Professional Growth Increments. The employee submits verification of units/hours as evidence as evidence completed professional growth increments to the district office by no later than October 15. The professional growth increments shall be applied to the employee's base salary retro actively starting in July, shall be cumulative and will continue as long as the employee is actively employed in the district.
1. Each approved Professional Growth unit would equal an annual payment of $75.
2. Up to four (4) units can be applied for each year. Additional units may be applied for in successive years.
3. Maximum life time Professional Growth units would be 60 units, which are limited to: applicable specialized trainings or workshops (15 hrs. = 1 unit), or applicable upper division college courses or not to exceed 12 units of applicable lower division CSU/UC transferable coursework.
4. Grandfather/cap present employees who have exceeded the Maximum Lifetime Professional Growth units. Steps earned in excess of the one applied in any given year may be carried over and applied in future years up to the career maximum stated above.
Professional Growth Increments a. The advancement on the full-time salary schedule shall be at the rate of one step for each year of teaching experience. If the full-time faculty member is employed for at least 75% of the total teaching days of an academic year, they shall be given credit for a full year’s experience for salary schedule advancement purposes. Two one-half academic years shall count as a full year. After a full-time faculty member reaches Class V, Step 14, on the salary schedule, they shall be awarded one vertical increment in Class V beginning the 17th, 20th, 23rd, 26th, etc., until they officially retire.
b. Adjunct faculty vertical advancement occurs after completing instruction of 30 units or six (6) semesters, whichever comes first.
Professional Growth Increments. An employee will receive a salary increment of thirty-five (35) cents per hour for each fifteen (15) professional growth points accumulated. At least twelve (12) of the fifteen (15) points must be job related. The remaining three (3) points may be in the area of personal growth. Courses determined to be recreational are not creditable toward professional growth points. A minimum of two (2) years must elapse before an additional increment can be earned. An employee can earn a maximum of five (5) professional growth increments.
Professional Growth Increments. The employee submits verification of units/hours as evidence as evidence completed professional growth increments to the district office by no later than October 15. The professional growth increments shall be applied to the employee's base salary retro actively starting in July, shall be cumulative and will continue as long as the employee is actively employed in the district.
1. Each approved Professional Growth unit would equal an annual payment of
Professional Growth Increments. 10.5.1 The employee submits evidence of professional growth courses completed by August 31 to the district office no later than September 30. Courses must be completed during the prior twelve (12) months. The approved professional growth increments shall be applied to the employee’s base salary retroactive to July, shall be cumulative and will continue as long as the employee is actively employed in the district.
10.5.2 There shall be yearly salary increments of $300.00 per four (4) units, or sixty (60) hours.. One unit shall equal fifteen (15) hours of instructional time (equivalent one semester unit).
10.5.3 Leadership activities include holding an elected office in any educational or professional organization. County, state, or national level office shall equal one unit or fifteen (15) hours for each full year’s service. Local level offices of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer shall equal five (5) hours for each full year’s service.
10.5.4 An employee may earn only one salary increment per year. Any credits earned in excess of the number needed for a base salary increment will be applied toward subsequent increments.
Professional Growth Increments. 7.11.1 Professional Growth Increments will be awarded after the employee has completed nine (9) units of approved study. One year must lapse from that date before the employee is eligible for the next increment. The nine (9) units required for a professional growth increment should relate to the employee's classification or area of employment in the District. All courses must first be submitted to, and approved by, the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources or designee. An employee may carry over units of approved credit from the previous increment period. Units of credit will be approved monthly and paid in accordance with
7.11.2 A maximum total of ten (10) Professional Growth Increments can be earned by any employee.
7.11.3 Professional Growth Increments may be earned by completing the following or a combination of the following:
Professional Growth Increments. The District shall provide Professional Growth Increments, to be granted to classified employees upon completion of nine (9) quarter/six (6) semester units of job related course work. Any courses completed prior to the beginning date of the professional growth policy, shall not count towards advancement under this policy. The increment advancement shall be one (1) range for each nine (9) quarter/six (6) semester units to a maximum of twelve (12) ranges.
Professional Growth Increments. All requests for increases or changes in professional growth increments, together with supporting documentation, must be submitted by October 1. Paycheck adjustments will be made in November. Employees may request mid-year increases or changes in professional increments, together with supporting documentation, no later than the first day of the second semester. Paycheck adjustments will be made in March and shall be prorated for one-half (1/2) of that work year.
Professional Growth Increments. An increment consists of nine
Professional Growth Increments. 17.7.1 A Professional Growth Increment is reached after earning 10 points which may be earned as follows:
A. Institutes, Lectures, Conferences, verification of attendance must be submitted to the Human Resources Administrator = 2 points for 10 hours of attendance.
B. School courses, university, community college, or trade school = 3 points each semester unit or equivalent and 2 points each quarter unit or equivalent.
C. Adult Education = 2 points for each 10 hours of attendance.
D. First Aid / CPR Course (renewable every 3 years) = 1 ½ points of credit upon completion of Standard course. An additional 1 ½ points will be given automatically upon renewal. 3 points for completion of Advanced course. An additional 3 points will be given automatically upon renewal.
E. Conducting district in-service education workshops = 1 point for 5 hours. Limit one workshop per year.
F. State or national, job-related organization = 1 ½ points for one year chair.
G. CSEA accredited education program as outlined in the booklet = 2 points for each 10 hours of attendance.
H. Trade instructor = 2 points for each 10 hours of instruction (instruction is above and beyond the workday).
17.7.2 Any points earned in excess of the number of points required for an increment may be applied toward subsequent increments.
17.7.3 All professional growth increment credits will be figured in semester units. Institutional credits in terms of quarter units will be converted into semester units on the basis that one quarter unit is equivalent to 2/3 semester unit.
17.7.4 Where an educational institution indicated the number of hours of participation, rather than a specific number of units, one semester unit will be granted for each 15 hours (minimum) of classroom participation and in multiples of five hours thereafter for each additional one-third semester unit. Fifteen hours equals 1 semester unit, 20 hours equals 1 1/3 semester units, 30 hours equals 2 semester units, 35 hours equals 2 1/3 semester units, etc.
17.7.5 It is the responsibility of the individual employee to apply for professional growth increments, to receive prior approval where required, and to verify satisfactory completion of all course work.
17.7.6 Satisfactory completion can be verified by presentation of official transcripts or some other official documentation from the institution (person or place) where the course was taken or the training was received.
17.7.7 Courses offered at any college, university, adult school, trade s...