxxxxxx by the Union for the purpose of conducting relevant union business. The Union will keep the Corporation informed, in writing, of such appointments.
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. (a) The Employer agrees to recognize six (6) stewards to be selected by the Union and to recognize a Grievance Committee which shall consist of the Local President and any two (2) stewards. The Union agrees to advise the Employer of the names of the local president and the stewards. All stewards shall be regular employees of the Board who have completed the probationary period. It is intention of the parties to have the xxxxxxx for each administrative area process the grievances in that area. When the xxxxxxx for the area is unable to act because of illness, vacation, or other conflict of interest, the Employer will recognize a replacement xxxxxxx provided that the is selected--with a view to minimizing travel time and work disruption.
(a) The Union that committee members and executive members have duties to perform in connection with their employment, and only such time as reasonably necessary will be taken to service the grievance.
(e) The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of The stewards members of the Grievance Committee concerned shall the permission of the supervisor concerned before their work. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. The time away from productive work shall be reported to the supervisor so that a proper record of same may be kept. The Board the right to limit such time if it deems the time so taken to be excessive.
(a) The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it 'occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working before the filing of the grievance. It is understood that an employee has no grievance until the matter has been referred to immediate supervisor and an opportunity given to adjust the complaint. The time limits contained in the Grievance Procedure may The aggrieved employee shall present grievance in writing to immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit who shall then arrange a meeting to discuss the grievance within a period of five days after the presentation of the grievance to employee shall have the assistance of xxxxxxx at meeting the employee so desires. The immediate supervisor give answer in writing within a period of five (8) days of the said meeting. If the answer is not satisfactory to the employee or if no answer is given then the next step in the grievance procedure may be taken at any time within five (5) days after ...
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. Union Administrative Committee Labour Management Committee Reimbursement for Union Leave
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. The Employeracknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or otherwise select a Xxxxxxx who will represent the employees in the Bargaining Unit during grievance procedures and negotiations and will recognize and deal with such Stewardwith respect to any matter which properly arises for its consideration. The Union acknowledgesthat the Xxxxxxx has regular duties to perform on behalf of the Employer and that such Xxxxxxx will not leave his regular duties without notifying his immediate Supervisor. Permission from the Supervisor shall not be unreasonably withheld. In accordance with this understanding, such Xxxxxxx shall not suffer any loss of pay while negotiatingthe Agreement or dealing with grievances. This does not apply to time spent on such matters outside of regular working hours. The Unionwill informthe Employer, in of the names of the Stewards and of any changes of same. The Union Secretary may attend all meetings with Management including and grievance meetings.
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. The Employer shall be advised in writing of the names of Shop Stewards and be immediately notified of any changes of Shop Stewards as may occur from time to time. The Employer agrees that not more than Shop Xxxxxxx shall be allowed to attend meetings, as required with the Employer, without loss of pay, for purposes of resolving differences or grievances. Except for meetings with their Employer as specified in above, it is agreed by the Union that as far as possible, activities of the Stewards shall be carried on outside of their regular working hours unless otherwise mutually arranged by the parties to this Agreement. No individual Employee or group of Employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without proper authorization of the Union.
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. 14.01 The Executive, Grievance, Safety Committeemen, Shop Stewards, women’s committee and any committee the Union deems necessary for the efficient operation of the Union, will be designated in writing by the Union to the Company.
14.02 Effective June 1, 1994, for the purpose of meeting Company Representatives, the Grievance Committee shall consist of not more than three (3) members.
14.03 Any employee authorized to act on behalf of the Union and so acting on official business of the Union shall be free to discharge his/her duties without prejudicing his/her relations with the Company in any way, provided that such employee shall not leave his/her place of work to perform duties on behalf of the Union until he/she has had permission from his/her Supervisor, which shall not be withheld unreasonably. If, in the performance of such duties it is necessary for such employee to approach another employee in a department of the Company other than his/her own, he/she shall receive permission from the Supervisor of such other department before making such an approach, such permission not to be withheld unreasonably.
14.04 Pay will not be allowed for time spent by any employee of the Company in respect of duties on behalf of the Union, excepting that members of the Grievance Committee will not lose pay for time spent during employee’s regular scheduled working hours attending meetings with management repre- sentatives.
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. 07.01 Union xxxxxxx and members of committees must obtain permission from their immediate supervisor before absenting themselves from their place of duty in order to deal with grievances, or other Union business connected with this Agreement. Such persons shall not be unreasonably refused having regard for efficiency of operations of the hospital.
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. The Company agrees IO recognize a Union Bar- gaining from and representing the em- ployees, such Committee not to exceed seven members, all of whom shall be regular employees of the Company with a minimum of three (3) months' service Company plant Trust- ees can for absent Committeemembers The Company agrees recognize a Union Griev- ance Committee from and representing the em- ployees, such Committee not to exceed four (4) members and one unit or group xxxxxxx all of whom shall be regular employees of the Company with of three (3) months service with Company'splant This Cornmittee will be expanded provided that the Company and the Union mutually agree The Company agrees to recognize one xxxxxxx to represent of unit as follows Maintenance employees in each group of central Process employees Utility Group employees not In lieu of a xxxxxxx, alternate will be recognized. All such stewards or alternates will be employees of the Company who are members of the Union. chief xxxxxxx should the xxxxxxx need clarification of a specific complaint or grievance in the xxxxxxx'x area. The Companywill recognizeany the Union as a delegate to labour organizations with which the Union is affiliated, in Sarnia and District Labour Council, when such delegate has been duly selected by members of the Union. elected according to above. Such lists will be revised on a basis.
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. The Company agrees to recognize four (4) Stewards selected by the Union [one to be on the afternoon shift]. The said Stewards shall be regular employees of the Company during their terms of office and shall have at least six (6) months of service with the Company prior to assuming office. One of the four Stewards is to be the Chief Xxxxxxx. The Union will inform the Company in writing of the names of the Stewards appointed by the Union and of any subsequent changes in the names of the Stewards. The Company shall not be asked to recognize any Stewards until such notification the Union has been received. It is further understood and agreed that the Chief Xxxxxxx shall be one of the last t w o employees retained by the Company provided that he is capable of performing the work available.
COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. Labour Management Committee Language