Alinhamento. A assistência dos parceiros externos está de tal forma alinhada que apoia as estratégias nacionais da saúde efectuando investimentos sistémicos na saúde, tanto nas instituições do governo como nas não governamentais; United States of America Government Letter of support to the IHP process The United States Government through its foreign assistance program is planning to invest over $1 billion in the health sector in Mozambique over the next five years, subject to Congressional appropriations. Though not a signatory of the International Health Partnership, the United States Government is supportive of the principles on which it is based, which derive from the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Programs to tackle diseases and those that build health systems should be mutually reinforcing. Both should be driven by results, effectiveness, and focused on reaching the poor. The United States Government, through our health and development assistance support, has demonstrated our commitment to these principles and supports efforts to coordinate our investments in health through different modalities both at the in-country and international level. These efforts are consistent with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and based on the principles of: Ownership. Partner countries exercise effective leadership over their health policies, strategies and relationships with donors, supported by their own budgets that devote to health an appropriate percentage of overall funding, as set forth in the 2001 Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Other Related Tropical Diseases; Alignment. External partners’ assistance aligns in a way that supports the national health strategies, including by making systemic investments in health in both government and non-governmental institutions; Coordination. Donors and international agencies coordinate their funding around these national strategies (without necessarily combining their investments
Alinhamento. Justificado e com parágrafo.
Alinhamento. Os signatários do MdE do PROSAÚDE II respeitarão os princípios de harmonização e alinhamento aceites internacionalmente no contexto da Declaração de Paris sobre a eficácia da ajuda, assim como o princípio de responsabilização mútua, incluindo a componente financeira. Eles procuram conseguir o maior alinhamento possível com o sistema orçamental e de contabilidade e com a legislação do have decided that the coordination, monitoring and review with regard to the implementation of the PESS will take place within the context of the SWAp. The monitoring and the review process have as their objective to be fully in harmony with and integrated into the GoM's planning, budgeting, and reporting cycle and follow an approved timetable (art. 6.2 of the PROSAUDE II MoU). 3. One Budget The PROSAUDE II MoU presents a single financing mechanism, inscribed within the State Budget (OE), by which funds will be made available through the Treasury and audited with the OE by the General Finance Inspectorate (IGF) and by the Administrative Court (TA). The signatory donors to the PROSAUDE MoU will ensure the predictability of funds provision, by providing MoH with an indication of their medium-term financial contributions, preferably on a rolling basis over at least three consecutive years, based on the budget needs of the PESS and consistent with the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). In order to facilitate integrated planning and annual budget preparation in accordance with GoM’s cycle, the signatories will communicate annually the total financial contributions which they intend to make available to the sector for the following year, within a four-week period following the end of the Annual Joint Review (around April each year) (Preamble iv, art. 3.2. and art. 5.1 of the PROSAUDE II MoU). 4. One single fiduciary framework The signatories of the MoU have agreed that MoH will execute all financial management in accordance with applicable national legislation (Art. 9.1 and art. 10.1 of the PROSAUDE II MoU). 5.
Alinhamento. Veja o parágrafo introdutório acima.
Alinhamento. O alinhamento de direção pode prolongar a vida útil de seus pneus. O veículo desalinhado faz com que o pneu sofra desgastes irregulares, comprometendo a dirigibilidade e a segurança do veículo. Recomenda-se fazer o alinhamento a cada 5.000 km. Refaça o alinhamento, principalmente quando: constatado desgaste irregular nos pneus; • os pneus forem substituídos ou houver rodízio entre eles; • forem substituídas peças da suspensão.
Alinhamento linha divisória entre o lote ou gleba e o logradouro público;
Alinhamento. Realizar contato com o CMDCA - Comissão Especial, no prazo de 5 (cinco) dias úteis após a assinatura do contrato, para agendamento de reunião de alinhamento das ações, cronograma de trabalho e execução do serviço contratado.
Alinhamento. 3.1 Inserção nas medidas previstas no Anexo Revisto da Decisão de Execução do Conselho relativa à aprovação e avaliação do PRR
Alinhamento. Aprovação financeira, assinatura do Contrato e reunião inicial de alinhamento.
Alinhamento. Depois de terminada a instalação, verificar todos os componentes relaciona- dos para assegurar que alinhamentos estão dentro das tolerâncias recomendadas.