Union Membership Dues Deduction Sample Clauses

Union Membership Dues Deduction. 4.01 As a condition of employment, the Employer will deduct from the gross earnings of each Employee covered by this Collective Agreement dues as determined by the Union.
Union Membership Dues Deduction. 1 2.1 Membership – Current Employees 1
Union Membership Dues Deduction. An employee who elects to join the Union may complete the Membership Authorizationfor Checkoff of dues and return it to the Union office. The Union will forward the executed payroll deduction form to the Human Resources Department and will furnish the Employer with a schedule of the Union membership dues, determined in accordancewith law and updated as necessary. The Union will furnish the Employer with lawful Membership Authorization for Checkoff forms to be given to the new bargaining unit employees during New Employee Orientation. During the terms of this Agreement, the Employer agrees to deduct bi-weekly Union dues from each employee covered by this Agreement who has executed the required form, provided the employee has net pay available after payment of required taxes and payments, garnishments, support obligations, judgements, retirement contributions, health insurance, and other benefit contributions. Deductions will begin with the first full payroll period following receipt of the executed Membership Authorization for Checkoff form by the Human Resources Department. Employees have the right to terminate College deduction of Union dues from their pay at any time. Deductions will stop when the employee gives the Human Resources Department written notice to terminate deductions. The human Resources Department will provide the Union with a copy of the written notice within 10 business days of receipt of the employee’s notice to Human Resources. If a dispute arises as to whether or not the College is properly authorized to deduct Union dues, no further deductions shall be made until the matter is resolved. The Employer’s sole obligation under this Section is limited to the deduction of Union membership dues from employee earnings and remittance of amounts deducted to the LCC-PTCTUMEA Treasurer or designee bi-weekly, together with providing a list of current bargaining unit employees showing the amount of Union dues deducted fromeach employee’s pay.
Union Membership Dues Deduction. An employee covered by this agreement who is not a member of the Union shall, within sixty days worked make application for membership in the Union and become a member.
Union Membership Dues Deduction. Section 2.1 Membership 2 Section 2.2Maintenance of Membership 3 Section 2.3 – Deductions… 4 Section 2.4 Hold Harmless 4 Section 2.5 Bargaining Unit Roster 4 Section 2.6Union Orientation… 4
Union Membership Dues Deduction. Pursuant to the Public EmployeesFair Employment Law (Article 14 of the Civil Service Law), the Employer shall deduct Union membership monthly dues from the first pay period of the month for each employee who has presented to the Employer a dues deduction authorization card signed by him, provided, however, that if such Law is amended to permit the deduction of dues for employees who do not meet the foregoing requirements, the Employer must, at the request of the Union, make deductions for such employee to the extent permitted by such law.
Union Membership Dues Deduction. The Employer will, as a of employment, deduct an amount equal to the amount of Fees from the pay of all employees in the Bargaining Unit. The Union shall inform the Employer in writing of the Fees to be checked off for each employee within the Bargaining Unit thirty (30) days prior to implementation. For the purpose of applying Article deductions from pay for each employee occur on a basis and apply to the extent that earnings are available. Where an employee does not have sufficient earnings in respect of any period to permit deduction, the Employer shall not be obligated to make such deductions from subsequent salary. From the date of and for the duration of this Agreement, no employee organization, other than the Union, shall be permitted to have Membership Fees deducted by the Employer from the pay of the employees in the Bargaining Unit. The amounts deducted in accordance with Article shall be remitted to the Comptroller of the Alliance, Street, Ottawa, Ontario, by cheque a reasonable period of time after deductions are made and shall be accompanied by particulars identifying each employee and the deductions made on behalf. The Employer agrees to identify annually on each employee's slip the total amount of Membership Fees deducted for the preceding year. The Employer agrees to make deductions for other purposes on the basis of the production of appropriate documentation. The Alliance agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless against any claim or arising out of the application of this Article except for any claim or arising out of an error committed by the Employer.
Union Membership Dues Deduction. 8.01 The University shall deduct Union dues including, where applicable, initiation fees and assessments, on a twice monthly basis, from the wages of each employee covered by this agreement. The amount of dues shall be calculated in accordance with the Union‟s constitution. 8.02 All dues, initiation fees and assessments shall be remitted to the Union forthwith and in any event not later than 15 days following the last day of the month in which the remittance was deducted. The remittance shall be sent to the International Secretary Treasurer of the United Steelworkers, P.O. Box 13083 Postal Station „A‟, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, X0X 0X0 in such form as shall be directed by the Union to the University along with a completed Dues Remittance Form R-115. A copy of the Dues Remittance Form R-115 will also be sent to the Union office designated by the Area Coordinator. 8.03 The remittance and the R-115 form shall be accompanied by a statement containing the following information: a) A list of the names of all employees from whom dues were deducted and the amount of dues deducted; b) A list of the names of all employees from whom no deductions have been made and reasons; c) This information shall be sent to both Union addresses identified in 8.02 in such form as shall be directed by the Union to the University. 8.04 The Union shall indemnify and save the University harmless against all claims or other forms of liability that may arise out of any actions taken by the University in compliance with this article. 8.05 The University, when preparing T-4 slips for the employees, will enter the amount of Union dues paid to the employee during the previous year. 8.06 Each new employee shall be issued a copy of the current collective agreement.
Union Membership Dues Deduction. 2.1 All employees covered by this Agreement may elect, but shall not be required, to become or remain members of the Union.
Union Membership Dues Deduction. Section 1: Upon receipt of written authorization from an employee, who has completed thirty (30) days of employment, the Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees who authorize it, membership dues in the Union. Deductions shall be in compliance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9e of the statutes of New Jersey. each month, and monies collected, together with a list of employees from whom dues have been deducted and records of any corrections, shall be transmitted to the Director of Dues Department of the Union by the first of each month following collection. Section 2: If during the life of the Agreement there shall be any change in the rate of membership dues, the Union shall furnish to the Board written notice prior to the effective date of such change. Section 3: The Union will provide the necessary dues deduction form and will secure the signatures of its members on the forms and deliver the signed forms to the Personnel Department. The Union may supply membership packets, which contains a copy of this Agreement as well as other material mutually agreed to by the Board and the Union. The Board agrees to distribute such membership packets to new employees during the initial phase of employment. Section 4: The Board shall not be obligated to make dues deductions of any kind from any employee who, during any dues month involved, shall have failed to receive sufficient wages to equal the dues deductions. Section 5: The Union shall indemnify, defend, and save the County of Xxxxxx harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board and the County of Xxxxxx in reliance upon salary deduction authorization cards submitted by the Union.