QA/QC Sample Clauses
QA/QC. Advanced Quality Assurance. The person who has the ability to co-ordinate quality assurance within department/area e.g. Biochemistry • Authorised to investigate incident report forms and make recommendations • Safety Responsibility – Responsibility for the safety of a department. _ • Safety Officer – Responsibilities for the Laboratory as the Health & Safety Representative. (Depending on the relevant DHB/Blood Service this could be the responsibility of the Team Leader or another team member) • Note: ADHB staff have an allowance for the position of departmental H&S Officer.
QA/QC. The quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) measures of the supplemental monitoring programs shall be consistent with generally accepted practices.
QA/QC. This task includes: • A thorough QA/QC approach suitable for investment-grade studies • Undertaken at key stages in the study such as model calibration, future model development and assumptions, and review of T&R estimates • Sensibility reviews • Performed by qualified staff not otherwise involved in the technical analysis of the study C&M will produce a comprehensive T&R report, which will include the following sections: • Executive Summary • Project description and toll regime • Current traffic conditions and historical growth of screenlines, including information on travel patterns and journey times • Description of road network, recent improvements, and capacity-improvement plans (this section will include network maps by model year detailing future network improvements) • Socioeconomic review—historical and forecasted—and information on special generators in the area • Model development and forecasting methodology, including a summary of the model calibration process and model validation statistics • Value of time and forecast factor analysis • Final transaction and revenue forecasts for the required forecast horizon with a detailed assumptions table • Sensitivity analysis methodology and results Other deliverables will include spreadsheets with T&R results. C&M will provide a Draft Report detailing the results of its T&R study and the components described above. After review by CTIO, C&M will respond to comments, revise the report as needed, and provide a Final Report.
QA/QC. Consultant must establish and implement a QA/QC plan for this task 4.2, including but not limited to quality process logs, internal review with mark-ups, and quality control documentation. Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and coordination of the records research, surveys, designs, drawings, specifications, and other services furnished by Consultant under this Work Authorization.
QA/QC. The engineer will perform in-house quality control and design review utilizing experienced personnel of the engineer. The engineer will provide independent analysis of the specifications and opinion of costs to ensure clarity, accuracy and completeness. All findings will be compiled and discussed by the team and the recommendations of the review team will be incorporated into the final equipment specifications, and opinion of costs.
QA/QC. The Consultant shall subject all documents prepared by the Consultant to the Consultant’s in-house QA/QC procedures prior to submittal to the District for review. Each submittal shall be accompanied by a written statement from the Principal-in-Charge of the project that the documents being submitted have been checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
QA/QC. UTHealth personnel shall provide quality assurance and quality control activities to maintain facility compliance in support of the immatics products. All procedures and processes including QC assays performed for product release and corresponding documentation (e.g., SOPs, validations) will require review and approval by Facility’s Quality team and product may not be released unless both Execution Copy Immatics and Facility Quality teams approve and sign the release. Complete manufacturing documentation for each batch (e.g., batch records, QC result reports, manufacturing SOPs) will be stored in the Facility’s archive to ensure compliance with current regulations and the Facility’s Quality Management System.
QA/QC. The KFA Team will conduct QA/QC of the plans for each design phase.
QA/QC. 2.2.1. The Professional shall observe the contractor’s work to determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract. The Professional shall prepare daily reports to be submitted electronically to NBU’s Project Manager in PDF, documenting the Professional’s observations.
2.2.2. The Professional shall document when non-conforming work is observed and submit this documentation via email in PDF to the NBU Project Manager and the contractor. The Professional shall verify and document when the observed non- conforming work has been corrected and submit to the NBU Project Manager documentation to that effect via email in PDF.
2.2.3. The Professional shall review documents submitted by the contractor, including test reports, equipment installation reports, or other documents required by the contract.
2.2.4. The Professional shall coordinate the completion of materials testing by testing laboratories and confirm the testing has been conducted in accordance with applicable testing and inspection bureaus that set standards for the testing of materials, witness tests, and factory testing.
2.2.5. The Professional shall provide an on-site representative that shall be at the following sites for the durations shown below beginning from NTP: • Gruene Apartment Collector – 30 hours a week; • Xxxxx Xx Reconstruction Ph2 – 30 hours a week; • Gruene Spoils Yard – 20 hours a week; and • Xxxxxxx Sewer Main – 30 hours a week.
2.2.6. The Professional shall provide a construction manager that shall be responsible for the overall management of the Project. The Professional’s construction manager shall visit the following Project sites a minimum of once per week for the durations shown below beginning from NTP: • Gruene Apartment Collector – 3 hours a week; • Xxxxx Xx Reconstruction Ph2 – 2 hours a week; • Gruene Spoils Yard – 4 hours a week; and • Xxxxxxx Sewer Main – 5 hours a week.
2.2.7. General Construction Management and/or On-Site Representative Tasks – The Professional shall perform general construction management and/or inspection tasks as assigned by the NBU Project Manager including, but not limited to: • bac-T testing for construction of potable water facilities; • completion of NBU Retirement Forms for past and current capital projects; • on-site representation for emergency projects or projects with critical construction issues; and/or • conduct warranty inspections for projects where the warranty period is expiring. Staffing for these tasks shall include...