Annualised Salary definition

Annualised Salary means an all inclusive annualised amount to compensate a salaried Employee for all hours worked under all circumstances to complete the work on hand. The annualised amount is divided by 52 to calculate the weekly pay for a salaried Employee or by 1976 to calculate the hourly pay for a salaried Employee.
Annualised Salary means annual salary plus an amount equal to the annual leave loading (as defined in the Award) applicable to four weeks annual leave. 'Award' shall mean South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award. ‘City Manager’ means the Chief Executive Officer of the Port Augusta City Council. ‘Consensus’ means that all members of the Enterprise Bargaining Committee are in agreement. 'Consultation' is the sharing of information and the exchange of views between the parties and includes the genuine opportunity for employees to contribute effectively to all decision‐making processes which may affect them. The objective of consultation is reaching agreed outcomes. ‘Council’ shall mean the Port Augusta City Council. ‘Employer’ shall mean the Port Augusta City Council. ‘Employee’ means all employees employed pursuant to the Municipal Salaried Officers Award. ‘Funding by external sources’ means funding received from bodies outside the Council and includes grants and subsidies, donations and ex‐gratia receipts. ‘Organisation’ means the Port Augusta City Council. ‘Parties’ means the Port Augusta City Council and the Australian Services Union. “Rostered Staff” means staff who may be rostered at any time over a rotating 7 day period. ‘Specific purpose grants’ means grants or subsidies provided for the purpose of subsidising a specific program or function. ‘Salary’ means annual salary paid immediately prior to the signing of the Agreement and does not include any amounts negotiated as part of an overtime package such as superannuation and use of vehicle. 'Union' shall mean the Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union known as the Australian Services Union (ASU). 'Workplace Representative' shall mean an ASU member or members elected by the membership from the membership appointed under the rules of the Union, whose role is to effectively represent the interests of members at the workplace. CLAUSE 4 ENTERPRISE BARGAINING COMMITTEE 4.1 The parties agree that the consultative structure for negotiating, reviewing and monitoring Enterprise Agreements and resolving concerns and/or disputes arising from the operation of the Enterprise Bargaining process is the Enterprise Bargaining Committee.
Annualised Salary. An Employee’s Ordinary Hourly Rate is the rate determined by Sojitz in accordance with clause 5.2 of the Agreement within the bands set out in Schedule C for their classification level which has been calculated by dividing the applicable Base Salary by the Ordinary Hours of the roster over a 52 week period. ‘Base Salary’ An Employee’s Base Salary is the Base Salary set out in Schedule C for their classification level for working their Ordinary Hours.

Examples of Annualised Salary in a sentence

  • If an Employee does not have an Annualised Salary (for example a casual Employee) Superannuation will be payable in accordance with legislated requirements from time to time.

  • No other benefits or loadings (including annual leave loading) will be payable, as all loadings are included in your Annualised Salary.

  • Superannuation is generally payable on “Ordinary Time Earnings” (Ordinary Hours being, under the Award and this Agreement, an average of 35 Ordinary Hours a week) however, for Employees on an Annualised Salary, Sojitz will continue its practice of paying Superannuation (where it is payable) on the wages element of your Annualised Salary (which incorporates a number of rostered overtime hours and allowances as explained in clause 5.2).

  • Superannuation is not payable on Irregular Overtime or any allowances not incorporated into your Annualised Salary.

  • The wages component of your Annualised Salary will be deposited fortnightly into your nominated bank account.

More Definitions of Annualised Salary

Annualised Salary. Means the annual salaries set down in Part 2 of Schedule B for a permanent full time Employee, calculated by the applicable permanent hourly rate x 38 x 52 x 25%. ‘Base Rate of Pay’ Means the applicable minimum hourly rates set out in Schedule A for casual Employees and the minimum hourly rates for permanent Employees in Schedule B. ‘Continuous Service’ Has the meaning prescribed in section 22 of the Act.
Annualised Salary means a salary equal to 25 percent or more above the applicable minimum weekly wage multiplied by 52. This Annualised Salary will fully compensate for all hours worked and encompasses all hours worked including overtime or penalty payments. Award means the Hospitality Industry – Accommodation, Hotels, Resorts and Gaming Award 1998.
Annualised Salary means a salary set by contract as incorporating remuneration for reasonable additional hours, penalties and loadings.
Annualised Salary means base salary plus all allowances except shift allowance and does not include any bonus amounts, achievement payments or overtime payments, except for overtime included as part of annual ordinary working hours.
Annualised Salary means earnings that have included a component for the typical overtime requirements and allowances for the role, including leave loading.
Annualised Salary means the amount the Employee would have earned by virtue of their rostered hours including the Base Hourly Rate of pay, rostered overtime, weekend and shift penalties, public holidays, In-Built Market Payment and any other payment, allowance or penalty unless provided for elsewhere in this Agreement.