Representations and Warranties Clauses Exemplaires

Representations and Warranties. 8.1 Le Fournisseur déclare et garantit que (i) il a le plein pouvoir de signer les Documents relatifs à la commande et d'exécuter ses obligations conformément aux Documents relatifs à la commande ; (ii) il dispose du droit et de la capacité illimitée de céder les Travaux à IP, y compris, sans limitation, le droit de céder tout Travail exécuté par le Personnel et les Sous- traitants du Fournisseur ; (iii) les Travaux et l'utilisation des Travaux par IP, ne portent et ne porteront pas atteinte à tout droit de Propriété intellectuelle d'un Tiers, à tout droit de publicité ou de protection de la vie privée ou à tout autre droit de propriété, qu'il soit contractuel, statutaire ou fondé en droit ; (iv) le Fournisseur ne divulguera pas à IP, n'apportera pas sur le site d'IP ou n'incitera pas IP à utiliser toute information confidentielle ou propriétaire qui appartient à une personne autre qu'IP ou que le Fournisseur et qui n'est pas couverte par un accord de non-divulgation entre IP et le Fournisseur ; (v) les logiciels fournis par le Fournisseur ne contiennent pas de Code nuisible et (vi) les Travaux du Fournisseur sont conformes aux spécifications d'IP, aux devis ou propositions du Fournisseur et à ses catalogues et brochures, et si aucun des éléments précités ne s'applique, alors lesdits Travaux sont adaptés à l'utilisation prévue. 8.2
Representations and Warranties. 6.1. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that:
Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that you will access the Network only for your use and, except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, you will not lend, lease or share your access rights or subscription with any third party. You further represent and warrant that you will not access the Network so as to exceed the number of Rovers permitted by your subscription. You represent and warrant that you are proficient in the use of GPS systems of the type useable with the Network and will independently assess the accuracy and value of any data derived from the Network. You represent and warrant that You will comply with all laws, codes, rules, and regulations relating to Your use of the Network, and that You have obtained all necessary licenses, permits, training, and authorizations necessary for access or use of the Network.
Representations and Warranties. On the Issue Date, and on each Redemption Date and Coupon Payment Date, the Issuer makes the following representations and warranties only in respect of itself and hereby acknowledges that each of the Finance Parties has entered into the Finance Documents and has agreed to subscribe to the Bonds in full reliance on those representations and warranties:
Representations and Warranties. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you represent and warrant that: (a) you are eligible to register and use the Services and have the authority to execute and perform the obligations required by this Agreement; (b) any information you provide us about your business, products, or services is accurate and complete; (c) any Charges represent a Transaction for permitted products, services, or donations, and any related information accurately describes the Transaction; (d) you will fulfil all of your obligations to Customers and will resolve all Disputes with them; (e) you will comply with all Laws applicable to your business and use of the Services; (f) you will not use Payment Services for household purposes or peer-to-peer money transmission, or (except in the normal course of business) intercompany Transactions; and (g) you will not use the Service, directly or indirectly, for any fraudulent or illegal undertaking, or to interfere in any manner with the normal operation of the Service.
Representations and Warranties. 11.1 Vendor’ s warranties 11.1.1 The Vendor warrants and represents to the Buyer in the terms of the warranties set out in Annex 11.1.1 in respect of the Business and Assets sold and transferred to the Buyer hereunder (the “Vendor’s Warranties”). 11.1.2 the Vendor shall procure and warrants and represents to the Buyer that the vendor’s Warranties will be true and accurate at Closing by reference to the facts and circumstances then subsisting, and for this purpose, the Vendor’s Warranties shall be deemed to be repeated at Closing as if any express or implied reference in the Vendor’s Warranties to the date of this Agreement was replaced by a reference to the Closing Date. 11.1.3. Each of the Vendor’s Warranties shall be construed as a separate warranty and except where this Agreement expressly provides otherwise, each vendor’s Warranty is not limited by the other provisions of this Agreement, including the other Vendor’s Warranties. 11.2 Buyer’s warranties 11.2.1 The Buyer warrants and represents to the Vendor in the terms of the warranties set out in below in respect of its obligations under this Agreement (the “Buyer’s Warranties”). The Buyer represents, warrants and covenants to the Vendor that it is in the process of establishing the WFOE and that it will use its commercially reasonable best efforts to complete the approval and incorporation of the WFOE as soon as possible. 11.2.2 The Buyer shall procure and warrants and represents to the Vendor that the Buyer’s Warranties will be true and accurate at Closing by reference to the facts and 11.
Representations and Warranties. On the date of signature of this document and on the date of payment of the Advance, the Company represents and warrants that:
Representations and Warranties 

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  • Garanties Le remboursement du capital et le paiement des intérêts ainsi que toutes les sommes contractuellement dues ou devenues exigibles au titre du présent contrat sont garantis comme suit :