Accrual of Vacation. Employees will accrue vacation as follows:
a. A full-time employee in active paid service (including any Authorized Unpaid Time Off (AUTO)) will accrue vacation during the Accrual Year based on the employee’s completed years of vacation seniority (as reflected by the Vacation Seniority Date) as of December 31 of the Accrual Year, as follows:
Accrual of Vacation. For purposes of determining the rate of vacation accrual, full time service with any state agency or political subdivision of the State of Ohio is accepted. A year of service is considered as twenty-six (26) biweekly periods. The employee must inform and provide written documentation to the Department of Human Resources within ninety (90) days of employment that s/he has full time service with a state agency or political subdivision of the State of Ohio. In such case, the employee’s accrual will be adjusted to the appropriate rate from the date of employment with the university. Notification by the employee to the Department of Human Resources received after ninety (90) days will be applied to the employee’s accrual rate beginning the next full pay period in which the request and required documentation are received by Human Resources. The employee’s adjusted accrual balance (whether retroactive to the employment date or a later date) will be reflected on the pay records beginning with the next full pay period after receipt of required documentation.
Accrual of Vacation. With the approval of the Administrator, a regular employee may accrue a portion of his/her current annual vacation entitlement. Employees in their first (1st) to tenth (10th) calendar year of service may accrue up to five (5) working days, while employees in their eleventh (11th) and all subsequent calendar years of service may accrue up to ten (10) working days. All requests for accrual of annual vacation should be submitted to the Human Resource Department through the appropriate department head, or supervisor before November 30th of each year, in order that full consideration may be given to such request before year-end.
Accrual of Vacation. An employee shall accrue full or proportionate vacation credit for a vacation accrual period. The following criteria and procedures shall control vacation credit accrual:
1. Vacation credit shall accrue during leave with pay.
2. Vacation credit for each month shall be credited at the end of the month, except that an eligible separating employee accrues proportionate vacation through the last day on pay status.
3. A full-time career employee who is on approved leave without pay receives full vacation credit for a month during which he/she is on pay status at least one-half the working hours of the month.
4. Vacation credit shall not accrue for time on pay status in excess of the full-time working hours in a month.
5. A full-time employee shall not accrue vacation credit in excess of an amount equal to two (2) times the employee's yearly accrual rate, except as provided in Section H.3. below. A part-time employee shall accrue vacation credit to the same maximum number of hours as a full-time employee with comparable years of service.
Accrual of Vacation. For all employees, vacation begins to accumulate from the date of actual entry as a regular employee into a position which carries vacation, i.e., a twelve (12) month position, rather than beginning at the date of hire.
Accrual of Vacation. Every full-time regular probationary employee shall earn leave with pay, as follows: Completed Years of Service Vacation Hours per Year 0 80 1 88 2 92 3 96 4 100 5 104 6 108 7 112 8 116 9 120 10 124 11 128 12 132 13 136 14 140 15 144 16 148 17 152 18 156 19 160
Accrual of Vacation. Employees shall accrue vacation on the following basis: Hours of Vacation Leave per 131 to 260 4.6154 261 to 390 5.5385 391 to 520 6.4616 521 and over 7.3847
Accrual of Vacation.
(i) With the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer, a regular employee may accrue a portion of his/her current annual vacation entitlement. Employees in their first (1st) to tenth (10th) calendar year of service may accrue up to five (5) working days, while employees in their eleventh (11th) and all subsequent calendar years of service may accrue up to ten (10) working days. All requests for accrual of annual vacation should be submitted to the Human Resource Department through the appropriate department head, division head, or supervisor before November 30th of each year, in order that full consideration may be given to such request before year-end.
(ii) Any unused earned vacation, not accrued under this provision, will be taken prior to the end of the calendar year, or if agreed to by the District within a reasonable duration thereafter as deemed suitable by the District. Only in exceptional circumstances, and as may be agreed to by the Chief Administrative Officer, will unused vacation be paid out at the end of the calendar year.
Accrual of Vacation. When an employee finds it necessary to take a leave for which he/she is not paid, vacation will not be accrued for a period of such leave.
Accrual of Vacation. An employee shall accrue full or proportionate vacation credit for a vacation accrual period, in accordance with the Vacation Factor Leave Table shown in Section B above.The following criteria shall apply:
1. Vacation credit shall accrue during leave with pay.
2. Vacation credit for each vacation accrual period shall accrue at the end of the period, except that an eligible separating employee accrues proportionate vacation through the last day on pay status.
3. A full-time career employee who is on approved leave without pay receives full vacation credit for that vacation accrual period provided the employee is on pay status at least one- half (1/2) the working hours of the accrual period.
4. Vacation credit shall not accrue for time on pay status in excess of the full-time working hours in a vacation accrual period.
5. A full-time employee shall not accrue vacation credit in excess of an amount equal to two (2) times the employee's yearly accrual rate. A part-time employee shall accrue vacation credit to the same maximum number of hours as a full-time employee with comparable years of service.