PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. SECTION 1. - No employee shall be disciplined without just cause. If the employee is suspected of charges wherein dismissal or reduction in pay is likely to result, the Employer shall serve the Union a copy of the specified charges and shall first have a hearing with a Union Representative present.
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. Discipline is intended to be progressive and corrective. More severe discipline will be imposed for either multiple instances of less serious violations requiring discipline or for single instances of serious violations as reasonably determined by the District. The progressive steps to discipline shall include, but not be limited to:
13.2.1 A verbal warning by the immediate supervisor
13.2.2 A letter of concern (PIP (see Appendix D) is an evaluation tool and not intended to be used as a disciplinary tool)
13.2.3 A letter of reprimand
13.2.4 A formal notice of discipline action which may lead to dismissal, demotion or suspension without pay
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE a. The purpose of this system of progressive discipline is to provide a procedure to inform Drivers/Aides of deficiencies in the performance of their duties, or failure to follow District policy, and to provide said Drivers/Aides with an opportunity to improve. With each disciplinary reprimand step, the District shall provide to the Driver/Aide a copy of the reprimand. The District shall provide a copy of the applicable BOE policy/regulation, or Transportation Department policy which describes the specific performance standard which the Driver/Aide failed to meet.
b. No Driver/Aide shall be disciplined in a manner which is in conflict with Board policy/regulations or this Agreement.
c. Reprimand(s) resulting from any previous infraction(s) may not form the basis for elevated progressive discipline if more than four (4) years have elapsed since the previous reprimand(s) and said reprimand(s) shall not be used for considering suspension or termination.
d. The Superintendent is vested with the authority to elevate the progressive discipline for serious or willfully repeated violations of the policies or regulations of the district or for violation of state or federal law or has created an immediate risk to a student’s/non-student’s personal safety.
e. With the exception of absenteeism and cell phone use, Progressive Discipline is outlined as follows:
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. Step 1: Written Warning Step 2: Written Warning Step 3: Final Written Warning Step 4: Discharge
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. Verbal Notification Step 2 1st Written Warning Step 3 2nd and Final Written Warning Step 4 3 Day Unpaid Suspension
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. As a feminist organization, WFC utilizes a Performance Improvement Plan to address most performance issues. The performance improvement plan is a progressive process, and may include any or all of the following steps:
1. Written notice indicating the performance deficiency.
2. A follow-up performance counseling session with your manager.
3. A written performance improvement plan outlining specific objectives and timelines.
4. Satisfactory completion of performance improvement plan or dismissal for continued performance issues. Employees may be terminated for just cause.
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. A. The Superintendent may suspend a member for up to three (3) days, without salary, for dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral conduct, insubordination, neglect of assigned duties, and violation of written Board policies. The alleged act must have taken place while on duty or have a direct effect on the member’s teaching duties.
B. If a member is called in for disciplinary interview, that member will be accompanied by an Association representative unless the member declines representation.
C. Suspension may occur only after the following disciplinary measures:
1. Verbal warning after first occurrence. (A written record of such warning shall be made and maintained in an anecdotal file in accordance with Article 16 E).
2. Written reprimand after second occurrence.
D. If a member feels he/she has been unjustly reprimanded, he/she may file a grievance and, should the member be supported in his/her position, all records of such reprimand shall be removed from all personnel and anecdotal records.
E. In the event a grievance is filed on a suspension, the suspension shall be held in abeyance until after the grievance procedure has been completed.
F. To expedite a grievance on discipline, the grievance will be initiated at the third step of the grievance procedure.
G. If the infraction set forth in paragraph “A” is of a very serious nature, the employee may be suspended immediately without adhering to the provision of paragraph “C”, however, paragraphs “D”, “E”, and “F” shall apply.
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. When dealing with job-related behavior and issues that do not meet expected and communicated performance standards, EBCHR will use progressive discipline as a process of assisting the employee to understand that a performance problem or opportunity for improvement exists. At every step of this process, bargaining unit members will be able to exercise their Xxxxxxxxxx rights. In other words, if the member feels that a meeting may result in disciplinary action, or affect their personal working conditions, they have the right to union representation, the right to consult with a representative prior to the meeting, and the right to not participate in the meeting until a representative is present. The representative may be a shop xxxxxxx or a CWA business agent. If EBCHR asks an employee to sign a document to acknowledge its receipt, an employee may indicate that they refused to sign, and such refusal alone will not subject the employee to discipline or further discipline. There are five (5) levels of progressive discipline used at EBCHR, any one of which may be entered into, depending upon the circumstances and severity of the problem:
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. Verbal Notification Step 2 1st Written Warning Step 3 2nd and Final Written Warning