Examples of Annualised Salary in a sentence
If an Employee does not have an Annualised Salary (for example a casual Employee) Superannuation will be payable in accordance with legislated requirements from time to time.
No other benefits or loadings (including annual leave loading) will be payable, as all loadings are included in your Annualised Salary.
Superannuation is generally payable on “Ordinary Time Earnings” (Ordinary Hours being, under the Award and this Agreement, an average of 35 Ordinary Hours a week) however, for Employees on an Annualised Salary, Sojitz will continue its practice of paying Superannuation (where it is payable) on the wages element of your Annualised Salary (which incorporates a number of rostered overtime hours and allowances as explained in clause 5.2).
Superannuation is not payable on Irregular Overtime or any allowances not incorporated into your Annualised Salary.
The wages component of your Annualised Salary will be deposited fortnightly into your nominated bank account.