Vacation Leave Usage.
A. Vacation leave will be charged by rounding upward to the nearest one-tenth (1/10th) of an hour increments.
B. Employees may request vacation leave at any time on a first come, first served basis; however, posted vacation schedules shall take precedence.
C. Employees will not request or be authorized to take scheduled vacation leave if they will not have accrued sufficient vacation leave credits to cover the absence at the time of the scheduled leave.
Vacation Leave Usage. A. 1. The immediate supervisor shall grant or deny vacation request in writing within ten (10) days of receipt. Denial by a supervisor of an ESP’s vacation request shall be put in writing and a copy forwarded to Human Resources. ESPs having earned vacation may take vacation in increments as approved by the site administrator.
Vacation Leave Usage.
A. Vacation leave will be charged in one-tenth (1/10th) of an hour increments.
B. Employees may request vacation leave at any time on a first come, first served basis; however, in the case of competing requests received on the same day, seniority shall prevail. For requests that are made for leave within the following six (6) months, the employee will discuss the request with the supervisor within seven (7) days of submissions. Supervisors will approve or deny the request within fourteen (14) days of the original submission. If the supervisor fails to respond within fourteen (14) days, the employee may notify the appointing authority.
C. Employees will not request or be authorized to take scheduled vacation leave if they will not have accrued sufficient vacation leave credits to cover the absence at the time of the scheduled leave.
Vacation Leave Usage. Any member of this unit, while out on a pre-approved vacation, shall be allowed the use of sick leave if at any point during their vacation the member becomes ill or injured. The use of sick leave shall be limited to the date of illness or injury. The use of additional sick leave may be required, pending the medical certification.
Vacation Leave Usage a) Employees having earned vacation may take vacation in increments as approved by the immediate supervisor and/or site administrator.
b) The immediate supervisor shall grant or deny vacation request in writing within ten (10) days of receipt. Denial of an employee’s vacation request shall be put in writing and a copy forwarded to Human Resources.
c) Twelve (12) month employees may accumulate up to and no more than 160 hours (or prorated cap) of vacation at any given time. No more than 160 hours or four weeks of vacation may be rolled over into the next fiscal year. Vacation must be scheduled with the employee’s supervisor no less than four weeks in advance, except in cases of emergency.
d) If a holiday occurs during an employee's vacation, said holiday shall not be deducted from accumulated vacation leave.
Vacation Leave Usage. A. Vacation leave may not be taken without written request to the employee’s supervisor or manager and notification from them that the request has been approved in advance of the vacation leave. Vacations should be scheduled as far in advance as reasonably possible in each work unit, and should be staggered over the entire calendar year to the extent reasonable.
B. Employee preference for vacation time or times, to the extent that it is reasonable, will be honored (on a seniority or annual rotation basis, in the event of a conflict), subject to the department head’s judgment as to the maintenance of minimum work forces at all times, peak workload coverage an/or general departmental and public convenience.
C. Employees with approved vacations, which are later cancelled by the County, may have unavoidable, out of pocket costs associated with such vacations. The County will reimburse such reasonable, out of pocket costs in accordance with County Policy.
D. The department head may authorize vacations up to the number of days actually accrued after 6 months of continuous employment if convenient to the County.
Vacation Leave Usage. Vacation leave may not be taken without written request to the employee’s supervisor or manager and notification from them that the request has been approved in advance of the vacation leave. Vacations should be scheduled as far in advance as reasonably possible in each work unit. Employees shall be given their preference in vacation time as approved by the department head or designee within the limits of the vacation schedule established by the department head. After reasonable notice to the Association, each department shall establish a system for assignment of vacations which affords reasonable recognition of seniority and annual rotation. Employees with approved vacations which are later canceled by the County may have unavoidable, out-of-pocket costs associated with such vacations. The County will reimburse such reasonable, out-of-pocket costs in accordance with County policy.
Vacation Leave Usage. Employees must use at least (40) hours of Vacation Leave during each fiscal year. Department Directors are responsible for arranging leave schedules so that adequate personnel are available to carry on necessary City work. When practicable, employees should be permitted to schedule Vacation Leave at times most acceptable to the employee. In large departments the choice of vacation times should be arranged according to seniority or some other equitable method.
Vacation Leave Usage. A. Employees having earned vacation may take vacation in increments as approved by the immediate supervisor and/or site administrator.
B. If under this agreement vacation will be lost, the supervisor shall submit in writing a request to payout the vacation earned by any employee to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) by March 31 of the year in question. The CFO then shall either mandate that vacation be taken by the employee or approve that the vacation leave be paid out.
C. If a holiday occurs during an employee's vacation, said holiday shall not be deducted from accumulated vacation leave.
D. A twelve (12) month employee transferring to a ten (10) month position will take accumulated vacation during the twelve (12) month assignment. If the employee is unable to take accumulated vacation during that time, time off shall be allowed in accordance with present vacation policy at the convenience of the supervisor in the new assignment. If time off is not allowed, the employee’s vacation leave accrual shall be paid out at the 12 month rate no later than 2 pay periods after the transfer is completed. Under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to work and draw vacation pay at the same time.
Vacation Leave Usage. Employees covered by this Labor Agreement shall be eligible for vacation leave 15 with pay pursuant to Article 9 and Article 32 of the CLA, in addition to the below provisions.