After Children. 17A) The Academy Trust will in respect of the Academy act in accordance with, and be bound by, all relevant statutory and regulatory provisions and have regard to any guidance and codes of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, as they apply at any time to a maintained school, relating to the designation of a person to manage the teaching and learning programme for children who are looked after by an LA and are registered pupils at the school. For the purpose of this clause, any reference to the governing body of a maintained school in such statutory and regulatory provisions, or in any guidance and code of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, shall be deemed to be references to the Governing Body of the Academy Trust.
After Children. 18A) The Company will in respect of each Academy act in accordance with, and be bound by, all relevant statutory and regulatory provisions and have regard to any guidance and codes of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, as they apply at any time to a maintained school, relating to the designation of a person to manage the teaching and learning programme for children who are looked after by an LA and are registered pupils at the school. For the purpose of this clause, any reference to the governing body of a maintained school in such statutory and regulatory provisions, or in any guidance and code of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, shall be deemed to be references to the Directors of the Company.
After Children. 17A) The Academy Trust will in respect of the Academy act in accordance with, and be bound by, all relevant statutory and regulatory provisions and have regard to any guidance and codes of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, as they apply at any time to a maintained school, relating to the designation of a person to manage the teaching and learning programme for children who are looked after by an LA and are registered pupils at the school. For the purpose of this clause, any reference to the governing body of a maintained school in such statutory and regulatory provisions, or in any guidance and code of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, shall be deemed to be references to the Governing Body of the Academy Trust. Subject to clause 19, the Academy Trust shall not employ anyone under a contract of employment or for services to carry out planning and preparing lessons and courses for pupils, delivering lessons to pupils, assessing the development, progress and attainment of pupils, and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils (“specified work”) who is not either:- a qualified teacher within the meaning of regulations made under section 132 of the Education Act 2002; or otherwise eligible to do specified work under the Education (Specified Work and Registration) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/1663), which for the purpose of this clause shall be construed as if the Academy were a maintained school. Clause 18 does not apply to anyone who: was transferred to the employment of the Academy Trust by virtue of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006; immediately prior to the transfer, was employed to do specified work; and immediately prior to the transfer, was not: a qualified teacher within the meaning of regulations made under section 132 of the Education Act 2002 and registered with full registration with the appropriate body, or eligible to do specified work under the Education (Specified Work and Registration) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/1663) (“transferred staff member”). The Academy Trust shall use its best endeavours to ensure that any transferred staff member who undertakes specified work and does not meet the requirements of clause 18(a) or clause 18(b) meets such requirements as soon as possible. The Academy Trust shall ensure that all teachers employed at the Academy have access to the Teachers Pension Scheme and, in so doing, will comply with the statutory provision...
After Children. 17A) The Academy Trust will in respect of the Academy act in accordance with, and be 2 Delete words in square brackets if the Academy is a "selective school" within meaning of Section 6(4) of the Academies Act 2010. bound by, all relevant statutory and regulatory provisions and have regard to any guidance and codes of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, as they apply at any time to a maintained school, relating to the designation of a person to manage the teaching and learning programme for children who are looked after by an LA and are registered pupils at the school. For the purpose of this clause, any reference to the governing body of a maintained school in such statutory and regulatory provisions, or in any guidance and code of practice issued pursuant to such provisions, shall be deemed to be references to the Governing Body of the Academy Trust.
After Children. 8.10 The University is involved in an Aimhigher project (with Northumbria and Sunderland universities) to support the progression of Looked After Children, who are also automatically eligible for support through our PARTNERS Programme. Children from care backgrounds are encouraged to identify any particular support needs on entry. We are currently seeking accreditation from The Xxxxx Xxxxxx Trust.
8.11 The University will continue to set aside a small amount of additional fee income in 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 to underwrite essential Aimhigher-related outreach activity in the event of any reduction of such funding from HEFCE.
After Children. Children with a social worker Our full LAC policy can be accessed via the link below: Missing Children How we seek to prevent Bullying Behaviour system – The Behaviour Framework/ Choices System Ensuring Student’s Complete Work Assigned to Them Whole School
After Children. Looked after children are a particularly vulnerable group. In 2005 only one out of thirty looked after children achieved five GCSE A*- C, as compared to other children in the borough where nearly 60% achieve five GCSE A*- C. A good education leads to improved employment opportunities, therefore improving educational achievement will help improve the future economic well being and quality of life for looked after children. Currently 80% of our looked after children are in xxxxxx care placements, the other 20% are in alternative provision including residential care homes. Evidence clearly indicates that looked after children in xxxxxx care placements are less vulnerable across a wide range of issues e.g. becoming involved in crime and prostitution. For this reason we want to increase the number of children who are afforded the opportunity to be placed in xxxxxx care. Looked after children do not always enjoy the same health benefits as other children. There is also a higher teenage conception rate amongst this group. Ensuring regular access to health services is important and ensures basic health standards but also helps looked after children access services in the future. We want to ensure that all looked after children access the services they need.
After Children. 8. A programme targeting yr7 and yr8 children in care and their carers to raise the aspirations and progression to HE. Started in Leeds and expanded to West Yorkshire Aimhigher partnership co-ordinated by HEAR WY. 10-15 participants each year.
9. Leeds Met works with Leeds Aimhigher in the Next Step programme which provides a structured programme of mentoring and attainment raising activities for young people in public care. 20 young people from Leeds attend the programme, in year 11 participants attend the HE Summer School.
10. The UJIMA project: targets 20 yr10 and yr11 African and African– Caribbean boys from schools in Leeds. The project comprises a series of events including revision classes, a Challenge Day and a 1 week residential summer school.
After Children. We aim to increase the numbers of looked after children accessing our courses and support their retention and progression. We have already been awarded the Xxxxx Xxxxxx Trust Quality mark and have implemented a number of support schemes for care-leavers. At present, Local Authorities‟ reports suggest that between 30-40 looked-after children entered the university in 2007/8. We aim to increase the confirmed number, which shall become the baseline, and ensure progression and retention and will be devising mechanisms for identification and tracking.
After Children. Where a young person is looked after by Wandsworth Children’s Services, the above requirements will apply in addition to the following: The Social Worker will: Consult with the YJS prior to the Child’s Looked After Review. Ensure that all Care Plans are shared with the YJS in line with regulatory requirements. Where a child is open to the YJS consult with the YJS worker or operational manager before a decision is made to place a young person out of borough, change placement or any decision to return a child to the borough. If a looked after child is subject to bail conditions, alert the YJS worker as soon as possible if there is an intention or need to move the young person to an alternative placement. The YJS Worker will: Incorporate Care Plans into the YJS Supervision Plan for each young person. Make arrangements for the local YJS to supervise any young person moving to a placement out of borough. Support placement moves for looked after children subject to bail conditions, through listing at Court and requesting amendment of bail conditions. YJS plans for young people to be shared with Xxxxx’s Social Worker and will be uploaded to MOSAIC. The Virtual School will: Work alongside the allocated Social Worker and XXX Xxxxxx to ensure that every young person up to 18 years of age has a robust, effective Personal Education Plan (PEP) completed within statutory timeframes. Support the network with ensuring that every young person pre-release has an education plan. Support the network with ensuring that education is prioritised wherever appropriate in care planning arrangements. This will include offering support to ensure that young people have planned education provision pre discharge and access appropriate schools or education settings. The YJS will be: Invited to and attend all multi-agency meetings relating to young people placed out of borough where cases are being managed by an external YJS. Remands Wandsworth YJS is required to provide a service to Wimbledon Youth Court. Where Wandsworth young people appear in another court or on a non-Wandsworth day at Wimbledon Youth Court the London/National YJS protocols require the home YJS to be contacted. This must happen at the earliest opportunity when bail is being refused, in order that negotiation can take place via the ‘host’ YJS who service that court. Where objections to bail are raised, the YJS will provide an assessment wherever possible at the first Court hearing and, where practical, provide or co-ord...