Scheduling Rules. Employees will be scheduled for work assignments in accordance with the following:
Scheduling Rules. Employees will be scheduled for work assignments in accordance with the following:
(a) Full-Time Employees
(b) Part-Time Employees
(1) Work Schedules, including starting times and finishing times, shall be assigned for part time employees on the basis of classification seniority. Such work schedules will be posted by 0800 hours on the Wednesday, two weeks in advance of the week in which the shift is to be worked. During the first week after the schedule has been posted, previously scheduled shifts that have come available shall be assigned by classification seniority and amended schedules shall be forwarded to affected employees. Shifts that become available within seven days of the schedule taking affect shall be offered in order of classification seniority to employees on the Part-Time Short Call List, so as to post the final work schedule by Friday in the calendar week prior to the calendar week in which such work assignments commence.
(2) A part-time employee may indicate in writing to the Employer his interest to work in a secondary classification. The Employer shall then place the employee in the secondary classification, when work is available, that he is qualified for or if not qualified after the next scheduled training when appropriate. Employees who do not accept the shift(s) offered will be recorded as such and after three occasions in the 12 proceeding months will no longer remain on the list, and may not be able to access another classification for a period of one year from the date of removal.
(3) Once placed, following posting of assignments under Section 21.1(b)1 the part-time employee involved shall for the forthcoming week be offered short call assignments in his event classification, taking into account his available days in accordance with Section 21.2(a).
Scheduling Rules. 1. Shift Turnaround Time of one shift and the start of the next one. For the Patient Food Services the minimum turnaround time shall be twelve (12) hours. Any shifts pre-scheduled with less than these minimum time frames shall be paid at the overtime rate for the period worked before the sixteen (16) or twelve (12) hours time allowed for shift change has expired.
2. Change of Tour Following Nights Shifts shall be pre-scheduled with a minimum of 47 hours time off when the tour of duty is changed following night duty. A shorter period may be agreed upon by mutual consent.
3. Limit on Consecutive Working Days Employees will not be required to work more than seven (7) consecutive days. Should an employee be required to work more than seven (7) consecutive days he shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for the eighth and subsequent continuing days until a day off is scheduled.
4. It is the responsibility of the employee to disclose when an offered shift will put them in an overtime position.
5. The employer is not obligated to offer the shift if it will result in payment of an overtime premium.
6. A shift will be deemed to be offered when a call is placed. The Hospital will ensure that such calls are documented appropriately.
7. Rest Periods and Meal Breaks
a) The Hospital will schedule one fifteen (15) minute rest period for each three and three-quarter (3 3/4) hours of work.
b) Employees are entitled to one half (1/2) hour unpaid meal break for every
Scheduling Rules. A Pilot may relinquish his TP appointment with written notice to the Chief Pilot. Tentative Agreement – Feb 6 2015 16:35
Scheduling Rules. The scheduling provisions in a department or area or as agreed to by the Department Steering Committee.
Scheduling Rules. If pairing is changed or cancelled, a may to operate other provided:
Scheduling Rules. Objective ......................................
Scheduling Rules. In all other cases of an layover away from home base prior to a day off, the pilot will asked when is told of the layover to choose from the following:
Scheduling Rules shall by hours each day, that crews have been assigned to all known duty commencing the day. Crew Scheduling shall make effort to avoid from or additions to crew assignments any than hours. Any additional open flying that becomes available for the next day shall be assigned as soon as possible. When a reserve blockholder is assigned duty, he shall be so advised imme- diately, and shall be released from standing reserve twelve hours prior to the assigned duty or at the end of the reserve period in Section whichever is Crew Scheduling shall not a pilot’s minimum crew rest in order to assign him duty. A blockholder shall given not less than two hours notice to for duty: This provision shall in no way a from reporting for duty in less than above notice if flight is scheduled to depart sooner and he is able to report sooner. No pilot shall be subject to if he is not able to report than the above time requirements from receipt of notice. A blockholder who reports for a that subsequently does not operate, or who performs any flight duty, or is otherwise released, shall not be subject to further reserve duty on that day. A reserve blockholder who becomes a blockholder in the next bid period will not normally be assigned duties which would cause him to overlap his first awarded block pairing, If no other reserves are available, and the assignment of duties that cause an overlap is unavoidable, then the pilot may be to reassignment under the provisions of Section (Reas- signment).
Scheduling Rules. Any Pilot who is changing Base shall be governed by the accommodations entitlements of his original Base until the completion of Line Indoctrination, or the completion of the time free from duty per Section 24-2.01, unless declined or deferred by the Pilot, whichever occurs last, except by mutual agreement between the Company and the Pilot. .03 A Pilot is only eligible for the provisions of Section 24-3 EXPENSES in respect of moves undertaken within twelve (12) Calendar Months of the completion of Line Indoctrination, or the completion of the time free from duty per Section 24-2.01, unless declined or deferred by the Pilot, whichever occurs last, except by mutual agreement between the Company and the Pilot.