SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and of Transporter's Tariff, Releasing Shipper may from time to time release all or part of its firm capacity to Transporter. Releasing Shipper agrees that subject to any recall rights stated in the Gas Transportation Contract between Transporter and Replacement Shipper, it will not request or be entitled to receive service under its Gas Transportation Contract to the extent and during the period that such service has been released hereunder and that Releasing Shipper's Gas Transportation Contract for firm service will effectively be amended to such extent. Releasing Shipper shall initiate a release of firm capacity by executing and delivering to Transporter an Offer in accordance with Section 6.11 of the General Terms and Conditions. Upon award by Transporter of Replacement Shipper(s) successful Bid, Releasing Shippers’ Offer shall be deemed to be an addendum to this Master Capacity Release Agreement and shall be incorporated in and made a part hereof. 2. To the extent that Releasing Shipper does not hereunder release all of its rights to serve under its Gas Transportation Contract for firm service and/or if the term of Releasing Shipper's Gas Transportation Contract extends beyond the period of the release as described in the Addendum, Transporter agrees to provide service to Releasing Shipper under such Gas Transportation Contract as such Gas Transportation Contract is amended by the provisions of this Master Capacity Release Agreement.
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agent for the employees of the Employer described in the Alberta Labour Relations Board Certificate No. 46-96, dated May 13, 1996 as follows: "All employees of the Calgary Recycling Centre except office, clerical and retail sales" 1.2 The purpose of this Agreement and Appendices hereto is to maintain a sound and mutually satisfactory working relationship; to set out the wages, hours of work, and other working conditions of employment for the employees covered by this agreement; and to jointly promote and further the charitable purposes of the Employer. 1.3 In all areas where the language in this Agreement refers to the male gender, such language shall also mean the female gender, and no discrimination between the sexes is intended or implied.
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 2.1 This Agreement defines the general rights and obligations of the Parties in implementing their partnership concerning the EIAH. This Agreement applies to EIAH activities carried out according to the relevant Specific Grant Agreements and financed by the EIAH Budget. 2.2 Signature of this Agreement shall not give rise to any obligation of the EU to award specific grants. It shall be without prejudice to the award of grants to the Bank outside the scope of the EIAH. 2.3 The structure, governance, budget arrangements, terms and conditions of existing initiatives including joint EU-Bank initiatives and partnerships shall not be affected by this Agreement.
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. SECTION 2.01: This Agreement shall apply to any addition or extension to existing outside electrical facilities to be performed by the Employer for all Electric Utilities in Union’s jurisdiction, including line extension, transmission line construction, conversion or maintenance. Powerhouse and Powerhouse Substations are excluded from the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 2.02: The Union agrees that if, during the life of this Agreement, it grants to any other Employer in the Electrical Contracting Industry on work covered by this Agreement, any better terms or conditions than those set forth in the Agreement, such better terms or conditions shall be made available to the Employer under this Agreement and the Union shall immediately notify the Employer of any such concession. SECTION 2.03: Any provision in the Agreement which is in contravention of any national, state, or local law or governmental regulation affecting all or part of the area where work is being performed under the terms of this Agreement shall be suspended in operation within the territorial limits to which such law or regulation is applicable for the period during which such laws or regulation is in effect. Such suspension shall not affect the operation of such provisions in areas where work is being performed under the terms of the agreement to which the law or regulation is not applicable, nor shall it affect the operation of such provisions in areas where work is being performed under the terms of the Agreement to which the law or regulation is not applicable, nor shall it affect the operation of the remainder of the provisions of the Agreement within the territorial limits to which such law or regulation is applicable. SECTION 2.04: For all workmen covered by this Agreement, the Employer shall carry workmen’s compensation insurance, Social Security. Unemployment and other such protection insurance as may be required by the laws of the respective States, and shall furnish satisfactory proof of such to the Union upon request. SECTION 2.05: Both the Employer and the Union recognizes the mutual value of aiding by all proper and reasonable mean the productivity of the individual employee and both will undertake individually and jointly to maintain a satisfactory level of production on the job. SECTION 2.06: The Local Union is a part of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and any violation or annulment by an individual Employer of the approved Agreement of this or any other L...
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 2.1 This Agreement sets forth the terms upon which Perrigo will provide Galmed with services concerning the Project. For that purpose, the Parties agree that: (i) Galmed will transfer to Perrigo the documents, information, materials and know-how necessary to provide the services contemplated under this Agreement and establish the Manufacturing Process at Pxxxxxx'x Facility (the "Technology Transfer"); (ii) Perrigo will perform for Galmed certain laboratory studies for gap closing and stabilization of the current Manufacturing Process (the "Process Stabilization"), (iii) Perrigo will manufacture and supply 60kg GMP of the API at Pxxxxxx'x Facility (the "Tech Transfer Batches"); (iv) Perrigo will perform for Galmed additional laboratory studies for further improving and optimizing the Manufacturing Process the "Process Improvement"); and (v) Perrigo will scale up the Manufacturing Process to commercial scale, and manufacture and supply 900kg GMP of the API at Pxxxxxx'x Facility (the "Scale Up Batches"); all as more fully detailed below. Each of the foregoing shall be deemed a "stage" of the Project. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the Tech Transfer Batches and Scale Up Batches shall be, as per the Route of Synthesis detailed in Annex A, manufactured in Pxxxxxx'x Facility in Neot Hovav. 2.2 Subject to each Parties' performance of its obligation hereunder, and except as otherwise specifically agreed in this Agreement, the Parties agree to negotiate an exclusive commercial contract manufacturing and supply agreement for a minimum term of five years of commercial supply (the "Supply Agreement"), pursuant to which Perrigo will also provide further services to validate the Manufacturing Process and compile a DMF and will be assigned as Galmed's exclusive manufacturer and supplier of the API, as further set forth in Section 9 below. The supply of the API shall be made from Pxxxxxx'x Facility in Neot Hovav. Pxxxxxx'x Facility in India may be added as an additional manufacturing site as may be agreed upon in writing by the Parties and subject to a QP audit on behalf of Galmed, and subject to Galmed's agreement, at its sole discretion, which will not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. The foregoing undertaking is subject to the parties agreeing on the terms of the Supply Agreement, including, without limitation, the consideration and terms of supply. 2.3 Perrigo undertakes during the term of this Agreement and the Supply Agreement, not to directly o...
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. This Agreement applies where a Party satisfies the other that there is reason to believe that the following circumstances are present: (a) Anticompetitive activities are occurring in whole or in substantial part in the territory of one of the Parties and are adversely affecting the interests of the other Party; and (b) The activities in question are impermissible under the competition laws of the Party in the territory of which the activities are occurring. 2. The purposes of this Agreement are to: (a) Help ensure that trade and investment flows between the Parties and competition and consumer welfare within the territories of the Parties are not impeded by anticompetitive activities for which the competition laws of one or both Parties can provide a remedy, and (b) Establish cooperative procedures to achieve the most effective and efficient enforcement of competition law, whereby the competition authorities of each Party will normally avoid allocating enforcement resources to dealing with anticompetitive activities that occur principally in and are directed principally towards the other Party’s territory, where the competition authorities of the other Party are able and prepared to examine and take effective sanctions under their law to deal with those activities.
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. This Agreement is intended to comply with the privacy and administrative simplification requirements set forth in 45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164, issued pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191 (“HIPAA”) with respect to certain administrative services provided by O.C.A. for Client’s Group Health Plan (as defined below). Both Client and O.C.A. acknowledge that the Plan and Client are separate and distinct entities and that O.C.A. may perform services both on behalf of the Plan and also on behalf of Client in its capacity as Plan sponsor. O.C.A. is considered a “Business Associate” with respect to services it performs on behalf of the Plan, if any, and a subcontractor of the Employer with respect to services it performs on behalf of Client, if any. This Agreement sets forth the responsibilities of O.C.A. in its capacity as a Business Associate, as required by 45 CFR § 164.504(e)(1) and in its capacity as a subcontractor, as required by 45 CFR § 164.504(f)(2)(ii)(B).
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. This Agreement applies where a Party satisfies the other that there is reason to believe that the following circumstances are present: (a) Anticompetitive activities are occurring in whole or in substantial part in the xxxxx- xxxx of one of the Parties and are adversely affecting the interests of the other Party; and (b) The activities in question are impermissible under the competition laws of the Party in the territory of which the activities are occurring. 2. The purposes of this Agreement are to: (a) Help ensure that trade and investment flows between the Parties and competition and consumer welfare within the territories of the Parties are not impeded by anti- 117 OJ L 173, 18.06.1998 competitive activities for which the competition laws of one or both Parties can pro- vide a remedy, and (b) Establish cooperative procedures to achieve the most effective and efficient enforce- ment of competition law, whereby the competition authorities of each Party will normally avoid allocating enforcement resources to dealing with anti-competitive activities that occur principally in and are directed principally towards the other Party’s territory, where the competition authorities of the other Party are able and prepared to examine and take effective sanctions under their law to deal with those activities.
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 2.1 XML Provider acknowledges the confidentiality of the Data and the need to secure the Data by means of state of the art technical and organizational security measures.
SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT. A. This Agreement governs use and disclosure of workforce information through DWD DET information systems for determining eligibility, enforcing the provisions of, and administering state and federal programs for Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland, and Rock counties. These programs include employment and training services of which some may require income and eligibility verification. B. The purpose of the Agreement is: 1. To comply with data exchange specifications found in, and related to, the state grant and federal acts listed in section III.A. 2. To assure DWD that the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board understands the confidential nature of workforce information, and is demonstrating due diligence in safeguarding data and DWD DET systems in its daily business operations and those of any sub-contracted partner agency for which it is responsible for granting access. 3. To specify the workforce information that DWD DET will provide to the SWWDB and its partner agencies under this Agreement, the intended purposes for its use, the limitations on such use, and the methods for authorized access and exchange of data.