Alternative Discipline Sample Clauses

Alternative Discipline. A. In accordance with the provisions of USDA Personnel Bulletin No. 751-3, the Forest Service encourages the use of alternative discipline whenever appropriate. Alternative discipline provides an opportunity to better manage caseloads, reduce administrative costs, and rehabilitate employees for productive Government service. B. Alternative discipline agreements will promote the efficiency of the service and may contain nontraditional penalties such as community service, donation of annual leave to the leave transfer program, use of leave-without-pay instead of suspensions, or combinations of these or other agreed-to alternatives. C. Employees may offer suggestions for alternative discipline to the deciding official. D. The option to enter into an alternative discipline agreement is voluntary on the part of the employee. When offered an alternative discipline agreement, the employee will be informed in writing that they may discuss the alternative discipline agreement with a Union representative before signing. Employees will not be required to make a decision on an offer of alternative discipline before receiving a written decision on the proposed discipline. E. In cases where the appropriate penalty is removal, alternative discipline may not be used. However, a proposed removal that is mitigated at the decision stage may be a candidate for alternative discipline.
Alternative Discipline. The Parties recognize that Alternative Discipline may be an effective tool to correct or improve employee behavior. The use of alternative discipline is at the discretion of management and the decision to use or not use alternative discipline may not be grieved. Information on and examples of alternative discipline can be found at and One example of alternative discipline is a last chance agreement (LCA). Management has the discretion to offer or rescind an offer of a last chance agreement. At the request of the employee, the union will be given an opportunity to review last chance agreements prior to the employee signing the agreement. If a last chance agreement affects conditions of employment for bargaining unit employees other than the affected employee, the language of a proposed LCA that affects conditions of employment for bargaining unit employees will be provided to the Local President or designee prior to effecting the LCA. Such changes may be subject to bargaining in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.
Alternative Discipline a. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 751, Subchapter 4, of the Depart- ment Personnel Manual, the Forest Service encourages the use of alternative dis- cipline whenever appropriate. Alternative discipline provides an opportunity to better manage caseloads, reduce administrative costs, and rehabilitate employees for productive Government service. b. Alternative discipline agreements will promote the efficiency of the service and may contain nontraditional penalties such as community service, donation of annual leave to the leave transfer program, use of leave-without-pay instead of suspensions, or combinations of these or other agreed-to alternatives. c. The option to enter into an alternative discipline agreement is voluntary on the part of the employee. When offered an alternative discipline agreement, the em- ployee will be informed in writing that they may discuss the alternative discipline agreement with a Union representative before signing. d. In cases where the appropriate penalty is removal, alternative discipline may not be used. However, a proposed removal that is mitigated at the decision stage may be a candidate for alternative discipline.
Alternative Discipline. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, alternative forms of corrective actions other than discipline such as but not limited to additional training, extra duty, and/or loss of earned time may be utilized in lieu of the above formal disciplinary steps.
Alternative Discipline. The Parties recognize that traditional discipline may not be indicated in all cases. In many situations alternative discipline techniques may provide a more constructive approach to positively influencing future behavior. In these cases the local Parties are encouraged to consider using such techniques. Alternative discipline is a means to replace traditional disciplinary and adverse actions with non-traditional penalties such as community service, donation of annual leave to the leave transfer program, use of leave without pay instead of suspensions, or combinations of these or other agreed-to alternatives. The option to enter into an alternative discipline agreement is voluntary on the part of the employee. All alternative discipline agreements will include a clause informing the employees that they may discuss the agreement with a Union representative before signing.
Alternative Discipline. A. Whenever the Agency offers an employee the opportunity to enter into an al- ternative disciplinary agreement (including last chance agreements), the employee has the right to consult with and have a Union or other representative present at any meeting or discussion with an Agency representative concerning the proposed agreement. B. The employee’s entry into and participation in such talks will be made on a voluntary basis. An employee who has agreed to enter into such talks shall be given a reasonable amount of time to: (1) review all material relevant to the
Alternative Discipline a. The Parties agree that alternative discipline, under the right circumstances, may be an efficient and effective approach in lieu of or in addition to traditional discipline. The Parties may consider and/or propose an alternative form of discipline at any stage during the disciplinary process. If Management decides to propose alternative discipline, a proposal will include at least these provisions: 1. The specific from of the alternative discipline; 2. The date by which it is to be completed; 3. The charged misconduct and the proposed formal discipline or adverse action; 4. Action to be taken if the employee does not comply; 5. Recognition by the Parties that the alternative discipline may be referenced in any subsequent disciplinary action; and 6. A voluntary waiver of any appeal rights the employee may have regarding the matter. b. Examples of alternative discipline Management may consider include, but are not limited to: 1. A leave donation by the employee through the Agency’s leave donation program equal to the amount of time that would have been spent on suspension; 2. Attendance by the employee at an appropriate counseling program approved by the Agency Employee Assistance Program; 3. A “paper suspension,” whereby the employee does not serve a suspension or lose pay, but the suspension may be relied on in future disciplinary actions for purposes of progressive discipline.
Alternative Discipline. In all cases of proposed written disciplinary action 24 the UNION, the EMPLOYER, or the employee may request to use alternative discipline 25 rather than traditional administrative action. The decision to use alternative discipline 26 must be mutual. Information on alternative discipline can be found in the Shipyard’s 27 Alternative Discipline Policy. Additional information on alternative discipline is available 28 through HRO, and on the Internet at xxxx:// 29 30 1804. APPEAL OF ADVERSE ACTION. Adverse action is defined as a suspension of 31 more than fourteen days, a demotion or a removal. The employee may elect to appeal or 32 grieve adverse actions either to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) (appeal) or 33 through the Negotiated Grievance Procedure, but not both. Once the employee has 34 elected to file a written grievance or appeal, the election is considered final and the 35 employee may not change his/her mind. 36 37 CHAPTER 9 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 38 39 Article 19 - PROBLEM RESOLUTION AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 40
Alternative Discipline. A. The Employer and the Employee (the Parties) agree that alternative discipline may, under the right circumstances, be an efficient and effective approach in lieu of or in addition to traditional discipline. The Parties may consider and/or propose an alternative form of discipline at any stage during the disciplinary process. If the Employer and the Employee and/or his/her representative come to an agreement on an alternative form of discipline, the terms of the alternative discipline shall be set forth in a signed resolution/settlement agreement. The agreement may include, but is not limited to: 1. The specific form of the alternative discipline;‌ 2. The date by which it is to be completed;‌ 3. The charged misconduct and the proposed traditional discipline;‌ 4. Recognition by the Parties that the alternative discipline may be referenced in any subsequent disciplinary action; and‌ 5. A voluntary waiver of any appeal rights the Employee may have regarding the matter.‌ B. The following is a non-exhaustive list of types of alternative discipline the Parties may consider: 1. A leave donation by the Employee through the Employer’s leave donation program equal to the amount of time that would have been spent on suspension;‌ 2. Attendance by the Employee at an appropriate counseling program approved by the Employer’s Employee Assistance Program;‌ 3. Placing the Employee on Leave Without Pay in lieu of a formal disciplinary action;‌ 4. A “paper suspension” whereby the Employee does not serve a suspension or lose pay, but the suspension may be relied on in future disciplinary actions for purposes of progressive discipline.‌ 5. A Last Chance Agreement, in which the Employer agrees to hold an adverse action decision in abeyance in exchange for an Employee’s:‌ a. Commitment to abide by a certain set of behaviors or conditions for a set period of time as determined by the Employer;‌ b. Waiver of his/her rights to challenge the decision; and‌ c. Agreement that if the Employee fails to fulfill the terms of the agreement, the decision shall be implemented.‌ C. Nothing in this section shall require the Employer to use alternative discipline in lieu of formal disciplinary action. The failure of the parties to reach agreement regarding the use of alternative discipline is not a bargaining impasse that could be funneled to FMCS/FSIP for resolution.
Alternative Discipline. Parenting Training services shall use a parenting modality with a set curriculum and differs from IHOC visits where parenting issues may be addressed as it comes up in the home. At minimum, staff providing parenting training services/fatherhood program, shall be a credentialed instructor. Staff shall have proof of training in the modality being used by the parenting & fatherhood instructor or agency. CONTRACTOR shall provide a certificate to the participant upon successful completion of the program.