Reduction of Force. Whenever the City Council determines, in its discretion, that for reasons of lack of work, lack of funds, or abolishment of a position, a reduction in the number of employees of the City is required, the Personnel Officer shall proceed with such a reduction in force by a reduction in position and/or layoff in accordance with the provisions in this Section. In a layoff situation, the following order of layoffs shall be followed: - Temporary employees in the affected class - Provisional employees in the affected class - Limited term employees in the affected class - Probationary employees in the affected class - Part-time employees in the affected class - Permanent employees in the affected class
Reduction of Force. In the event the Board determines the necessity of reducing the support staff work force, due to lack of work or lack of funds, the Board shall proceed in the following manner:
Reduction of Force. 1. The Employer shall have the right to reduce its workforce (a) due to economic hardship or (b) in the following circumstances, provided that in the case of either (a) or (b) it can establish that the changes listed below eliminate an amount of work similar to the proposed reduction in worker hours:
(i) A change in work specifications or work assignment which results in a reduction of work
(ii) Elimination of all or part of specified work
(iii) Vacancies in building
(iv) Reconstruction of all or part of building
(v) The tenant performing the work himself
(vi) Introduction of technological advances
(vii) Change in the nature or type of occupancy.
2. If the Employer desires to reduce its work force it is required, in addition to their accrued vacation credits and termination pay, if any, to give employees employed for one (1) year or more one (1) week’s notice of layoff or discharge, or in lieu thereof, an additional week’s pay. The Employer shall give four (4) weeks written notification to the Union and the RAB. The Employer shall include in such notification the following:
(a) Reason for reduction, specifying whether the reduction is being made pursuant to one or more of the reasons set forth in Section 1 or Section 5 of this Article.
(b) Notification should include the precise work to be eliminated, setting forth the work hours spent on each task to be eliminated and the change in schedules and duties of remaining employees resulting from the reduction in force.
(c) If the reduction is due to technological advances, the notice shall describe the technological advance; how it will reduce the work, the number of work hours or reduced work and the change in schedules and duties of remaining employees resulting from the reduction in force.
(d) If the reduction in force is proposed to be implemented pursuant to Section 5 of this Article, the notice shall so state. It shall include a detailed description of the work being performed by those allegedly working at an unusually slow pace or having idle time; a description of additional work that such employees should be performing within their normal working hours; the proposed reduction of force in work hours; change in schedules and duties of remaining employees resulting from the reduction in force. The notice shall include both present and proposed work specifications and schedules.
3. In the event that a reduction in the work force is effected and the reason for the reduction in the work force ceases to exist...
Reduction of Force. When the District decides upon a layoff, the Association President shall be given notice of such layoff ten days in advance of its implementation. Layoff within a particular job title shall be in inverse order of seniority according to years of District service. Strict applications of seniority shall prevail, unless exceptional circumstances occur. The administration will consider any recommendation of the Association for dealing with the proposed layoff.
Reduction of Force. The Henniker School Board, pursuant to its rulemaking and legislative authority, and in consideration of the possibility of a manifest change in the enrollment of the students of the Henniker School District, and in order to promote the best educational and academic environment for the students and the program for the Henniker School District, adopts the following guidelines and policy in connection with reduction of force.
Reduction of Force. In the event The Gravois Fire Protection District is ever in a position where a reduction in force is necessary, the Board of Directors shall determine which employees will be impacted using the following factors as guidelines for analysis and decision making:
Reduction of Force. (a) The Employer agrees to give regular full time seniority employees two (2) three (3) days notice of intended layoff
(b) In the event of a layoff, the Employer may recall a laid off employee for temporary work or as a temporary replacement for another employee in which event the agreed upon notice of layoff as provided in this Section, will not apply to said employee.
(c) When it becomes necessary to reduce the working force, the least senior employee in his/ her classification shall be laid off first, and when the force is again increased, the employees shall be returned to work in the reverse order by classification in which they were laid off, providing they still maintain seniority as described herein. Stewards shall be the last employees to be laid off, and under no circumstances shall they be discriminated against. In the event a full time employee is laid off, he/she shall be allowed to displace the least senior employee in any classification if qualified; however, if he/she elects to replace a feeder driver, he/she must be DOT previously qualified to handle the equipment. In the event of a layoff in the feeder classification there will be three (3) moves within the feeder classification to be completed within ten (10) days. Any other employees within this classification who are displaced as a result of these moves will work as assigned.
Section 5.2 After following the reduction of force procedures as outlined above, the following shall apply: After a layoff, full time seniority employees may elect to be assigned to displace one (1) or two (2) part time employees in the building if any part time employees are working in that building. In such cases the full time seniority employees will be offered available hours for one (1) shift and guaranteed eight (8) hours work for two part time shifts guaranteed four (4) hours work for one shift or eight (8) hours work for two part time shifts where available at the appropriate rate for classification of work performed in addition to all fringe benefits. Full time employees who displace part time employees as provided in Article 48, Section 5.2 shall receive the appropriate rate (part time rate) of pay, except if in the building there is a part time employee receiving higher rate, then the full time employee will receive
Reduction of Force. In the event the Company reduces wholly or in part the number of employees in any job, the following procedure shall apply:
1. In a reduction in force, wholly or in part, of employees in the classifications of Warehouseman, Tire/Lube Service Mechanic, Steamcleaner and Janitor, such employees will be reduced into the laborers classification. They would retain employment as a laborer by Plant seniority, or if laid off, be recalled to laborer by Plant seniority. Employees reduced from the above mentioned classifications have first rights to recall back to the classification from which they were reduced.
2. Any employee, based upon qualifications, shall be allowed to displace an employee in the line of flow in any job at the next lower level than the job being reduced according to the employee's accumulated occupation classification seniority. Any employee displaced by this procedure shall be allowed to displace another employee according to the same procedure. If the employee is not qualified for the next lower level classification, he shall be reduced down the line of flow to the level for which he is qualified.
3. The employee's accumulated occupation classification seniority for the purposes of reduction of force shall be the sum of all occupation classification seniority he had in all jobs below the level of the jobs from which he is being reduced in the same line of flow prior to the reduction of force.
Reduction of Force. 1. The Employer shall have the right to reduce its workforce (a) due to economic hardship or (b) in the following circumstances, provided that in the case of either (a) or (b) it can establish that the changes listed below eliminate an amount of work similar to the proposed reduction in worker hours:
(i) A change in work specifications or work assignment which results in a reduction of work
(ii) Elimination of all or part of specified work
(iii) Vacancies in building
(iv) Reconstruction of all or part of building
(v) The tenant performing the work himself
(vi) Introduction of technological advances
(vii) Change in the nature or type of occupancy.
2. If the Employer desires to reduce its work force it is required, in addition to their accrued vacation credits and termination pay, if any, to give employees employed for one (1) year or more one (1) week’s notice of layoff or discharge, or in lieu thereof, an additional week’s pay. The Employer shall give four
Reduction of Force. 1. The Employer shall have the right to reduce its workforce a) due to economic hardship or b) in the following circumstances, provided that in the case of either a) or b) it can establish that the changes listed below eliminate an amount of work similar to the proposed reduction in worker hours:
i) A change in work specifications or work assignment which results in a reduction of work
ii) Elimination of all or part of specified work
iii) Vacancies in building
iv) Reconstruction of all or part of building v) The tenant performing the work himself