Professional Growth Credit Sample Clauses

Professional Growth Credit. 1. Only employees hired prior to July 1, 1997 are eligible for professional growth credit regardless of when they start their professional growth program. 2. Only full-time (20 hours or more) employees will be eligible for professional growth credit. Applications must be submitted in advance before credit is granted. Prior concept approval required. 3. The Professional Growth Committee meets three (3) times per year – September, January and May. 4. Employees who pursued Professional Growth credit prior to June 30, 1997, will be allowed to complete promotional advancement under previous bargaining language which stated, “Only courses completed from accredited colleges, universities, vocational/trade schools, district community education or other institutions of higher learning will be eligible for credit”. Employees will be allowed to complete promotional advancement under the previous bargaining language listed below. a. An addendum of three (3) percent of the employee’s rate-of-pay shall be given for each successfully completed fifteen (15) semester hours. This percentage addendum will remain in effect throughout the employee’s tenure based on the employee’s current rate-of-pay. No maximum limitation will be set on the number of credit hours that an employee may acquire per year. b. Academic credit shall not be granted for study done prior to July 1, 1986, or prior to an employees date of employment with the District. 5. The employee submits a prior approval form (Application for Professional Growth/Credit Towards Rate of Pay Increase) listing each course to be submitted to the Professional Growth Committee. The form requests justification for course work must be filled in completely and is subject to verification by the employee’s building or department administrator. 6. Course work must be directly related to the employee’s current job, to a promotional path for the current job or future employment in the district. A promotional path is described as a job of higher-grade assignment within the same area of job category, i.e., Maintenance/Custodial, Food Service, Transportation, Clerical, Technology or instructional. 7. In order to be considered for professional growth credit, all courses must be successfully completed. Grades must be a “C” or better, or receive a “Pass” designation. 8. Credit may not be obtained for a course that was previously taken and for which professional growth reimbursement was previously granted. 9. When an employee anticipates c...
Professional Growth Credit. 7.12.1 The site administrator shall review each request and make recommendations to the Superintendent for final approval. 7.12.2 All credit for units has to be job improvement related. 7.12.3 Hours shall be credited only if they are beyond the employee’s normal work-day/work-year. 7.12.4 Courses paid for by the District do not count towards increment. 7.12.5 Classes required to obtain and maintain a District position shall not count towards increment. 7.12.6 District Staff Development In-services do not count towards increment.
Professional Growth Credit. 11.4.1 Professional growth credit shall be earned through courses/seminars, conferences or workshops related to improving skills.
Professional Growth Credit. College credit may be applied to requirements for categorical advancement on the salary schedule. In order to qualify for Professional Growth Credit, the teacher must have prior approval from the Professional Development Council. In order to obtain prior approval, the teacher must submit the Out of District Request in the Professional Development Software Management System (PDSMS). In order to obtain approval for undergraduate Professional Growth Credit the teacher must follow the procedure below: (such application must be processed through all levels regardless of the determination made at any level)
Professional Growth Credit. 10.3.1 One (1) point per semester unit will be granted for approved, accredited college, university, adult, and/or trade classes. College and/or university coursework may be taken as on-line classes. 10.3.2 Quarter unit courses will be converted to semester units at the rate of one (1) quarter unit equaling two-thirds (2/3) of a semester unit. 10.3.3 When semester or quarter units are not specified: • Ten (10) hours of in class time = one (1) point • Five (5) hours of in class time = one-half (1/2) point • Two and one-half (2.5) hours of in class time = one-third (1/3) point The above includes job-related workshops and organized professional seminars and conferences that unit members attend during their non-working hours. This does not include mandatory or required training for licenses and/or certifications required for a unit member’s position. A District subsidy (e.g., payment of District funds for registration and/or attendance) negates eligibility for credit. 10.3.4 Credit toward professional growth shall be given only once for each college course/workshop/seminar/conference title, unless the repeated course is an upgraded version of the prior course and requires the learning of a new set of skills. 10.3.5 Each college course/workshop/seminar/conference submitted for professional growth credit, must include some demonstration of final course mastery. Such demonstration shall include at least one of the following: • Final examinationFinal project or paper • Student portfolio assessment • Final course grade/transcript (a grade of C/Pass or better must be earned in order to have the course considered for Professional Growth credit) • District-provided Certificate of Completion signed by instructor/presenter • Other means of assessment developed by the unit member and instructor and approved by the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources or designee
Professional Growth Credit. 12.3.1 One (1) point per semester unit will be granted for approved, accredited college, university, adult, and/or trade classes. College and/or university coursework may be taken as on-line classes. 12.3.2 Quarter unit courses will be converted to semester units at the rate of one (1) quarter unit equaling two-thirds (2/3) of a semester unit. 12.3.3 When semester or quarter units are not specified:
Professional Growth Credit. 13.4.1 One (1) point per semester unit for approved, accredited college, university, adult, trade and/or correspondence school classes. 13.4.2 Quarter unit courses will be converted to semester units at the rate of one (1) quarter unit equaling two-thirds (2/3) of a semester unit. 13.4.3 When a semester or quarter units are not specified: -fifteen (15) hours of class time = one (1) point; -seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours = one-half (1/2) point; -five (5) hours = one-third point. This includes job related workshops and organized professional seminars and conferences that unit members attend during their non-working hours. A MCA subsidy, except for tuition reimbursement as provided in this Agreement, negates the unit member’s eligibility for credit. 13.4.4 Credit toward professional growth shall be given only once for each course title, unless the repeated course is an upgraded version of the prior course and requires the learning of a new set of skills. Requests for exceptions must be submitted in writing by the unit member to the Executive Director. His/her decision shall be considered final and is not subject to the grievance procedure. 13.4.5 Any course work taken prior to the original hire date of the unit member shall not be counted or applied toward professional growth credit. 13.4.6 Each course/workshop submitted for professional growth credit, must include some demonstration of final course mastery. Such demonstration shall include at least one of the following: A. Final Examination B. Final Project or paper C. Student Portfolio Assessment
Professional Growth Credit. 18.4.1 One (1) point per semester unit for approved, accredited college, university, adult, trade and/or correspondence school classes. 18.4.2 Quarter unit courses will be converted to semester units at the rate of one (1) quarter unit equaling two-thirds (2/3) of a semester unit. 18.4.3 When a semester or quarter units are not specified: -fifteen (15) hours of class time = one (1) point; -seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours = one-half (1/2) point; -five (5) hours = one-third (1/3) point. This includes job related workshops and organized professional seminars and conferences that unit members attend during their non-working hours. A District subsidy, i.e., payment of District funds for attendance, negates the unit member's eligibility for credit. 18.4.4 Credit toward professional growth shall be given only once for each course title, unless the repeated course is an upgraded version of the prior course and requires the learning of a new set of skills. Requests for exceptions must be submitted in writing by the unit member to the Deputy Superintendent or designee. His/her decision shall be considered final and is not subject to grievance. 18.4.5 Any course work taken prior to the original hire date of the unit member shall not be counted or applied toward professional growth credit. 18.4.6 Each course/workshop submitted for professional growth credit, must include some demonstration of final course mastery. Such demonstration shall include at least one of the following: A. Final Examination B. Final Project or paper C. Student Portfolio Assessment
Professional Growth Credit. The District recognizes that classified unit members are an integral part of the Fallbrook Union High School District and that due to rapidly changing and increasingly technical and complex demands on such staff, there is a defined need for continuing education. To encourage continuing education, the District agrees to recognize through salary increments the professional growth efforts of its classified unit members. Professional growth may include educational activities which increase knowledge and skills in the unit member’s regular assignment or enhance his/her/their qualifications for promotional opportunities, increase awareness and understanding of fields related to the unit member’s area of assignment, or result in an increased awareness of human and social factors which have application to the unit member’s assignment. Credit toward professional growth increments may be earned through colleges, adult school, vocational training programs, or through attendance at special seminars or training sessions. To receive professional growth credits, all courses must be taken outside the unit member’s established District hours of employment, unless the Superintendent or designee in Human Resources rules that special circumstances are involved. All courses must be approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee in Human Resources and the Union Chapter president or designee to count towards a professional growth salary increment using the Application for Approval of Classified Professional Growth Credits (see form in Attachment D). Both parties must agree to approval of the form in order for it to be valid. Fifteen (15) hours of class time shall equal one point, and fifteen (15) points (225 hours of class time) shall entitle the unit member to a fifty dollar ($50.00) per month worked increment, provided that a grade of "C" or better is received. Pass/fail credit is acceptable for non graded courses. Unit members may earn up to a maximum of four (4) increments totaling two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month worked. Transcripts or verification of completion of approved courses must be submitted to the District no later than sixty (60) days from the date of completion. The total amount for all unit member participants shall not exceed $12,000 per year. Points may be earned only for approved courses begun on or after July 1, 2021, and increments will be prorated for part-time unit members. After verification of credits by the Superintendent or designee in H...
Professional Growth Credit. 11.4.1 Professional growth credit shall be earned through courses/seminars, conferences or workshops related to improving skills. 11.4.2 Credit for College and University level courses (credit or non-credit) shall be awarded on the basis of one semester unit equals one (1) PROFESSIONAL GROWTH UNIT. 11.4.3 Credit for Adult Education classes and appropriate workshops, seminars and conferences shall be awarded on the basis of fifteen (15) class or workshop hours equal one (1) PROFESSIONAL GROWTH UNIT. 11.4.4 Six (6) PROFESSIONAL GROWTH UNITS shall comprise one (1) PROFESSIONAL GROWTH STEP.