TEMPORARY SERVICE. The provision of service to a location where there is intent to relocate or remove the Cooperative's electrical facilities prior to expiration of the useful life of those facilities. T&M: The time and materials necessary to complete a task. THREE-PHASE SERVICE: A service using either three energized wires and one neutral (wye) or three energized wires and no neutral (delta). WORK-ORDER RELATED ACTIVITY: Any work performed by the Cooperative other than service charges for electric demand and usage.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. Where a person with previous temporary service is appointed to an ongoing position as a regular employee that is essentially the same job as that which he/she held as a temporary employee, the period of temporary service shall be credited toward his/her probationary period. In these cases, where the period of temporary service exceeds the standard probationary period, the employee will not be required to serve a probationary period. Where a person with previous temporary service is appointed to an ongoing position as a regular employee that is a different job from that which he/she held as a temporary employee, the employee will be required to serve the standard probationary period for the job. In these cases, the employer will consult with the Society and if these parties mutually agree the requirement to serve a probationary period may be waived or the length of the required probationary period may be reduced for the affected employee.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. Temporary service can only be established by agreement with the North Slope Borough.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. Upon appropriate application and review of the building or remodeling permit, the Utility may allow temporary water service to the facility. The newly installed service or existing connection may be required to be fitted with an appropriate backflow prevention device contained in an approved inspection vault for the described facility. For example: A. Residences located adjacent to lakes or ponds will have appropriate testable backflow prevention devices installed. B. Certain residences that have been determined by the Utility as having cross connection risk shall have the appropriate Reduced Pressure (RP) device installed. C. Any facilities or residence with health hazard potential will be required to have a Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly (RPZ) for permanent water service.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. Temporary service may be supplied in accordance with the applicable rate schedule for the type of service to be supplied. There shall be an additional charge paid in advance before service is established. The charge shall be determined as follows: 1. An amount equal to estimated labor, overhead, and expendable material charges for both installation and removal of the temporary service, but in no event less than the Temporary Service Minimum Fee, as filed in the Service Fees rate schedule; plus 2. A security deposit, if required, in accordance with these rules and regulations.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. An applicant requesting temporary service (not to exceed 18 months) shall be required to pay in advance the estimated cost of equipment, plus installation and removal expenses, less the estimated salvage value. The removal expenses shall be estimated based on the specific equipment and installation used for the applicant and the most current standard labor cost estimates.
TEMPORARY SERVICE for special events coverage that can be for a few days up to a few months duration. The measurement period of technical parameters needs to be shorter than for permanent services. In this case, a standard availability metric is usually not sufficient to fulfil business requirements and additional measures must be put in place to guarantee service continuity for critical applications. An example might be a 10G Ethernet service that is provisioned to provide live TV, audio and IP Services from a temporary based infrastructure (i.e. an OB) from a national or international special event such as the Olympics.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. The provision of service to a location where there is intent to relocate or remove the Cooperative's gas facilities prior to expiration of the useful life of those facilities. T&M: The time and materials necessary to complete a task. WORK-ORDER RELATED ACTIVITY: Any work performed by the Cooperative other than service charges for gas demand and usage.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. Where service is to be used at an installation for a limited period and such installation is not permanent in nature, the use of service shall be classified as temporary. In such cases, the customer may be required to pay to Public Service the cost of the facilities required to furnish service. The minimum period of temporary service for billing purposes shall be one month. After two years of service a temporary service installation shall be eligible for refunds. Excluding the first two annual service periods, refunds equal to 10% of the revenue received by Public Service during an annual service period shall be made at the end of such period. In no case shall the total amount refunded be in excess of the installation cost paid by the customer, nor shall refunds be made for more than eight consecutive annual service periods.
TEMPORARY SERVICE. (a) An employee assigned to or accepting temporary service on the employee’s home division for less than ten months will have the right when released to return to the position from which taken without loss of seniority. If the position has been abolished or filled by a senior employee, the employee may exercise seniority as provided in Rule 29 - FORCE REDUCTION. (b) An employee assigned to or accepting temporary service on the employee’s home division for more than ten months will not have the right to return to the position from which taken, and such position will then be bulletined as a permanent vacancy.