Reasonable Additional Hours. All hours worked over an average of 38 ordinary hours per week, will be deemed to be additional hours. All hours worked by permanent part-time employees beyond their specified number of hours will be treated as additional hours for the purpose of this subclause. From time to time, employees may be required to work a reasonable amount of additional hours. All additional hours worked will be paid in accordance with this Agreement. An employee may not be required to work additional hours in circumstances where the working of additional hours would result in the employee working hours which are unreasonable having regards to (refer to section 226 of the Act):
Reasonable Additional Hours. (a) All hours worked over an average of 38 ordinary hours per week, will be deemed to be additional hours. All hours worked by part-time employees beyond their guaranteed minimum number of hours will be treated as additional hours for the purpose of this subclause. From time to time, full time employees may be required to work a reasonable number of additional hours. Part time employees may be asked, but not required, to work a reasonable number of additional hours. All additional hours worked will be paid in accordance with this Agreement.
Reasonable Additional Hours. 24.1 Definition
Reasonable Additional Hours. 72.1 Subject to subclause 72.2, an Employer may require an Employee to work reasonable additional hours at the appropriate overtime rate as defined in clause 69(Overtime) of the Agreement.
Reasonable Additional Hours. 6.3.1 Employees may be requested to work reasonable additional hours beyond 38 hours per week to meet the operational requirements of the Company and the xxxxxxx and productivity requirements of each job, project and/or client.
Reasonable Additional Hours. 101.1 Subject to clause 101.2, an Employer may require an Employee to work reasonable additional hours at the appropriate overtime rate as defined in clause 102 (Overtime) of Section 3.
Reasonable Additional Hours. The NES does not use the word ‘overtime’. Under the NES, employees may be asked to work reasonable additional hours. The employment contract can only express hours of work in excess of the maximum 38 hours per week as reasonable additional hours. What is reasonable for additional hours is decided by weighing up a variety of factors including risks to occupational health and safety; operational requirements of the business; personal circumstances and family commitments; whether the employee has had notice of the likelihood of the need for additional hours; and whether the employee has previously indicated a willingness or capacity to work additional hours. Generally, this will be a process of balancing the needs of the enterprise with the employee’s needs.
Reasonable Additional Hours. In addition to the ordinary hours of work, employees may be required to perform reasonable additional hours (overtime) work.
Reasonable Additional Hours. 5.5.7 An employer may require a part-time employee to work reasonable additional ordinary hours within:
Reasonable Additional Hours a. The operational requirements of the Employer will, on occasion, require some Employees to work reasonable additional hours.