CONTRACT DIRECTION (a) Only the LOCKHEED XXXXXX Procurement Representative has authority on behalf of LOCKHEED XXXXXX to make changes to this Contract. All amendments must be identified as such in writing and executed by the parties. (b) LOCKHEED XXXXXX engineering and technical personnel may from time to time render assistance or give technical advice or discuss or effect an exchange of information with SELLER's personnel concerning the Work hereunder. No such action shall be deemed to be a change under the "Changes" clause of this Contract and shall not be the basis for equitable adjustment. (c) Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices to be furnished by SELLER shall be in writing and sent to the LOCKHEED XXXXXX Procurement Representative.
Directing Requests Requests in writing for negotiation meetings from the Association will be made directly to the Superintendent or his/her designee. Requests from the Board will be made in writing to the President of the Association. Requests for negotiations shall be submitted between 60 and 90 days prior to the expiration of the contract term.
Directions After a written notice of termination has been given under this Article IX, the Company may direct the Manager to undertake any actions necessary to transfer any aspect of the ownership or control of the assets of the Company to the Company or to any nominee of the Company and to do all other things necessary to bring the appointment of the Manager to an end, and the Manager shall comply with all such reasonable directions. In addition, the Manager shall, at the Company’s expense, deliver to any new manager or the Company any books or records held by the Manager under this Agreement and shall execute and deliver such instruments and do such things as may reasonably be required to permit new management of the Company to effectively assume its responsibilities.
Payment Direction The Issuer may by Issuer Order, direct a Note Paying Agent to pay to the Indenture Trustee money held in trust by the Note Paying Agent, which money will be held by the Indenture Trustee on the same terms as the Note Paying Agent. On a Note Paying Agent’s payment of money held in trust to the Indenture Trustee, the Note Paying Agent will be released from liability for such amounts.
CHANGE DIRECTIVE A Change Directive means a written instruction, which shall be deemed incorporated into and forming part of the Agreement, prepared by the Contract Administrator and signed by the Owner directing the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work prior to or in the absence of the Owner and the Contractor agreeing upon adjustments in the Contract Price and the Contract Time.
Interconnection Request The Interconnection Customer’s request, in accordance with the Tariff, to interconnect a new Small Generating Facility, or to materially increase the capacity of, or make a material modification to the operating characteristics of, an existing Small Generating Facility that is interconnected with the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System. For the purposes of this Agreement, this definition of Interconnection Request shall supersede the definition of Interconnection Request set out in Attachment X to the ISO OATT. Interconnection Study – Any study required to be performed under Sections 32.2 or 32.3 of the SGIP. Material Modification – A modification that has a material impact on the cost or timing of any Interconnection Request with a later queue priority date. New York State Transmission System – The entire New York State electric transmission system, which includes: (i) the Transmission Facilities under ISO Operational Control; (ii) the Transmission Facilities Requiring ISO Notification; and (iii) all remaining transmission facilities within the New York Control Area. NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard – The standard that must be met, unless otherwise provided for by Attachment S to the ISO OATT, by (i) any generation facility larger than 2MW in order for that facility to obtain XXXX; (ii) any Class Year Transmission Project proposing to interconnect to the New York State Transmission System and receive Unforced Capacity Delivery Rights; (iii) any entity requesting External XXXX Rights, and (iv) any entity requesting a XXXX transfer pursuant to Section 25.9.5 of Attachment S to the ISO OATT. To meet the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard, the Interconnection Customer must, in accordance with the rules in Attachment S to the ISO OATT, fund or commit to fund any System Deliverability Upgrades identified for its project in the Class Year Deliverability Study. NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard – The reliability standard that must be met by any generation facility or Class Year Transmission Project that is subject to NYISO’s Large Facility Interconnection Procedures in Attachment X to the ISO OATT or the NYISO’s Small Generator Interconnection Procedures in this Attachment Z, that is proposing to connect to the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System, to obtain ERIS. The Minimum Interconnection Standard is designed to ensure reliable access by the proposed project to the New York State Transmission System or to the Distribution System. The Minimum Interconnection Standard does not impose any deliverability test or deliverability requirement on the proposed interconnection. Operating Requirements – Any operating and technical requirements that may be applicable due to Regional Transmission Organization, Independent System Operator, control area, or the Connecting Transmission Owner’s requirements, including those set forth in the Small Generator Interconnection Agreement. Operating Requirements shall include Applicable Reliability Standards. Party or Parties – The NYISO, Connecting Transmission Owner, Interconnection Customer or any combination of the above. Point of Interconnection – The point where the Interconnection Facilities connect with the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System. Reasonable Efforts – With respect to an action required to be attempted or taken by a Party under this Agreement, efforts that are timely and consistent with Good Utility Practice and are otherwise substantially equivalent to those a Party would use to protect its own interests. Small Generating Facility – The Interconnection Customer’s facility, no larger than 20 MW for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request if proposing to interconnect to the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System, but shall not include (i) facilities proposing to simply receive power from the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System; (ii) facilities proposing to interconnect to the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System made solely for the purpose of generation with no wholesale sale for resale nor to net metering; (iii) facilities proposing to the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System made solely for the purpose of net metering; (iv) facilities proposing to interconnect to LIPA’s distribution facilities; and (v) the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities. A facility will be treated as a single Small Generating Facility if all units within the facility are behind a single facility meter, even if such units are different technology types. System Deliverability Upgrades – The least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard for Capacity Resource Interconnection Service. System Upgrade Facilities – The least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements to make the modifications to the existing transmission system that are required to maintain system reliability due to: (i) changes in the system, including such changes as load growth and changes in load pattern, to be addressed in the form of generic generation or transmission projects; and (ii) proposed interconnections. In the case of proposed interconnection projects, System Upgrade Facilities are the modification or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard. Tariff – The NYISO’s Open Access Transmission Tariff, as filed with the FERC, and as amended or supplemented from time to time, or any successor tariff. Trial Operation shall mean the period during which Interconnection Customer is engaged in on- site test operations and commissioning of the Small Generating Facility prior to Commercial Operation. Upgrades – The required additions and modifications to the Connecting Transmission Owner’s portion of the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System at or beyond the Point of Interconnection. Upgrades may be System Upgrade Facilities or System Deliverability Upgrades Distribution Upgrades. Upgrades do not include Interconnection Facilities.
Advance Directives When applicable, Provider shall comply with the advance directives requirements for hospitals, nursing facilities, providers of home and health care and personal care services, hospices, and HMOs as specified in 42 CFR Part 489, subpart I, 42 CFR § 417.436(d), 42 CFR § 422.128, and 42 CFR 438.3(i).
Motions for Directions (1) Class Counsel or the Settling Defendants may apply to the Ontario Court and/or such other courts as may be required by the Courts for directions in respect of the interpretation, implementation and administration of this Settlement Agreement. Unless the Courts order otherwise, motions for directions that do not relate specifically to the matters affecting the Quebec Action shall be determined by the Ontario Court. (2) All motions contemplated by this Settlement Agreement shall be on notice to the Parties.
INSTRUCTIONAL MINUTES a) When CONTRACTOR is an NPS, the total number of instructional minutes per school day provided by CONTRACTOR shall be at least equivalent to the number of instructional minutes per school day provided to LEA students at like grade level, attending LEA schools, unless otherwise specified in the student’s IEP/IFSP, and shall be specified in the LEA student’s ISA developed in accordance with the LEA student’s IEP/IFSP. b) For NPS students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12, unless otherwise specified in the LEA student’s IEP/IFSP, the number of instructional minutes, excluding recess, lunch, and passing time, shall be at least the minimum as specified in Education Code Sections 46110-46147, and in no case will be less than the amount as specified in the IEP/IFSP. In addition, the total number of annual instructional minutes shall be at least equivalent to the total number of annual instructional minutes provided to LEA students attending LEA schools in like grade level unless otherwise specified in the LEA student’s IEP/IFSP. c) When CONTRACTOR is a NPA and/or related services provider, the total number of minutes per school day provided by CONTRACTOR shall be specified in the LEA student’s ISA developed in accordance with the LEA student’s IEP/IFSP.
Instructions (a) The data importer shall process the personal data only on documented instructions from the data exporter. The data exporter may give such instructions throughout the duration of the contract. (b) The data importer shall immediately inform the data exporter if it is unable to follow those instructions.