Reintegration Sample Clauses
Reintegration. 1 The employer shall develop activities as soon as possible for employees who are prevented from performing their work through incapacity by reason of illness or disability aimed at the reintegration of the employee and culminating in the adoption of a reintegration plan. These activities shall include a review of whether there is a relationship between the incapacity due to illness or disability and the working conditions.
Reintegration. The Parties shall explore ways to cooperate in order to promote voluntary return and to facilitate sustainable reintegration of returned persons including, where relevant, through sustainable reintegration programmes. Particular attention shall be paid to the needs of returning persons in vulnerable situations, such as children, older persons, persons with disabilities and victims of trafficking.
Reintegration. (a) Provision of social reintegration support to Ex-Combatants, including social and psychosocial support, HIV / AIDS orientation and referrals to local support networks, and information and sensitization and reconciliation activities for Ex-Combatants and host communities, with a focus on:
(i) female Ex-Combatants, including ensuring equal benefits as compared to male Ex-Combatants, ensuring access to Vulnerability Support Window Grants, sensitization to gender- based violence issues, and sensitization of Implementation Partners to gender issues; and
(ii) disabled and / or chronically ill Ex-Combatants, including transitional medical rehabilitation and treatment and specialized housing.
(b) Provision of specialized social reintegration support to Ex-Combatants needing particular psychosocial support, including referrals to community-based support networks and training of psychosocial counselors.
(c) HIV / AIDS voluntary counseling and testing, including initial sensitization, pre-test counseling, voluntary testing, post-test counseling, confirmatory testing, provision of condoms, referrals to local hospitals, and orientation of affected Ex-Combatants and their spouses for integration into community-based support networks.
(d) Provision of economic reintegration support to Ex-Combatants, including Vulnerability Support Window Grant support to Ex-Combatants from Special Target Groups, as follows:
(i) Training Grants for professional and vocational training;
(ii) Education Grants for formal education;
(iii) Employment Grants for employment generation, and job counseling and placement support; and
(iv) Subproject Grants for income-generation Subprojects.
(e) Production of print, audio, video, and electronic materials for purposes of sensitization to reintegration of Ex-Combatants, including implementation of a sensitization and communication strategy, with specific targeting of members of Armed Groups.
Reintegration. During a disability period, in order to facilitate the eventual return to work of an employee and, upon presentation of a medical certificate from his or her attending physician, the board and the employee may agree on a temporary assignment to a class of employment compatible with his or her qualifications, experience and limitations. The temporary assignment cannot cause an employee’s displacement or termination of employment. The board shall inform the union of the duties offered to the employee. At any time, the employee may require that the temporary assignment cease upon the advice of the attending physician. Subsequently, the employee shall remain on disability leave or shall resume his or her work on a full-time basis. During that temporary assignment, the employee shall be deemed on disability leave. However, he or she shall receive his or her salary or that of the class of employment of the temporary assignment if it is higher than his or her own as well as salary insurance benefits calculated in proportion to the time not worked. The duration of the temporary assignment cannot exceed twelve (12) weeks. The disability period in progress continues without however having the effect of extending the maximum period of one hundred and four (104) weeks of benefits. A temporary assignment cannot prevent an employee from benefiting from the gradual return to work prescribed in paragraph B) of this clause.
Reintegration. During a disability period, at the employee’s request and in order to facilitate his or her eventual reintegration into work, the board and the employee may agree on a temporary assignment to a class of employment in keeping with his or her qualifications, experience and functional capacity confirmed in a medical certificate from his or her attending physician. During the assignment, the employee is deemed totally disabled. However, he or she shall receive the salary for the class of employment concerned if it is higher than his or her own and the salary insurance benefits based on his or her time not worked. The duration of the assignment may not exceed twelve (12) weeks and must not have the effect of extending the total or reduced benefit periods beyond one hundred and four (104) weeks for the same disability. The board shall inform the union of the duties offered to the employee. At any time, the employee may require that the temporary assignment cease upon the advice of the attending physician.
Reintegration. 1. If an employee becomes or is at risk of becoming redundant, both the employer and the employee, working in tandem and individually, will make a demonstrably optimum and active effort to ensure that the employee finds employment elsewhere as soon as possible.
2. Under Section 72A of the Unemployment Insurance Act (Werkloosheidswet, WW), the employer has a statutory duty to ensure the reintegration of the former employees. To this end, the employer drafts a reintegration plan and, possibly, a reintegration agreement (IRO) in consultation with the former employee. Under the provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Act, the former employee is required to cooperate with their former employer in these reintegration activities.
Reintegration. 1 The Foundation assists recipients of an IV pension in their efforts to return to work. In addition to the measures taken by the disability insurance, the Foundation reviews opportunities for reintegration on an ongoing basis. If opportunities arise, reintegration is pursued in cooperation with the members, employers and, if necessary, external specialists.
Reintegration. This is the stage of deployment characterized by the service member‟s re-entry into his/her daily life as experienced prior to deployment, or into a new civilian life, including the domains of work, family, and personal experiences.
Reintegration. 4.1. If the employee falls ill and is eventually declared partially incapacitated, as far as is reasonably practicable he will remain in the employer’s service. The employee will be reintegrated in the company. This may involve the (partial) resumption of his own work or reintegration in a different post at the site where the employee previously worked. In appropriate cases, in consultation with the person concerned it is also possible to envisage another post outside the original site, but within the group. An offer of a post in the context of reintegration will in all cases and at the same time be confirmed in writing.
4.2. If the job requirements, the workload or the specific limitations of the person concerned are such that successful reintegration within the group does not appear to be possible or appears to be insufficiently possible, whether with the involvement of a reintegration agency or otherwise a reintegration process outside Teijin Aramid may be initiated. This process is subject to two conditions: - the employee must be reintegrated in a post that utilises his full earning capacity; - if this external reintegration process is not successful and this is not attributable to action by the person concerned, the employer will offer this ex-employee a return guarantee for one year.
Reintegration a. During the employee’s reintegration process, the employer is obliged to make an effort to reinstate the employee in his own position (taking his restrictions into account), also if this requires technical adjustments of the workplace or an adjustment within the organisation. Maximum advantage will be taken of any legal opportunities in that respect. If reinstatement in the employee's own position is not an option, the employer will make an effort to reassign the employee to an alternative position within the company.
b. If the employer can make it plausible as to why the employee does not qualify for an alternative position within the company, or why no other position can be created by regrouping tasks and/or an adjustment of the working environment and/or the usual performance standards, the plan of action to be drawn up by the employer and employee will be aimed at finding suitable work outside the employer’s organisation.
c. If employment in a suitable position (internally or elsewhere) requires retraining, extra training or refresher courses, the employer, in consultation with the employee, will prepare an additional training plan. Any training will be organised during working hours, at the expense of the employer.