Supplementary Sample Clauses
Supplementary. Supplementary employees are existing salaried or hourly employees who perform work in a different position(s) from their existing position.
Supplementary. 16.3.1 Subject to 16.3.2, SW shall not be liable for any consequences arising from the non- availability of water during any period of interruption or suspension arising under this Clause 16.
16.3.2 The liability of SW for any failure to comply with Clause 16.1.2 or 16.2.2 shall be limited to payment of any sum specified in the Service Standards as payable in relation to such failure.
16.3.3 If the Licensee becomes aware of any significant change (as hereinafter defined) in the anticipated demand for water for any Supply Point, it shall provide reasonable details thereof to SW as soon as reasonably practicable. For the purposes of this Clause 16.3.3, a change in anticipated demand is significant if the Licensee knows, or ought reasonably to know, that the change may put at risk SW's ability to supply sufficient water to meet the demand in the area in which the Supply Point is located.
Supplementary. 1. Party B should ask the interns to sign Agreement of Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality with Party A for the related business. The business secret known or held by the interns or Party B should not be disclosed to any third party or used by the interns or Party B either during the period or after the termination of the Internship. The secret shall not be disclosed, reported or published at all.
2. The Appendixes hereof shall be made a part of the Agreement and possess the same effect. Other matters not stated in this Agreement shall be addressed according to further agreement made by both parties.
3. This Agreement shall be construed and governed according to the laws of the Republic of China.
4. Any dispute arising with respect to this Agreement shall be determined by arbitration taking place in Kaohsiung District Court, the first jurisdiction, as both parties may agree upon.
Supplementary cardmembers Unless you have a Basic Card, at your request, we may issue cards on your account to supplementary cardmembers. You must make sure that supplementary cardmembers keep to this agreement. You're responsible for all use of your account by supplementary cardmembers and anyone they allow to use your account. This means you must repay all transactions they make. If you want to end a supplementary cardmember's right to use your account you must tell us.
Supplementary. SW shall report to the Commission and the Central Market Agency any failure by the Licensee to pay any sum due under this Agreement (other than a sum disputed in accordance with Clause 8.6.2) either by:
8.10.1 the Due Date (as defined in paragraph 1 of schedule 3 to this Agreement); or
8.10.2 the end of the relevant period of notice as specified in paragraphs 1(a) and 1(b) of schedule 3 of this Agreement, in both cases within two Business Days of SW becoming aware of such failure.
Supplementary. Article 17 In case of any inconsistency between this convention and the existing laws, regulations and policies of the state, the latter shall prevail. This convention can be revised or supplemented according to the relevant laws, regulations and policies or upon the consent by over 50% of the owners of within the Industrial Town and without violating the relevant laws, regulations and policies.
Article 18 This convention will come into effect upon the execution and sealing by both parties. This convention shall be executed in four counterparts. Each party shall hold two originals. The management department: Shanghai Chinalong Industrial Development Co., Ltd. [seal: Shanghai Chinalong Industrial Development Co., Ltd.] Date: The Lessee: Shanghai Mecox Lane Information Technology Co., Ltd. [seal: Shanghai Mecox Lane Information Technology Co., Ltd.] Date: I Lessee’s Responsibility for Fire-control and Security The Lessee in the Chinalong Industrial Town shall fully undertake its responsibility for fire-control and security within its use scope and term in accordance with article 14 of the Fire-control Law of the state, article 15 of the municipal Fire-control Regulations, article 8 of the No.61 Decree of the Ministry of Public Security and article 6 of the No.70 Decree of the municipal government issued in 2007. II Before decoration, the Lessee shall itself and urge the constructor to follow the rules and regulations regarding fire-control and security and the decoration.
1. The Lessee shall obtain the approval from the fire-control bureau and other related governmental department before re-decoration. If the re-decoration has not been submitted for approval or fails to pass the inspection and acceptance by the fire-control governmental department, the Lessee shall make rectification according to the requirement of the fire-control governmental department, otherwise, the Lessee shall be liable for the legal consequence thereof.
2. Before commencement of the construction, the Lessee shall summit to the management department the copies of approval of fire-control, duplicate of blueprint, business license and qualification certificate of the constructor, the documents of the person in charge of the construction and other workers and shall go through the procedures for the project.
3. The constructor shall report to the Hongmei Police Office and obtain the temporary pass from the management department. The workers shall enter or leave the Town with identity card...
Supplementary pdf All Other Certificates No response Logo and Other Company Marks Logo.jpg Conflict of Interest Form CIQ- ONLY REQUIRED IF A CONFLICT EXISTS PER THE INSTRUCTIONS Certificate of Corporate Offerer - COMPLETE ONLY IF OFFERER IS A CORPORATION Confidentiality Form 17 Confidenetial Information Status.pdf Bonding Capacity Letter from Surety/Insurance Company Demo-Con, Inc. bondability letter 5-13-19 (2).pdf Current W-9 Tax Form W-9.pdf Yes - No Yes - No 2 Yes - No
Supplementary. 14.1 Unless otherwise provided, in this Agreement:
14.1.1 a Party shall include its successors;
Supplementary. SW may report to the Commission any failure by the Licensee to pay a Provisional Monthly Charge by the expiry of the period for payment specified in Clause 8.2.
Supplementary. 8.1 This Agreement is governed by Chinese law in all respects. All disputes arising during the performance of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules in effect at that time. The arbitration venue is in Beijing, the arbitration language is Chinese, and the arbitral award is final and binding on all parties. Except for the part of the arbitration that is being submitted, the rest of this Agreement shall continue to be valid. Subject to the provisions of Chinese law, an arbitrator may issue an injunction (such as conducting business or compulsory asset transfer) or issue interim relief measures on Party C's rights or assets, or order the liquidation or dissolution of Party C through arbitration. The parties agree to be bound by the provisions of Chinese law, while waiting to form an arbitral tribunal or, where appropriate, a court of competent jurisdiction (including mainland China, Hong Kong, the registered place of the Company to be listed, and the registration of Party C) The place of establishment and the court where the listed company or the main assets of Party C are located) have the right to issue interim measures to support the conduct of the arbitration and have jurisdiction.
8.2 This Agreement shall become effective on the date of signing by the parties. After Party A or its designated third party has obtained all the 100% interest of Party C in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, Party A may terminate this Agreement after 30 days by giving written notice to other parties. Subject to the provisions of laws and regulations, at the time of the termination of this Agreement, Party B shall return Party A or its designated third party the full amount of the transfer price (if any) paid for the exclusive right to purchase under this Agreement to Party A or its designated third party.
8.3 Both parties agree that this Agreement shall be executed to the extent permitted by law. If any provision of this Agreement or any part of an Article is deemed to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by any competent authority or court of competent jurisdiction, such illegal, invalid or unenforceable terms shall not affect the other terms of the Agreement or other parts of the term. Other terms or other parts of the terms are still in full force and the parties shall us...