Unworked Holidays. Eligible employees shall receive pay equal to their normal work shift at their base rate in effect at the time the holiday occurs. An employee who is on the active payroll on the holiday and has worked both the last scheduled shift preceding the holiday and the first scheduled shift succeeding the holiday shall be eligible for pay for such unworked holiday. An exception to this requirement will occur if the employee(s) can furnish proof, satisfactory to the District that because of illness they were unable to work on either of such shifts, and the absence previous to such holiday, by reason of such illness, has not been longer than 30 regular workdays, and they received sick pay for the day(s) missed.
Unworked Holidays. Employees shall receive eight (8) hours pay for unworked holidays (those holidays designated above), at their base rate in effect at the time the holiday occurs, plus applicable shift differential and Cost of Living Adjustment, if, on the holiday, they are on the active payroll, including those on approved leave of absence for not longer than ninety (90) calendar days. Employees not on leave of absence who take leave without pay (LWOP) at the time the holiday occurs shall be eligible for holiday pay.
Unworked Holidays. Eligible employees shall receive pay equal to their normal work shift at their base rate in effect at the time the holiday occurs. Employees on unpaid leaves of absence are not eligible for this pay.
Unworked Holidays of the agreement will apply except that when a holiday as specified in Article 17 occurs on a scheduled work day, an employee working on a 4x10 work schedule will receive the number of hours of pay for the holiday equal to the number of regularly scheduled hours on the employee’s shift for that day. In the event a holiday falls on a scheduled day off, it will be observed on the closest scheduled work day.
Unworked Holidays. 41 Eligible employees shall receive pay equal to their normal work shift at their base rate in effect 42 at the time the holiday occurs; provided they have compensated hours to cover their regular 43 shift(s) on both sides of the holiday. Winter-break holidays shall be paid provided employees 44 have compensated hours to cover their regular shift(s) the day before and the day after the
Unworked Holidays. To be eligible to receive pay for an unworked holiday, an employee must be at work on either the first school business day prior to the holiday or the first school business day after the holiday. An exception to this requirement will occur if the employee is on compensated leave (except personal leave) on either of these days. Personal leave may be used on only one of these days. "School business day" shall mean any day for which the office of the Superintendent of the District is open for business.
Unworked Holidays. 5 Eligible employees shall receive pay equal to their normal work shifts at their base rates at the 6 time the holiday occurs. Should a holiday occur while an employee is on vacation the 7 employee shall receive the holiday pay. The District retains the right to address a pattern of sick 8 leave occurring before and after holidays.
Unworked Holidays. 45 Eligible employees shall receive pay equal to their normal work shift at the rate set forth on 47 holiday, and not on leave of absence, shall be eligible for pay for such unworked holiday. The 48 District retains the right to request employees to furnish proof of illness for absences on the day 1 before or the day after the holiday. Approved short-term leave without pay ("deduct day") shall 2 not be considered leave of absence. Special workshops or in-service training days held in July
Unworked Holidays of the agreement will apply except that when a plant holiday as specified in Article 7 occurs on a scheduled work day, an employee working on a 4x10 work schedule will be placed on an alternate shift assignment for the week and will not report to work on the plant holiday, and will work three ten-hour shifts, for a total of forty compensated hours for the week.
Unworked Holidays. Where a general holiday falls on an employee's regularly scheduled work day but they are not required to work that day, they shall be paid for that holiday in accordance with the following:
(a) Subject to Section 7.3(b) an amount equal to the wages the employee would have earned on that day had that day not been a holiday.