Allowance Increases. The Travel Allowance provided in Appendix A – Wages, Fares Allowance and Travel Allowance or Appendix L - Commercial Residential Factory Warehouse and / or Commercial / Industrial Factory Warehouse Work shall increase in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
Allowance Increases. (a) Allowances listed in this clause shall be adjusted in accordance with the method shown in Clause 13(c).
(b) Where increases to an allowance in this clause are linked to the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) increases, the increase shall be immediately passed on and shall be calculated so that the NTPF and NTPS allowance amounts remain the same. The allowances in this clause that are linked to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are calculated by using the annual September to September Darwin CPI, with effect from 1 January each year.
(c) The following allowances and subsidies are current as at the time of certification of the Agreement and may be subject to change or amendment as determined by the Commissioner of Police. Any changes or amendments may be implemented by the Commissioner by publishing details in the Police Gazette.
(i) Salary and shift allowances: Current Rate Increases Reference Consolidated Allowance 20 % of Salary Base Salary increases PATD Clause 18 Night Shift Allowance 15% of base salary, or the Clause 18 member’s base rate of pay while on higher duties Base Salary increases CA 2017 Clause 18 Overtime Meal Allowance $21.40 CPI 1 January XXXX Xxxxxx 46 On-Call Allowance 5% of the hourly rate of a Senior Sergeant on the top salary increment (7 weeks leave); 7.5% of the hourly rate of a Senior Base salary increases CA 2017 Clause 19 Current Rate Increases Reference Sergeant on the top salary increment (7 weeks leave) when performed on RDO or in excess of 7 days in 14 day period Stand-By Allowance 50% of the hourly rate of a Senior Constable on the top increment (7 weeks leave) Base salary increases CA 2017 Clause 20 (ii) Isolated Localities: Current Rate Increases Reference Contract Cleaning – Xxxx Stations $20.80 per hour CPI 1 January CA 2017 Clause 50 Spousal Honorarium Payment (May and November per annum) $1574.00 per annum CPI 1 January Police Gazette Accommodation Allowance (FOILS) $122.00 per day CPI 1 January CA 2017 Clause 47 Electricity Subsidy Refer to Clause 51 and 52 CPI 1 January CA 2017 Clause 51and 52 Allowance for Meals to Prisoners and Witnesses $21.40 per each meal provided CPI 1 January PATD Clause 23 (iii) Travel: Current Rate Increases Reference Accommodation Allowance $84.30 per day CPI 1 January CA 2017 Clause 63 Travelling Allowance for approved training courses and events in Darwin and Xxxxx Springs (self-catering accommodation) $43.40 per day CPI 1 January CA 2017 Clause 63 Current Rate Increases Reference M...
Allowance Increases. Allowances will continue to be increased in accordance with modern award variations, minimum wage increases or the appropriate mechanism that is in place. In the absence of such mechanism, it is agreed that the CPI figure for the March quarter preceding the 1st of July increase each year shall be used to vary the applicable allowances. Allowances will not be varied by this method to the point that they exceed the annual Agreement wage increase for that 12 month period. Should a mechanism be introduced during the life of this Agreement, this mechanism will prevail and any increases will be off-set against the CPI adjusted figure.
Allowance Increases. Except for the travel allowance in sub clause 21.4 and the allowance for use of privately owned vehicles in sub clause 21.5, this Agreement provides allowance increases in accordance with sub clause 20.1. Schedule 1 sets out the allowances.
Allowance Increases. The shift work rate shall increase by the same percentage and at the same time as the agreement increases provided for at clause 27.5 (Agreement increases).
Allowance Increases. Allowances specified in this Agreement shall increase by the same percentage and at the same time as the specified wage increases specified in sub-clause 10.2 of this Agreement.
Allowance Increases. Subject to specific allowance increase provisions contained in this Agreement document, allowance payment adjustments shall continue to be made in accordance with the Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2010 and the Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010. For example, First Aider allowance.
Allowance Increases. This is clause 4.1 of the current agreement. Increases to allowances are set out in Schedule 1 of the proposed agreement.
Allowance Increases. All of the above allowances shall increase by the same percentage amount and at the same time as the wage increases set out in this Agreement: First Aid $20.54 / week $21.36 / week $22.00 / week Meal Allowance $17.92 / meal $18.64 / meal $19.20 / meal Team Leader $108.20 / week $112.53/ week $115.91 / week
Allowance Increases. (a) Allowances listed in this clause shall be adjusted in accordance with the method shown in Clause 17 (d).
(b) Where increases to an allowance in this clause are linked to the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) increases, the increase shall be immediately passed on and shall be calculated so that the NTPF and NTPS allowance amounts remain the same. The allowances in this clause that are linked to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are calculated by using the annual September to September Darwin CPI, with effect from 1 January each year.