QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. BID PACKAGE REQUIREMENTS: [ ] 1. Bid Response Form (Required) [ ] 3. FOR BRAND NAME ONLY, NO SUBSTITUTION LOTS - Bidders, other than manufacturers, shall be factory authorized distributors and/or factory authorized repair facilities responsible for providing specific manufacturer products and/or services and have the authorization to ship from manufacturer's stock. If applicable, bidder shall accompany their bid with a letter from the manufacturer confirming compliance with the requirement. (Required if Applicable) [ ] 4. Acknowledgement of Addenda (Required if Applicable) [ ] 5. Authorized Signatories/Negotiators (Required) [ ] 6. Drug-Free Workplace (Required) [ ] 7. Schedule of Sub-contracting (Required if Applicable) [ ] 8. Conflict/Non-Conflict of Interest Form (Required) [ ] 9. E-Verification Certification (Required) [ ] 10. Current W9 (Required) [ ] 11. Relationship Disclosure Form (Required to be Submitted and Notarized) [ ] 12. Orange County Specific Project Expenditure Report. (Required to be Submitted and Notarized) [ ] 13. Agent Authorization Form (Submit if Applicable) [ ] 14. Leased Employee Affidavit (Submit if Applicable) [ ] 15. Information for determining Joint Venture Eligibility (if Applicable) (Submit if Applicable) [ ] 16. Contract Y22-1053-MV, Counterpart (1), signed without exception to terms and conditions. Counteroffers shall not be allowed. (Required) Failure to submit the above requested information may be cause for rejection of your bid.
QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. Upon request, the two lowest bidders shall furnish the Owner satisfactory evidence of his/her competency to perform the proposed work. Such evidence of competency, unless otherwise specified, shall consist of statements covering the bidder's past experience on similar work, a list of equipment that would be available for the work, and a list of key personnel that would be available. In addition, each bidder shall furnish the Owner satisfactory evidence of his/her financial responsibility. Such evidence of financial responsibility, unless otherwise specified, shall consist of a confidential statement or report of the bidder's financial resources and liabilities as of the last calendar year or the Contractor's last fiscal year. Such statements or reports shall be certified by a public accountant. At the time of submitting such financial statements or reports, the bidder shall further certify whether his/her financial responsibility is approximately the same as stated or reported by the public accountant. If the bidder's financial responsibility has changed, the bidder shall qualify the public accountant's statement or report to reflect his/her (bidder's) true financial condition at the time such qualified statement or report is submitted to the Owner. If requested, the two lowest bidders shall submit "evidence of competency" and "evidence of financial responsibility" to the Owner no later than 48 hours after the opening of bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of such bid fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the Work contemplated therein.
QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. BID PACKAGE REQUIREMENTS: [ ] 1. Reference Documentation Form (Required)
QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. This bid shall be awarded to a responsible, responsive bidder, qualified by experience to provide the work specified. The Bidder shall submit the following information with the bid:
A. Submit written statement clearly identifying which Building Automation System (BAS) lot(s) the bidder is bidding on. Lots are as follows: • Lot A – Trane Building Automation System • Lot B – Xxxxxxx Controls Building Automation System • Lot C – Automated Logic Building Automation System • Lot D – Reliable Controls Building Automation System
B. Bidder shall complete Reference forms as provided herein on a lot-by-lot basis. A minimum of five (5) commercial references shall be provided for contracts similar in scope and magnitude awarded to the Bidder within the last five (5) years. The same client entity shall not be submitted more than once as a reference for the same lot. At minimum, one reference submitted shall be for a governmental entity such as a courthouse, correctional facility, or airport with a minimum of 100,000 SF. Contract with the governmental entity shall be current or have expired with the last twelve (12) months. Forms shall be legible with all information provided, including contact name and company name, start and end dates of contract, email addresses, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of owners. Contact person shall be someone who has personal knowledge of the bidder’s performance for the specific requirement listed. Contact person shall have been informed that they are being used as a reference and that the County may be calling them. More than one person can be listed but all shall have knowledge of the project. The reference shall be the owner or a representative of the owner. Consultants or contractors who provided services under the referenced project (contract) shall not be accepted as references. DO NOT list principals or officers who will not be able to answer specific questions regarding the project. Failure of references listed to respond to the County’s inquiries may negatively impact the responsibility of the bidder.
C. Provide documentation in the form of a verification letter from the BAS manufacturer(s) demonstrating that the Bidder is a Strategic Partner/Authorized Service Provider of the building automated system(s) they are bidding on. All information submitted is subject to verification. If claiming sole or regional/territorial representation/authorized dealer, Bidder shall have written documentation from the parent company/manufa...
QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. This bid shall be awarded to a responsible, responsive bidder, qualified by experience to provide the work specified. The Bidder shall submit the following information with the bid:
A. List and brief description of work substantially similar in scope and magnitude satisfactorily completed with location, dates of contract, names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of owners by completing the attached reference sheets, the same client entity shall not be used more than once.
B. Provide a copy of the latest registration(s) with the Florida Division of Corporations demonstrating the bidder and all listed sub-contractors can lawfully conduct business in the State of Florida. The determination on whether a bidder is responsible or not shall be at the sole discretion of the County. Although the County may request the submission of a minimum number of contracts similar to the requirements of this solicitation with certain minimum dimensions, quantities, dollar values, etc., the County’s determination of a bidder’s responsibility shall not be solely based on the number of similar procurements the bidder provides but the entirety of the bidder’s qualifications.
QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. BID PACKAGE REQUIREMENTS: [ ] 1. A written, signed and dated statement on company’s letterhead confirming the total acreage that the Contractor is currently managing and confirm the possession of resources and other assets (included but not limited to personnel and equipment, etc.) to satisfactorily provide services as specified herein. All current Orange County contracts for mowing shall be included in the total acreage specified. On the statement, confirm that the company does not foresee any challenges taken on this additional contract while maintaining outstanding/ongoing contracts with Orange County. [ ] 2. Provide a statement on company’s letterhead acknowledging the full understanding of the scope of services and the requirements in order to perform services.
QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. Each bidder must have been primarily engaged in a business that delivers goods or provides services similar to those requested in this IFB for at least 24 months prior to the date this IFB is issued. Each bid must establish that the bidder is “responsible” and the bid is “responsive” to the terms and conditions of this IFB. As defined in the GCPC, a “responsible bidder” as a person who has the technical and financial capability to fully perform the contract requirements. As defined in the GCPC, a “non-responsive bid” as a bid that does not conform to the mandatory or essential requirements of the IFB.
QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS. Bidders shall have at least five (5) years of experience in the types of work included in these specifications. Bidders shall provide reference information as part of the bid. The reference statement shall include a list of every State or municipal entity for which the bidder has provided these services within the past 18 months along with the date of contract award, the quantities installed, the date of contract completion, a discussion of any contract delays, discrepancies, and/or liquidated damages, and the name, address, email address, and phone number of an individual representing the client who is in a position to verify such experience.