Technology Description Sample Clauses

Technology Description. This space reserved for the System description to include the equipment provided in RFP-FS-2023-06-JP “Attachment C1” (Proposed Equipment Form) and the layout and Project approach provided in RFP-FS-2023-06-JP “Attachment B2” (Site Specific Project Approach). Licensee shall meet the below minimum requirements for the design, financing, installation, and maintenance of alternative energy supply sources for electrical or thermal energy, and energy storage systems. Licensee shall include at minimum the following components and services for Solar PV projects: Information referenced in Exhibit I. Licensee shall not include building structural retrofit costs. Licensee shall include costs associated with compliance with DSA ADA requirements including parking lot striping and location of canopies, but not include costs for Precheck DSA Canopies. Roof replacement (if required) built to the Judicial Council’s specifications and related maintenance shall be included in the Rent. Security camera installation (if required) purchased and installed to the Judicial Council’s specifications shall be included in the Rent. All such security camera equipment will remain the property of the Judicial Council. Licensee shall complete the O&M Services described below. Standard System Repair and Maintenance. Licensee shall construct and install the System (PV, XXXX, and Microgrid) at the Facility. During the Term, Licensee will operate and perform all routine and emergency repairs to, and maintenance of, the System at its sole cost and expense, except for any repairs or maintenance resulting from Judicial Council’s negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement. During the entire Project life it will be the responsibility of the Licensee to perform all site maintenance, including work required by equipment vendors to maintain warranties, recalibration of equipment, module washing, vegetation management, System monitoring and reporting, and the maintenance of revenue grade meters for billing purposes. Licensee shall (a) have the appropriate experience and ability to operate and maintain photovoltaic solar systems and the financial capability to do same; or (b) enter into a contract with a subcontractor, pursuant to which (i) such Subcontractor shall be responsible for System operation and maintenance under this Agreement and (ii) subcontractor shall administer all rights (including access rights to the Facility) and obligations of subcontractor on behalf of Licensee und...
Technology Description. This section describes the general principles of operation and emissions control approach of the technology and/or clean fuel involved in the project. If applicable, discuss how the principle of operation differs from other, currently available equipment. This includes describing what the “advancement” actually is over currently available technologies.
Technology Description. The Technology subject to this agreement includes all technology brought on campus including any cellphones, smartwatches, tablets, iPads, laptops, notebook computers, Chromebooks, desktop computers, computer accessories, and related software issued by ABS for student use, owned by the students and their families and/or issued by ABS to a student. All ABS Teachers will have access to the computer lab and the technology center in the ABS Library for computer use during their class instructions. The iPads will be used by the ABS Elementary Science Department and the Elementary Additional Education Program. These iPads are to remain in the classroom and used at the discretion of the teachers. Students within the Kindergarten - 4th grade will participate in the Tablet Technology Program. Students will be allowed to use theTLS-V4 TabPilot 10’ Tablet. The teachers will use this device in the classroom for educational purposes only. Students within the 5th – 12th grade will participate in the Google Chromebook Technology Program. Students will purchase a Google Chromebook from the School. Student will maintain ownership of this device. The School will retain ownership of the Google Management Software and will monitor the device while the device is used for ABS school purposes.
Technology Description. Building Automation Systems Overview Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
Technology Description. 3.1. Gevulot Firestarter is the neutral, decentralized prover layer for the modular stack, designed for economic viability and high resource efficiency. It aggregates workloads from across the industry and ensures centralized-equivalent proving performance with high liveness and availability guarantees common in decentralized networks. 3.2. The Servers are dedicated to the operation of Nodes. 3.3. The Operator acknowledges that they do not have direct access to the Servers or Nodes. The Company manages the Servers, and the Operator receives information and functionalities through a web interface. 3.4. The Operator acknowledges that the NaaS Service is under continuous development, and its content and features may change during the contract period. 3.5. The Operator acknowledges that the Servers' availability is limited, and the Company reserves the right to limit access to the Servers as necessary.
Technology Description. The technology licensed under this agreement is a toolkit (or “system developer’s kit” SDK) that provides application programming interfaces (API’s )t o control a media engine (ME) that has support for the following main functions: The technology provides components that support encoding video and formatting the resultant media into an ME format. The encoding API supports selecting from a myriad of options including: – Resolution (width, from 160 to 1024, and height, from 128 to 768) – Frame rate (1-30 frames/second) – Encoding quality (essentially on a scale from 1-3 1) – Rate control bandwidth (>40 bps) – Rate control mode (none, TXX0, XXX0) – Input source (typically a local file in an AVI file format — several input codecs in this format supported as an input source) – Input source span (allows specification of a scene to encode by specifying a starting and ending AVI frame number – Quantization levels (allows restriction on range of qualities used during rate control functions) – Output destination (typically a local file set in the ME format that includes audio, video, index, and production metadata) The technology as extended by this agreement will support controlling the encoding process across a large span of AVI files to encompass the requirements of entire movie length material (at least support for two hours). The encoding process allows the media engineer to view the movie as one, seamless object even if many local disk files are required to hold it. The encoding tool contains a viewing process that allows the media engineer to index the movie. This primarily refers to selecting a frame and giving it a name or mnemonic. These indices may be used by the engineer to demark scenes and/or other control points within the encoding (viewing) process. The technology supports specifying different encoding parameters for each scene, allowing a movie to be formatted at various combinations of quality and frame rate settings. Even resolution may be changed when encoding from one scene to the next. Indices may also be used to force key frame insertion and synchronization points for other data. The encoding process automatically synchronizes audio and video that are contained in the same input source, but also supports synchronizing other forms of data. The technology provides APIs to control the processes of uploading the ME format media into an archive that supports media distribution and rendering. The underlying engine components reside in both the execu...
Technology Description. The Pristine Sun Photovoltaic generating facility consists of a 1,824 kW (DC) / 1,520 kW (AC) solar farm utilizing single-axis Dura Track tracker technology from Array Technologies and solar modules of 290 to 320 xxxxx XX each with 25-year performance warranty. The 160 trackers are spaced approximately 16 feet between rows. Each tracker uses one A gear drive and a 1.5- 3HP, 3-phase, 480V/AC motor, rotating 60 polycrystalline PV modules per row. The trackers are controlled by a state of the art network system that communicates with each tracker in the array. In high wind conditions an anemometer mounted on site will send a signal throughout the networked system which will relay a command to field lock the trackers at a 0 degree flat stow position. The vibration driven I-beam piers are double hot dipped in a special galvanization process to prevent corrosion and are easily removed at the end of the facilities life-cycle, causing minimal impact to the land. Quantity Model Number/Specification Description 6,840 300W Xxxxx Solar Modules 1 Refusol 20 kW / 480 V Inverter 8 ATI Duratrack HZ Block Tracker 1 1,000 kVA 12kV/480V Transformer 1 750 kVA 12kV/480V Transformer Confidentiality Protected Under D.00-00-000, Appendix 1 and/or GO66-C DIRT ROAD DIRT ROAD
Technology Description. If all products are based on the same technology, describe it here instead of repeating the same technology description a few times.
Technology Description. This verification statement is applicable to the XONON flameless combustion system for gas turbine applications absent the air management system. The XONON flameless combustion system is completely contained within the combustion chamber of the gas turbine. The XONON system completely combusts fuel to produce a high temperature mixture, typically about 2,400EF. Dilution air is added to shape the temperature profile required at the turbine inlet. The XONON combustor system consists of four sections: • The preburner for start-up and acceleration of the engine. The preburner tested as part of this verification was a lean, pre-mixed combustor. • The fuel injection and fuel-air mixing system. This unit injects the fuel and mixes it with the main air flow to provide a very well-mixed, uniform fuel-air mixture to the catalyst. • The XONON catalyst module, where a portion of the fuel is combusted without a flame to produce a high temperature gas. • The homogeneous combustion region, immediately downstream of the catalyst module, where the remainder of the fuel is combusted, and carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons are reduced to very low levels (also a flameless combustion process). The overall combustion process in the XONON system is a partial combustion of fuel in the catalyst module followed by complete combustion downstream of the catalyst in the burnout zone. Partial combustion within the catalyst produces absolutely no NOx. Homogeneous combustion downstream of the catalyst produces only 1 to 2 ppm NOx, because combustion occurs at a uniformly low temperature. A small amount of fuel is combusted in the preburner to raise the compressed air temperature to about 880EF. This verification statement covers application of the XONON flameless combustion system to small gas turbines operated at full load when combusting natural gas.
Technology Description. 3.1. Gevulot Firestarter is the neutral, decentralized prover layer for the modular stack, designed for economic viability and high resource efficiency. It aggregates workloads from across the industry and ensures centralized-equivalent proving performance with high liveness and availability guarantees common in decentralized networks. 3.2. The Servers are dedicated to the operation of Prover Nodes. 3.3. The Operator acknowledges that they do not have direct access to the Servers or Prover Nodes. The Company manages the Servers, and the Operator receives information and functionalities through a web interface, when one is available. Before that, upon request via email. 3.4. The Operator acknowledges that the NaaS Service is under continuous development, and its content and features may change during the contract period.