PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. At all conferences with a professional staff member/coach concerning a public complaint about that member/coach, the member/coach may request Association representation. If the complaint becomes a matter of written record, and will be used in disciplining or evaluating the teacher, then the teacher shall be afforded the opportunity to answer or rebut such complaint. No unidentified or anonymous complaint shall become part of a teacher's evaluation or personnel file. The Board’s Public Complaints Policy existing as of the time of entry into this Agreement is attached as Appendix B hereto for information purposes.
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. 18.1 Any parent or citizen complaint about an employee shall be reported immediately to the employee by the employee’s supervisor or the Agency Director. Every effort will be made to resolve a complaint at the earliest opportunity. As such, the complainant is encouraged to meet with the employee against whom the complaint is lodged in order to informally resolve the complaint.
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. A. All public complaints, including student complaints, about a teacher shall be followed, as soon as possible, by a personal conference with the complainant(s), the building administrator, and the teacher(s) involved with the alleged problem. The teacher shall have the right to CLFA representation at any such conference.
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. When a complaint is made to the Board or any of its members or administrators by a student's parents or any other member of the public concerning a teacher's conduct or other activities that relate to the teacher's employment duties, and the concern is thought to be serious enough to become a matter of record, the teacher shall be informed of the stated concern by the appropriate administrator. Anonymous complaints will be disregarded. Complaints about bargaining unit members shall be processed by the Board and its administrators as follows:
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. Any complaint regarding a unit member that relates to any employment duties which is brought to the attention of the administration and/or Board member shall be processed in the following manner:
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. 24.100 When any person makes a complaint to the Administrators, Board, or its members which is serious enough to become a matter of record, the appropriate administrator shall inform the employee of the complaint in a private meeting within a week of the complaint. The employee may have a representative of the Association present. The appropriate administrator and employee shall attempt to resolve that party’s complaint. If the complaint is not resolved the administrator shall attempt to resolve the complaint by establishing a meeting with all parties.
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. Basic Policy The District will receive, address, and resolve complaints against District employees, staff members, and volunteers (hereinafter referred to as Employees) from parents, guardians, district patrons, citizen groups, and regulatory bodies (hereinafter referred to as Complainants) promptly and in a manner consistent with the District’s fulfillment of its legal duties and obligations. All participants in the resolution of a complaint shall observe professional conduct and confidentiality throughout the proceedings.
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. Within the Dublin City School District, complaints about various school personnel will arise. Many of these complaints can be resolved if there are open channels of communication and if there is mutual trust between and among the various segments of the schools and community. To bring about open channels and trust, the following conditions and procedures should exist:
PUBLIC COMPLAINT PROCEDURE. 9.1 Negative and/or unsatisfactory evaluations shall not be predicated upon information or material of a derogatory or a critical nature, which has been received by the evaluator from students, parents, and/or citizens unless the following procedures have been followed:
9.1.1 Complaints made by parents or community members or other individuals against a specific teacher shall be made to the immediate supervisor of the teacher. If the immediate supervisor is unable to resolve the complaint of the parties involved, the complaint shall be referred to the Superintendent.
9.1.2 The Superintendent or immediate supervisor will discuss written complaints with the teacher within five (5) days of the complaint being received. If either the teacher or the Administrator believes that the complaint warrants a meeting with the complainant a meeting shall be scheduled between all parties at the request of the teacher an Association representative may be present. If the complainant refuses to attend the meeting, the complaint shall not be utilized by the District in any evaluation or disciplinary action against the teacher.
9.1.3 The teacher is entitled to receive a written copy of the complaint and to submit a written response to the complaint.
9.1.4 If the complainant is not satisfied, the Superintendent will present the complaint to the Governing Board in a personnel session of the Board at which the complainant an Association representative and the teacher and a representative designated by the teacher may appear.
9.1.5 The complainant, the Association President and the teacher are to receive prior notice of the time and place of the Board meeting. All parties are entitled to fully present their positions to the Board.
9.2 Complaints, which are withdrawn, shown to be false, or are not sustained by the grievance procedure shall neither be placed in the teacher's personnel file nor utilized in any evaluation or disciplinary action against the teacher.