Local Unit Chairperson. The Association shall have the right to select a local unit chairperson(s) from among nurses in the unit. The local unit chairperson(s) shall not be recognized by the Employer until the Association has given the Employer written notice of the selection. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Employer, the investigation of grievances and other Association business shall be conducted only during nonworking times, and shall not interfere with the work of other employees.
Local Unit Chairperson. The Association shall have the right to select a local unit chairperson from among employees in the unit. The parties acknowledge the general proposition that Association business performed by the local unit chairperson, or delegate, including the investigation of grievances, will be conducted during nonworking hours (e.g., coffee breaks, lunch periods, and before and after shift). When it is not practical or reasonable to transact such business during nonworking periods, the local unit chairperson, or delegate, will be allowed a reasonable amount of time during working hours to perform such functions, except that such activity shall not take precedence over the requirements of patient care and shall not interfere with the work of other employees.
Local Unit Chairperson. The Association shall have the right to select a Local Unit Chairperson (LUC) from among the nurses in the unit.
6.6.1 The parties acknowledge that Association business performed by the LUC, including the investigating of grievances, will be conducted during nonworking hours (e.g., coffee breaks, lunch periods, and before and after shift). When it is not possible to investigate a grievance during nonworking periods, the LUC after first contacting the Chief Clinical Officer or his/her designee, will be allowed a reasonable amount of time during working hours to perform such functions with pay, except that such activity shall not take precedence over the requirements of patient care.
6.6.2 The Employer shall give notice to the Local Unit Chairperson no later than fourteen (14) calendar days from the newly employed nurse’s date of hire, of his/her unit and shift.
Local Unit Chairperson. The Association shall have the right to select a local unit chairperson from among employees in the bargaining unit and agrees to promptly notify the Hospital of the identity of the person selected. Association business performed by the unit chairperson, including the investigation of grievances, will be conducted during non-working hours (e.g., rest periods, lunch periods, and before and after shift). Such activity shall not take precedence over the requirements of patient care. The Employer may, at its option, pay the local unit chairperson for time spent in discussing a grievance with management. Human Resources shall provide the names, address, and telephone number of all registered nurses at the time of new employee orientation.
Local Unit Chairperson. The Hospital agrees to recognize the Local Unit Chairperson or designee elected by the Local Unit, who may receive complaints and process grievances provided that such activity does not interfere with the work assignments of the Local Unit Chairperson or designee or other nurses. Wherever possible, grievances will be processed on break or lunch time and not in work, patient care, or visitor reception areas, unless management approves that work time be used. Other time spent by nurses on Association matters shall not be paid by the Hospital.
Local Unit Chairperson. The Association shall, within ten (10) days after the signing of this Agreement elect a local unit chairperson where members of the Association are employed. The local unit chairperson shall see that the provisions of this Agreement are observed and shall be allowed reasonable work time to do so. The name(s) of local unit chairperson(s) so appointed shall be furnished to the Employer and kept current.
Local Unit Chairperson. The Association shall have the right to select a local unit chairperson from among the nurses in the bargaining unit. The Local Unit Chairperson or other elected local unit officer may investigate circumstances of grievances under this Agreement within the Hospital during released time without pay and may contact other nurses during such nurses’ non-working time and in non-patient care areas pursuant to the investigation. Should the employee request the attendance of the Local Unit Chairperson or an officer at a Xxxxxxxxxx meeting, the officer or Local Unit Chairperson is able to attend, such time of the Local Unit Chairperson or officer, as well as that of the employee, shall be on paid time.
Local Unit Chairperson. The parties acknowledge the general proposition that Association business performed by up to two (2) local unit chairpersons (or their designees), including the investigating of grievances, will be conducted during non-working hours (e.g., rest periods, meal periods, and before and after shift). When it is not practical or reasonable to transact such business during non-working periods, the unit chairperson, after notifying the nurse’s supervisor, will be allowed a reasonable amount of time during working hours to perform such functions, except that such activity shall not take precedence over the requirements of patient care. On his/her own time the Local Unit Chairperson or designee shall be scheduled for one-half (½) hour in the orientation to introduce the Agreement. The Medical Center’s Human Resource and Nursing Administration Departments shall be informed in advance when a Local Unit Chairperson plans to utilize a designee in the event of a planned absence.
Local Unit Chairperson. WSNA shall have the right to select a local unit chairperson(s) from among nurses in the unit. The local unit chairperson(s) shall not be recognized by the Employer until WSNA has given the Employer written notice of the selection. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Employer, the investigation of grievances and other Association business shall be conducted only during nonworking times, and shall not interfere with the work of other nurses.
Local Unit Chairperson. The Association shall have the right to select a local unit chairperson from among employees in the bargaining unit and agrees to promptly notify the Hospital of the identity of the person selected. Association business performed by the unit chairperson, including the investigation of grievances, will be conducted during non-working hours (e.g., rest periods, lunch periods, and before and after shift). Such activity shall not take precedence over the requirements of patient care. The Employer may, at its option, pay the local unit chairperson for time spent in discussing a grievance with management. Human Resources shall provide the names, address, and telephone number of all registered nurses at the time of new employee orientation. Bulletin Board. The Hospital shall provide time clock bulletin board space for posting of notices of Association activities. Such materials will be signed by a designated local unit representative and a copy given to the Human Resources representative or designee prior to posting. Meeting Rooms. The Association shall be permitted to use designated premises of the Employer for educational, business and contract vote meetings of the local unit, with or without Association staff present, provided sufficient advance written request for meeting facilities is made to the Human Resources representative or designee and space is available. Notification and Orientation. The Hospital shall provide fifteen (15) minutes at the end of new nurse orientation for the local unit representative to introduce new nurses to the Association and the Association’s contract. The Association is responsible for providing new nurses with a copy of the collective bargaining agreement. The Hospital will provide newly hired nurses with a copy of Article 2 “Association Security” within thirty days from the date of hire. The Hospital will provide the local unit chairperson with the orientation schedule one week in advance. The Hospital agrees to provide the local unit chairperson with an employee roster every thirty days. The Hospital shall provide the Local Unit Chairperson with the name, address, telephone number, and date of scheduled orientation of any newly hired nurses within fifteen (15) days of hire. Personal Data. Nurses shall keep the Hospital informed of any changes in their addresses and telephone numbers.